Ewe University



Fiber for the Brain


  • Episode 42: The Science of Christmas


    It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to record, so I’m happy to be back with Episode 42.  This episode features some interesting research on various aspects of Christmas, including a newly-published MRI study of Christmas Spirit.  Before we get to the classroom, though, I announce our November prize winners, report on some […]

  • Episode 41: Why do we worry?


    In Episode 41 I make some announcements, catch you up with what I’ve been doing, introduce you to a couple of new podcasts I’ve been enjoying, review two fantastic books I’ve recently finished, and talk about my knitting.  In the classroom I cover a lot of research that’s all about why people worry and what […]

  • Episode 40: The Science Behind Tidying


    I’m back with Episode 40 after a needed break.  This episode is chock full of prize drawings, information about two sheep breeds, a book review, and knitting projects I’ve been working on.  In the classroom you’ll learn about the psychological and physical benefits of cleaning and organizing your space. Welcome  to both new and returning […]

  • Episode 39: Effects of Color on Behavior, Emotions, and the Brain


    Episode 39 covers a lot of research on the physical, emotional, and behavioral impacts of exposure to different colors.  Before going into the classroom, though, I talk about some upcoming events, announce some prize winners, and recap my recent visit to Nevada.  You’ll also hear about my recent yarn purchases, a couple of great new […]

  • Episode 38: Lavender


    Episode 38 is chock full of information, from the weather and evapotranspiration at the very beginning of the show to a discussion of the medicinal and insecticide properties of lavender at the end.  Along the way, I talk about my quite numerous knitting projects, review a good book that I listened to, announce a plethora of […]

  • Episode 37: Play


    I recorded Episode 37 at our cabin in Northern Minnesota on a lovely day with the windows open, so you will hear birds chirping as well as some loons calling in the background.  All was not so peaceful, though, as you’ll also hear boat motors running for quite a while in the middle of the […]

  • Episode 36: Textile Therapy


    I recorded Episode 36 tonight because I really, really wanted to squeeze in a show before the end of April and before I leave for a conference tomorrow morning.  In this episode we revisit arts, crafts, and psychological well-being as I review new research on Textile Therapy.  Before we get to the classroom, I announce some […]

  • Episode 35: Superstitions, Magic, and Paranormal Beliefs


    Episode 35 was inspired by the recent Friday the 13th, Ides of March, and St. Patrick’s Day, all of which have some kind of bad luck or good luck associated with them.  I finished recording this episode a couple of days ago, but this is the first chance I’ve had to upload it!  On our […]

  • Episode 34: Interpersonal Synchrony


    In Episode 34 I have a lot to talk about!  I cover a little bit of knitting, snail mail news, information about BFL wool, and review a couple of audiobooks that I recently listened to.  In the classroom I discuss the research on interpersonal synchrony. Welcome  to both new and returning listeners!  I invite you […]

  • Episode 33: New Year’s Resolutions


    I’m back with Episode 33 after a crazy, overscheduled, and stressful January!  Things are settling back down, though.  How are you all doing?  In this episode I talk about all the contests and the read-along we have going on in our Ravelry group, draw for December and January valedictorians plus other prizes, catch up a […]