Trinity Evangelical Cc's Podcast



We have been a friendly community church on the 67th Street Hill in Rutherford, PA, for over 100 years. Offering both traditional and contemporary worship. Listen to our Sunday sermons from Pastor Keith Blank and Ryan Martin.Our Vision Statement: We purpose to make disciples of Christ by *providing a climate in which personal spiritual growth and worship occur, *by encouraging Christians to consecrate themselves to God's purpose in their lives, *by equipping believers for effective ministry to reach the Rutherford area and beyond, and* by attracting and leading the unsaved to Jesus.


  • Are you with the "IN CROWD"?

    21/04/2024 Duración: 27min

    Trinity Evangelical has been given the same assurances of blessings and protection by our Good Shepherd, described in this passage. Therefore, we can enjoy the thrill together of stepping out in faith and stewardship as God’s church, and we can reach out to the people this community. There are people we don’t know, maybe people who are not like us, people of new cultures, but in Christ we can do it. With our Good Shepherd leading us, we can and will do thrilling things, because that’s the exciting life that Jesus’ little lambs are called to!

  • Let All God’s Children Say Amen!

    14/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    Anyone who comes to God in repentance and faith is accepted by Him and will become part of His kingdom. This is the underlying message of the Book of Revelation. God called John to write this book for it to be a wall of encouragement & strength to the church in difficult times. And it can be an encouragement & strength for us today if we’ll read it, & just see what God has to say.

  • Start Spreading the News

    07/04/2024 Duración: 27min

    Jesus enabled Israel to change its heart and life, and he will do the same for us. There is a big difference between just calling yourself a Christian and really being a disciple for Christ. What’s the difference? The difference is found in living a committed, sold-out life for Christ and discovering that it requires one scary four-letter word: risk! You see, the way of Christ is the way of risk. To be a Christian is to risk. Lots of people don’t like that word!

  • He is Alive!

    31/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Belief in the whole of the resurrection is a vital key to the Christian’s existence. In short, everything the prophets predicted, everything Jesus taught, and everything the apostles would write for our understanding – all that the Bible says about the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, this must be believed and lived out before a watching world.

  • Why Did Jesus Cry?

    24/03/2024 Duración: 33min

    Today, just like the city of Jerusalem, we find ourselves in the presence of Jesus. I wonder what He finds when He looks into our faces. Does He see people who are so busy doing things here and there that they never bother to consider those things that are eternally important? Does he see people who recognize Him for who He is - the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God, or does He see something else?

  • The Word is Transformation

    17/03/2024 Duración: 35min

    Christians are always to be in the process of a change - a transformation. It’s a part of our nature. Just like a human can’t help but grow old, the Christian also can’t help but change. He has to. But it’s not something that we try to stop or hide, no, this change is a good thing - it makes us beautiful. Unlike the transfiguration of Christ and more like the caterpillar, it is more subtle, more difficult to see. What kind of a change is it? How does it come about, and are you including it in your prayer requests?

  • Remember the Test Pattern? (2024)

    10/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    We are called to live our lives as children of the light, the way Christ did. The light He planted inside of us will produce fruit that will please the Father. Do you hold everything that you do up to the light to make sure it will be pleasing to Him, or do you just give of yourself what is pleasing or convenient to you?

  • Being Committed

    03/03/2024 Duración: 33min

    It is perhaps the Christian’s greatest fear. What is it?... personal evangelism, sharing one’s faith with another person. After all, I may not know what to say. They might ask me a question I cannot answer. I might fail. I am not gifted in evangelism. That’s the pastor’s job, isn’t it? I am afraid

  • Real Change

    25/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    It’s interesting, that so often, when different folks try to interpret the “Real Jesus”, the “Real Jesus” quite often comes off looking a lot like them! But for us to limit the Real Jesus to the finite, sinful, prejudiced typecast of me or you or anyone else, is to do great abuse to the image of the One True God. Paul tells us that we are “to be conformed to the likeness of” Jesus Christ…it’s not the other way around. So, how in the world do we go about doing that?

  • Model Neighbors Reflect Christ

    18/02/2024 Duración: 32min

    God’s Word teaches that a neighbor is more than the person who lives next door to us. The model neighbor that the children of God are to be is that of one who is kind, honest and loving. It is this reflection of the character of Christ that will make an impact and cause the light of Christ to shine bright.