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Why Do We Love Talking About Love? Nikki Novo on Intuition in Dating, Decisions, and Moving



This week I spoke to Cuban-American author Nikki Novo. We've known each other for years and she's been on the podcast before in one of our early episodes. Her many certifications and qualifications include certified hypnotherapist, Reiki healer, ThetaHealing practitioner, and many more. In this episode, we talk about Nikki's recent move from Miami to Asheville and what moving taught her about her identity. We get into intuition and how to use it in decision making, and how improving one area of life can fix other areas too. We explore why we all love talking about dating, love, and sex, and she brings her unique perspective on dating. Nikki recently had me on her own podcast, Soul Led, so if you want more where this came from, check out that episode here. Show notes:- Nikki is offering our listeners 10% off her Soul Seeker course - promo code LETITOUT- Find Nikki on the Web | Instagram | Podcast (my episode here)- Our Breakup Kits are 22% off this month with offer code: valentine- There are a couple of spots