Fire On Your Head

How Should We Respond to World Vision? | Interview with Zack Hunt



This week we are privileged to have on the podcast Zack Hunt, author of the popular blog, The American Jesus. We discuss the origins and inspiration of The American Jesus, and how a blogger can walk the fine line of being poignant and being humorous. We also discuss the polarization that faith-based movies are causing in the Christian subculture and what should our reaction be to it. Then in the final half of the show we discuss the mess surrounding what has happened with World Vision and its stance on same-sex marriage and reversing course after having 10,000 child sponsorships dropped when Christians cancelled their sponsorships after hearing of this news. It's a sticky situation, with no clear winners but Zack shares his insights after having participated in a conference call with the president of World Vision. We encourage you to listen to this discussion today which hopefully can be a bridge and not pour more gasoline on the fire. Visit Zack's blog at