Kurt Vonneguys

Welcome to the Monkey House



Super Short Story Plot Time! (06:15) Recurring Characters Update! (01:54:30) Kurt Cameo! (01:55:55) VonneWHAAAT! (01:57:00) Kurt Blurt! (02:05:30) Vonnegrades! (02:11:00) Related Reading! (02:12:45) Vonnegut News! (02:21:00) Related Reading: Book: Marc Leeds: The Vonnegut Encyclopedia: https://goo.gl/tu8S4W Book: Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man: https://goo.gl/ihH8r9 Book: George Saunders: CivilWarLand in Bad Decline: https://goo.gl/01l2O8 Book: Charles Yu: Sorry Please Thank You: https://goo.gl/JJ9AAG Book: Eric Puchner: Music Through the Floor: https://goo.gl/S5YgOY Short Story: Harlan Ellison: "The End of the Time of Leinard" (in Dream Corridor): https://goo.gl/QZWi1H Short Story: Harlan Ellison: "How's the Night Life on Cissalda?" (in Shatterday): https://goo.gl/b1koGV Short Story: Michael Swaim: "Cost of Living": https://goo.gl/LLivV0