The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Bring Out The Best In Her - MTP314



Co-Host Cole Rodgers ( So many of us as men complain about our WAGs, and guess what? Our women end up remaining exactly like what they keep complaining about. What if it's possible WE have something to do with that? My guest Cole Rodgers the the author of School Of Man: The Man's Guide To Living, Loving and Legacy, and he's all about men and women being better together than apart. After all, isn't that how it should be? We kick the show off by acknowledging two keys to happiness in this life. Without them, the rest of this conversation is all for naught. Next, what are the exact ways post-modernity has allegedly made our lives 'better', but at the devastating cost of really feeling ALIVE...especially in relationships with the women we love? The first step to really maximizing partnership with a great woman should be obvious to us as men, but unfortunately it often isn't. Cole reveals it. What is the undeniable link between today's 'convenience culture' and realization of th