Are You Being Present?



Stuck in the Past? Concerns For the Future? Youre Wasting More Energy Than You Realize. Learn How to LIVE in the PRESENT. You have a choice. Choose to be present!


  • Episode 99 - “If, That, Then” Is a Game of the Ego

    14/05/2023 Duración: 14min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 99 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on a game/program the ego plays in a variety of different scenarios that creates a significant amount self-inflicted suffering. The title and topic of this episode is “If, That, Then Is a Game of the Ego".  In this podcast Paul shares his personal, and clinical, experiences where he has observed, identified and exposed an ego program that is woven deeply within the constructs of the matrix being proliferated by societal conditioning that prevents Presence.  This ego program acts as a Presence obstruction as it's used to eject you from the Present moment by creating conditions that need to be met so you can get to a future moment that will be better, or easier, than the one you're existing within.  It is imperative that this ego game be observed, addressed and removed with the use of Presence Tools.  Until this is accomplished the ego will use it repeatedly causing strife, angst, frus

  • Episode 98 - Obligation Is a Tool of the Ego

    08/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 98 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses obligation, what it is, how it’s used, the effect it has on the Present Moment and how we can reframe it.  The title and topic of this episode is “Obligation Is a Tool of the Ego".  In this podcast Paul dives into a subject that has created a lot of self-inflicted suffering at the hands of the ego.  Everyone on Earth goes through life with a certain number of obligations which is why this podcast is so relevant and relatable. Being obligated to do something usually entails having to complete a task, action or responsibility that we do not want to do but must do.  When we feel forced to do something the ego thrives and establishes a state of resistance and resentment, both are tremendous Presence obstructions.  By being Present and remaining the observer of our thoughts, feelings and emotions there is an opportunity to shift into a more neutral state of being by simply accepting the

  • Episode 97 - Ok This Is Happening, What Do I Want to Do About It in This Present Moment?

    25/04/2023 Duración: 15min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 97 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that introduces a statement, an affirmation and a powerful Presence Tool that can help to alleviate resistance, resentment, frustration and self-inflicted suffering. The title and topic of this episode is “Ok This Is Happening, What Do I Want to Do About It in This Present Moment?".  In this podcast Paul discusses the need to greet each Present Moment with acceptance, open arms, clarity and neutrality.  He shares with the audience a statement/greeting that can transcend negative ego thought streams into a state of acceptance for what is taking place in the here and now.   As we navigate life on Earth we encounter, and at times react to, undesirable situations containing people, places and things that cause resistance and resentment.  These behaviors are Presence obstructions that create negative states of being allowing for self-inflicted suffering at the hands of the ego.  By creating a Presence

  • Episode 96 - Stop Comparing Yourself, Be Present!

    19/04/2023 Duración: 13min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 96 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast on comparison, how it is a major Presence obstruction and tool of the ego that has been used to create an immense amount of self-inflicted suffering. The title and topic of this episode is “Stop Comparing Yourself, Be Present!".  In this podcast Paul focuses on what comparison in, how it’s been used as a negative motivator, the effect it has on the Present moment and the need to observe it with objectivity as your ego (or other people’s egos) use it against you. Early in life we are indoctrinated with societal programming that is very negative and uses control mechanisms like comparison to manipulate and motivate for a variety of nefarious reasons.  In this reality no two people/places/things are equal, nor should they be.  The ego (that loud voice in your head) wants you to believe the opposite, the truth is that everything and everyone is unique in their own special way.  Knowing this Universal

  • Episode 95 - Being the Cycle Breaker in the Present Moment

    17/04/2023 Duración: 13min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 95 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that introduces the title "Cycle Breaker", what it means, how to achieve it and the value of such an important (and potentially life changing) accomplishment. The title and topic of this episode is “Being the Cycle Breaker in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul shares his Present moments discussing a title that he has achieved and discusses with the people he works with.  Cycles are prevalent throughout life in the third dimension, many of which incur/create a significant amount of trauma for those on the receiving end being passed down through family, friends and significant others.  These cycles are perpetuated, either consciously or unconsciously, through a lineage that requires an individual with courage, bravery and the necessary fortitude to break it in the Present moment.  While this achievement commands a significant amount of endurance, energy and dedication it is truly a worthy a

