The Mentee Podcast

S5E11: The One Shocking Mistake That Is Killing Your Dreams



Who are the people surrounding you? You need the right people around you to grow. Your dreams are your future, and letting the wrong people in is the easiest way to sabotage your life. These wrong people are the ones who don't support you, leading you away from success. They might even think they're helping you, but the truth is, they're pulling you down. How do you deal with that, cultivate an abundance mindset, and move towards your dream life? This is an episode with a message that will never get outdated. Jeff talks about the one mistake killing your dream and what you can do to stop it from sabotaging your life. As a special gift, Dominic D’Amico joins him to share how taking action is easier than you think. Be brave, eyes up! Maintain an abundance mindset, and you can do anything. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Identify the toxic people in your life Coach or cut off toxic people Get ready to have difficult conversations Don’t expect people to change overnight Go out and take ac