Best Job Ever

Episode 13 - Lex Halaby



Lex Halaby has been directing commercials and music videos day and night ever since he quit his day job over 10 years ago and going "all in".  The field Lex operates in is a hyper competetive arena in which you see a steady flow of flavor of the month talent come and go.  That said there are a few Directors who manage to stay hip, fresh and relevant and stick around for life.  Lex is one of those that are here to stay.  His body of work (with such acts as Death Cab For Cutie, Islands and Man Man) is unique and diverse.  He's got a very distinct voice while always evolving his styles and avoiding repetition.  As if that weren't enough he's also a pioneer within the cutting edge of fields of Virtual Reality (ex Oculus Rift) and 3D filmmaking.  The guy makes builds his own camera systems for God's Sake.  Ridiculous. Just Listen.