Are You Being Present?

Episode 62 - Exhibiting Courage in the Present Moment



The Presence Projects presents episode 62 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for a topical, relevant and motivational presentation that dives deep into courage and the importance of exhibiting it during these unprecedented and unique times on Earth. The title and topic of this episode is "Exhibiting Courage in the Present Moment" and was selected because of the challenge humanity is currently faced with.  Being Present and courageous in the face of adversity will allow for an easier shift and transition while helping to reduce self-inflicted suffering. In this episode Paul explains the importance of being Present during this pandemic and the need for courage during these uncertain times.  Using Presence Tools, having a fluid Mindfulness Practice and observing the voice in your head will be vital to maintaining a stable and grounded state of being.  As always, it is advisable to listen to earlier podcasts that discuss other Presence topics and Presence Tools that can be imp