  • Episode 94 - Identifying Patterns With Presence

    13/04/2023 Duración: 11min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 94 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that explores patterns and how Presence allows us to identify, understand and shift our conscious and unconscious behavior(s) in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Identifying Patterns With Presence".  In this podcast Paul shares his Present seconds discussing the need to identify patterns that exist within our reality.  He illuminates the importance of examining behavioral patterns with Presence to see the effect(s) they have and why they are repeated. Many people are taught patterns during childhood that become deeply ingrained creating neural pathways.  Once these patterns are repeated long enough, they become routine and are done without thought or intention.  Many times, these behavioral patterns create loops where people get stuck doing the same things repeatedly and at times expecting different results.  This creates fertile ground for the ego, also known as the lo

  • Episode 93 - You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed to Be in This Present Moment

    09/04/2023 Duración: 11min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 93 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on "destination addiction" and how it obstructs our ability to fully accept all that is available, and possible, in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed to Be in This Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul provides a helpful statement that provides reassurance to his listeners who may be experiencing some Presence challenges.  By fully accepting where you are, and who you are, it becomes possible to achieve clarity and live a more peaceful existence in the Present moment. “Destination addiction” is a common behavior that has created a lot of self-inflicted suffering throughout Western society.  It is the idea/premise that somewhere else, something else, or someone else is far better than what is unfolding in your life at that Present moment.  This is a tool of the ego that creates a significant obstruction to being Present

  • Episode 92 - Understanding the Difference Between Intention vs Expectation in the Present Moment

    02/04/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 92 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on the vast differences between intention and expectation in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Understanding the Difference Between Intention vs Expectation in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul examines the stark contrast and effects that expectation and intention have on a person's mind, body and spirit.  Living a life filled with expectation causes excessive amounts of suffering, primarily self-inflicted, that allows the ego to evoke negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Societal conditioning has programmed us to create lives filled with expectation, and when those expectations are not met a slew of negativity is experienced.  Learning the effects of expectation, observing our egoic behaviors and then addressing them in the Present moment allows for more neutrality, peace and prosperity.  In opposition, living with intention is a far easier wa

  • Episode 91 - Understanding Uncertainty With Presence

    30/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 91 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that explores uncertainty and how it can be better understood and experienced in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Understanding Uncertainty With Presence".  In this podcast Paul speaks about uncertainty and the negative connotation typically associated with it.  Currently, we are faced with a variety of uncertainties which cause a tremendous amount of self-inflicted suffering preventing Presence.  Most people are raised with a fear of the unknown and are dominated by an ego that projects negative future potential outcomes.  Because of this, living in states of uncertainty can be extremely challenging, unnerving and chaotic for most of the population.  Being programmed to prepare for the worst is a common behavior that relates to a lack of certainty that causes panic, anxiety and stress.  During this podcast Paul spends time focusing on what uncertainty is, how to shift

  • Episode 90 - “I’m Ok” - A Powerful Presence Affirmation

    29/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 90 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that introduces an extremely profound Presence affirmation that can, and should, be added to your Presence toolbox and used all throughout the day as challenges arise. The title and topic of this episode is “I’m Ok” - A Powerful Presence Affirmation".  In this podcast Paul discusses one of his primary Presence affirmations that he shares, and uses, to help shift into the Present moment.  Saying "I'm OK" (in repetition) out loud or in your head is a wonderful affirmation that can create a gap between the ceaseless and senseless ego chatter that focuses on the past and future.  This affirmation has the potential to break that stream of negative thought when used with intention and focus allowing for clarity, peace and Presence. In previous podcasts Paul addressed the ego, which is the loud voice inside your head.  He wanted to provide an effective tool that can be used to quiet the ego which can do

