The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Is "Living Your Best Life" A Scam? - MTP256



We're told we ought to get off the couch and 'live our best life'. Yet, especially after a year of what we've all been through, the rampant cries of 'YOLO' only seem to lead to ever-increasing FOMO. My co-host Tommy Breedlove is the author of the book Legendary, and he returns for an off-the-cuff discussion of what it really means to live life to the fullest. I mean, do we really need to be rich, famous and/or hyper-macho and fill our lives non-stop with crazy--or even dangerous--adventures? That seems utterly exhausting at best, if not terrifying at worst. What's more, it seems like a whole lot of pressure...especially considering all the 'highlight reels' we see on Facebook and Instagram. So then, what are the secrets to living OUR best life...rather than someone else's? I mean, is it ambitious enough to simply contribute our one eight-billionth part as a member of the human race? How much of our life can reasonably spent celebrating the mundane? Is the 'American Dream' really what we want? Is happiness its