The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The New Buzzword Is "Resilience" - MTP313



Co-Host Kim Ades ( What is 'resilience', anyway? That word has been coming up more than ever before lately. Well, it's a bit of a specialty for Toronto's own Kim Ades, head of Frame of Mind Coaching and my guest for this episode. What have the last two pandemic years taught us about being resilient? Why do certain people thrive even after immense personal trauma or tragedy, while others wilt even in the face of relatively lightweight challenges? What is the difference between these victims versus the victors? What's up with the new apparent push in society to embrace victimhood, if not flat-out celebrate it? Is that really helping anyone? Are people who troll political Twitter looking for fights MORE resilient than the rest of us...or is that an illusion? Next, stay tuned for the unfortunate buzzword that when used almost always indicates profound lack of resilience. Do 'first world problems' rob us of our resilience? What keeps talented and driven individuals from r