  • Episode 89 - A Clean Conscience Is a Gift Earned With Presence

    26/03/2023 Duración: 14min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 89 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that explores what a clean conscience is, the process of clearing and cleaning your conscience, and the effect it can have on your Present moments. The title and topic of this episode is “A Clean Conscience Is a Gift Earned With Presence".  In this podcast Paul spends his Present seconds discussing the concerted, and worthwhile, efforts needed to clean and clear your conscience.  The use of Presence tools, living with honor and virtue and doing your best in every Present moment is the effort and dedication needed to earn this wonderful, invaluable gift.  Seeking revenge, harboring resentment and having ill will creates a negative state of being that allows the ego to dominate and pollute the conscience.  This becomes quite evident when waking up in the middle of the night ruminating about behaviors/decisions that were made or worrying about potential negative outcomes.  When a person has done the

  • Episode 88 - All Is Well and All Is Unfolding as It Should in the Present Moment

    25/03/2023 Duración: 09min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 88 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that is focused on an affirmation that can help to provide relief, peace and Presence to those enduring adversity and challenges here on Earth. The title and topic of this episode is “All Is Well and All Is Unfolding as It Should in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul explores a statement, and Presence affirmation, that he has used personally and shared with many people he has worked with.  This statement is a powerful reminder that everything is ok, even if your mind is trying to make you believe the opposite.  By releasing resistance, we can accept what is being presented to us and flow through it with grace and ease instead of frustration and stress. In a previous podcast Paul focused on eventualities, this information is relevant to the belief that all is unfolding as it should.  There are times we want to believe that we know better and that things should be happening differently.  If

  • Episode 87 - Stop Listening to That Loud Voice in Your Head With Presence

    23/03/2023 Duración: 16min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 87 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on the loud voice in your head that has created an incredible amount of anxiety, stress, depression and (self-inflicted) suffering.  The title and topic of this episode is “Stop Listening to That Loud Voice in Your Head With Presence".  In this podcast Paul allocates his Present seconds addressing an issue that is one of the greatest challenges to Presence and peace in the Present moment.   Every single person living on Earth has an ego and this ego typically has a very loud voice that creates an incredible amount of emotion turmoil all throughout a person's life.  There's a lot of variability when it comes to the ego as each one is unique based on the individual, their experiences, circumstances and life path.  When we are young the ego completely dominates and controls the child as there usually isn't any guidance as to what this loud voice and how to handle it.  Without this knowl

  • Episode 86 - Everything Is a Choice in the Present Moment

    22/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 86 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that illuminates the fact that everyone has a choice in how they perceive their reality no matter the obligation, situation or challenge. The title and topic of this episode is “Everything Is a Choice in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul dives into choice, perception and how it pertains to Presence.  While it is true that there are many things required of us, it is how we see and interact with the people, places and things in our reality that either enhances or challenges our state of being in the Present moment. With the proper understanding of choice regarding Presence, we can maintain a flow state regardless of what is being presented to us.  From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed we are faced with a variety of choices, some more challenging than others.  If you can use your Presence tools, you will be able to maintain a state of clarity and observation of the ego seein

  • Episode 85 - Experiencing Social Anxiety in the Present Moment

    19/03/2023 Duración: 14min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 85 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on a significant challenge many people face in social situations.   The title and topic of this episode is “Experiencing Social Anxiety in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul explores a topic that has, and continues to, affected many people all throughout society. Social anxiety, like most forms of anxiety, revolve around an overly triggered nervous system fueled by a negative imagination creating an internal state of chaos leading to an unfounded perception of a lack of safety and security in social situations.  Many times, people allow their egos to create stories/projections about what others think about them when the truth is often quite contrary. Being Present, and using Presence Tools, is helpful for those people who experience social anxiety as it allows for clarity as to why this is happening and what steps can be taken to shift this state of being.  In the Present mom

