Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

The Visionary Woman | S01 Episode 06



Visionary women experience similar challenges. A visionary woman isn't just a visionary in her business, she's a visionary in her life. She often feels unseen, unheard, isolated and empty because visionaries are the people that others go to for help, support, and love. So where does the visionary woman go to work out her worry? If you're a woman with a big dream on her heart and you know that there's so much more you want to do, but you feel frustrated and don't know how to manifest it all – you’re in the right place. Let’s talk about it. What you'll learn from this episode: 1. What is a visionary woman? The day to day fussy stuff that keeps us small. Peter Senge – do we change our reality to achieve the vision, or do we lower that vision to accommodate a comfortable reality? Kris’s latest Hawaii retreat attendees. Stop wasting time around whether or not you should do it. Instead, focus on actually doing it! Please click the like button above and leave a review if your favorite podcast app has that ability.