Fire On Your Head

What Is Spiritual Fathering? | Discussion with Dr. Stephen R. Crosby



This week we're privileged to have back Dr Stephen Crosby on the show to talk some more about subjects he's passionate about. This week: spiritual fathering.  What is a father/son relationship in the Bible?  Is your pastor your spiritual father?  Is a pastor or apostolic leader in the Body of Christ a father to those who attend his or her church simply by virtue of their title or accomplishments for the kingdom of God? What does mentoring and discipling look like in father son relationships, at least from a New Testament perspective?  You probably already know the answer to that one without having to listen to the show, but, we still had a great time talking about these things and think you'll enjoy it.  Join us as we try hammering some of these things out! Visit Dr Crosby's site at Father to the Fatherless by S.J. Hill If you’d like to subscribe to the Fire On Your Head Podcast, visit our directory in iTunes, or visit for more subscription options.