Marriage University With Tina Haisman

There Must Be More to Life Than This



So often I hear from women that they aren’t happy. They aren’t fulfilled. They feel like something is missing is missing in life. And they literally wonder if there is more to life than this bump and grind of every day. Have you ever felt that way? Exhausted. Depleted. Maybe even bored – not that you’re not busy – but you’re just not really living and having fun. Have you spent years trying to feel better by reading self-help books, or taking classes … or even going to counseling? If so, you’re not alone. So many of us moms find ourselves here at some point. The problem is that we are focusing on solving the problem the wrong way. We are searching outside of ourselves to try to fill the void. We will never fill this gap from the outside. It has to be filled from the inside. And I’d like to show you how to start doing that in this episode of the podcast. If you need more inspiration for self-care in motherhood, you can download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! It’s a Guide to help you take