  • Episode 84 - What Does Being Present Feel Like? - Part 2

    19/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 84 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a very common question about what Presence feels like. The title and topic of this episode is “What Does Being Present Feel Like? - Part 2".  In this podcast Paul spends time going deeper into a question that many people are curious about when exploring Presence and mindfulness.  In a previous podcast he introduced this question and provided insight into what being Present could feel like.  He felt it was important to create an additional podcast on this topic to illuminate why people want to know what being Present feels like. The feeling(s) of Presence is very subjective based on the individual, their experiences and life challenges.  Paul wanted to raise awareness as to why people seek the feeling of Presence in relation, or regard, to what they are currently enduring.  Seeking Presence to escape an undesirable feeling state, or space, can create additional self-inflicted suffer

  • Episode 83 - Disappointment Is a Tool of the Ego That Prevents Presence

    16/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 83 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a word, tool, expression and feeling that has been used pervasively throughout society as a negative motivator and control mechanism severely impacting an individual’s ability to be Present. The title and topic of this episode is “Disappointment Is a Tool of the Ego That Prevents Presence".  In this podcast Paul focuses on how the ego, your ego and other people's egos, use disappointment as a negative motivator that manipulates and elicits a reaction from a negative state of being.  Many children are parented to not want to disappoint, or become disappointments, to their authority figures.  This type of control mechanism leaves a very negative imprint allowing for an ego to be developed that uses disappointment as a tool creating an internal state of fear, guilt and shame.  Disappointment has been used in many different forms to coerce, control and conform.  This ego tool has a det

  • Episode 82 - Forgiveness Is a Gift You Give Yourself in the Present Moment

    15/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 82 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses forgiveness, the challenges it creates, the way it's been presented and how it can be reframed with Presence. The title and topic of this episode is “Forgiveness Is a Gift You Give Yourself in the Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul speaks about forgiveness and how it can be, and needs to be, perceived as a precious gift that you give to yourself.  This gift can release the past, not by forgiving those who have caused you pain.  But by allowing you to forgive yourself for holding onto the pain that your ego had used against you to keep you in a perpetual state of suffering.  Forgiveness has been presented as a tool that can help heal past trauma, but often the act of forgiving those who have hurt us will inadvertently retraumatize us and cause more pain and suffering.  These actions have the potential to keep us in a loop allowing the ego to take us out of the Present moment and

  • Episode 81 - How Can I Stop Thinking So Much in the Present Moment?

    12/03/2023 Duración: 19min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 81 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that addresses a question that he's been asked many times and has also explored throughout his own personal journey of Presence and mindfulness. The title and topic of this episode is “How Can I Stop Thinking So Much in the Present Moment?".  In this podcast Paul discusses "thought addiction", a behavior that is pervasive and consuming establishing an ego dominated reality filled with self-inflicted suffering.  Many people want to know how to stop thinking so much but have no idea how to do so.  Living with an overabundance of thought has become a normal state of being in the third dimension that makes Presence extremely challenging with each Present moment filled with thoughts of the past or worries of the future. While there is no simple answer due to the sheer subjectivity of life, Paul provides some helpful suggestions how you can slow your thoughts down.  He also takes some time to talk abou

  • Episode 80 - Presence Requires Discipline

    11/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Presence Projects presents episode 80 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on discipline, how it can be reframed and the need for it when establishing, maintaining and thriving in the Present Moment. The title and topic of this episode is “Presence Requires Discipline".  In this podcast Paul brings attention towards the importance of discipline and how it could be seen as a negative motivator without the use of reframing. For a Presence Practice to be effective it requires discipline, consistency and focus.  The challenge is that many people have been raised with negative forms of discipline used as a control mechanism either by parental figures, family members, teachers or societal programming.  This can lead an individual to live a life that is unframed, untamed and chaotic led by the ego, emotion and unhealed trauma.  Paul explains how we can reframe the concept of discipline so it carries a neutral energy that will allow for a strong foundation to be bu

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