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Spoonful of Sugar: Roam Vintage Founder Natasha Zoë Garrett on Finding the Good Within the Challenging, Non-Attachment, Modeling, Mental Health and More (Part 1 of 2)



Genuine, wise, thoughtful and truly one of the most effortlessly stylish people I’ve ever met, Natasha Zoë Garrett (founder of Roam Vintage) is one of a kind, just like the vintage gems she discovers. As you’ll hear in this two-part episode, she’s incredibly honest, open and vulnerable about her challenges and wins in everything from her career to her mental health. She begins by sharing how she’s feeling now—embodied—which is particularly positive in the context of her history with eating disorders, panic attacks, anxiety and depression, as well as her winding path to sobriety. Natasha lights up a room with her curiosity, kindness and softness. She is beautiful in all ways and I’m happy to call her a friend. We could talk forever so we’re splitting up this conversation into two parts. In this half, we cover how her family and upbringing informed her, her modeling career, finding the good in the difficult, and non-attachment. Next week, you'll hear more about the origin of Roam, inclusivity and the importance