Enoughness With Lisa Wang

2. Turn Rejection into Strength with Roomi CEO Ajay Yadav



Problems aren’t uncommon, especially in today’s community of young adults. Student debt stacks up, housing expenses rise, and once seemingly simple milestones get pushed further and further into the average adult’s life. But people aren’t letting that stop them from reaching their goals. In fact, it is the exact situation that pushed today’s guest toward his goal. Ajay Yadav figured that if having roommates in your adult life is a reality, then there should be nothing stopping us from having good roommates. Thus, Ajay combined what he knew best, building websites, with what he once feared, people, to create Roomi. Roomi is an app designed to help everyone feel a little more at home by connecting people with common interests, goals, and mindsets. Ajay has made sure the process is safe and secure, allowing people the potential to build more comfortable lives without worrying about adding more problems to the equation. Can you imagine if we were all inspired by the problems just out of our reach? Some Qu