Your Catholic Corner



News and views of a Catholic and/or Christian nature. Bible readings, stories of the saints, items of local topical interest and interviews with local people on their lives. Interspersed with a selection of all sorts of music relevant to the topic of the day. For more information call Ken Moffat 07 856 2900


  • Your Catholic Corner - 20-08-2023

    19/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    20th Week Ordinary Time – Year A Join Julie as she likens today’s Gospel reading from Matthew to her life-changing event in 2006. Isaiah 56:1,6-7 - The Lord reveals his salvation to all. Romans 11:13-15,29-32 - God’s favour to Israel is irrevocable. Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus heals the daughter of the Canaanite woman because of her great faith.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 06-08-2023

    03/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Transfiguration of Our Lord – Cycle A Julie shares how crepuscular rays always remind her of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. She sheds light on today’s liturgical readings: Daniel 7:9–10,13–14 - The prophet Daniel describes his vision of one like the Son of Man who received dominion from God. 2 Peter 1:16–19 - Peter says that the voice heard from Heaven confirmed the truth of his testimony about Christ. Matthew 17:1–9 - Jesus is transfigured on the mountain in the presence of Peter, James, and John.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 30-07-2023

    26/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    17th Sunday Ordinary Time – Cycle A Join Julie as she helps shed some light on today’s liturgical readings, puts them into historical context for better understanding, as well as sharing her personal reflections. 1 Kings 3:5,7-12 - Solomon pleases God when he asks for a wise and understanding heart to better govern the people, Romans 8:28-30 - God chose us to be conformed to the image of his Son, and Matthew 13:44-46 - Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 23-07-2023

    20/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    16th Sunday Ordinary Time – Cycle A Join Julie as she helps shed some light on today’s liturgical readings as well as share her personal reflections. She wonders whether God (through Paul) is asking her to slow down...? Wisdom 12:13,16-19 - God has shown himself to be a God of justice and mercy. Romans 8:26-27 - The Spirit intercedes for us with God. Matthew 13:24-43 (shorter form: Matthew 13:24-30) - Jesus offers parables about the Wheat and the Weeds and explains them to his disciples.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 16-07-2023

    17/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    Created by Free FM, Hamilton, New Zealand

  • Your Catholic Corner - 09-07-2023

    06/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    14th Sunday Ordinary Time – Year A Join Julie as she shares her personal reflections on today’s liturgical readings. This week’s Gospel reminds her of her first Rite 2 Reconciliation not long after she became Catholic. Zechariah 9:9-10 - The Lord shall come to reign in Zion. Romans 8:9,11-13 - Those in whom the Spirit of God dwells must now live according to the Spirit, not the flesh. Matthew 11:25-30 - Jesus prays in thanks to God, who has revealed himself to the lowly.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 02-07-2023

    27/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    13th Sunday Ordinary Time: Join Julie as she shares her personal reflections on today’s liturgical readings. She draws a parallel between the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly and the transformative experience of baptism. Do you die? No. Are you reborn? Yes. 2 Kings 4:8-11,14-16a - Hospitality extended to Elisha will be rewarded. Romans 6:3-4,8-11 - Through Christ we are dead to sin but alive in God. Matthew 10:37-42 - Jesus outlines the costs and rewards of discipleship.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 20-06-2023

    19/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A Today's readings emphasise the importance of unwavering faith in God amidst difficulties. Julie provides historical context and shares her personal 21st-century reflection on this theme. Jeremiah 20:10-13 - Jeremiah expresses confidence that the Lord will protect him. Romans 5:12-15 - Sin came into the world through one person; so salvation came through one person for many. Matthew 10:26-33 - Jesus assures the Twelve that God cares about them.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 18-06-2023

    18/06/2023 Duración: 30min

    Created by Free FM, Hamilton, New Zealand

  • Your Catholic Corner - 11-06-2023

    08/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY: Julie breathes life into the timeless texts on Corpus Christi Sunday. Her personal reflections serve to enrich your understanding and strengthen your connection with the Word of God. Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14b-16a: Moses tells the people to remember how God delivered them from slavery in Egypt. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17: Though many, we are one body when we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ. John 6:51-58: Jesus says, “I am the living bread.”

  • Your Catholic Corner - 04-06-2023

    03/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    Holy Trinity Sunday Get a better understanding of today’s Holy Trinity Sunday readings with Julie as she sheds light on each reading’s context. She also shares her personal reflections as a way to help you appreciate God’s word in today’s 21st Century. Exodus 34:4B-6, 8-9 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Gospel John 3:16-18

  • Your Catholic Corner - 28-05-2023

    27/05/2023 Duración: 28min

    Pentecost Sunday – Join Julie as she unpacks Pentecost Sunday with 5 ways today’s Gospel reading can have meaning and relevance in today’s 21st Century world. Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11 - The Holy Spirit descends upon the apostles gathered in Jerusalem. Psalm 104:1,24,29-31,34 - God’s Spirit renews the earth. 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 - We are all one in Christ Jesus. John 20:19-23 - Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 14-05-2023

    13/05/2023 Duración: 27min

    Sixth Sunday Easter 2023 – this week Julie and Thomas chat about a hitch-hiker Thomas and his boss picked up, as well as reflect on today’s readings. Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8,14-17 - The people of Samaria accept the Gospel of Jesus proclaimed to them by Philip. Psalm 66:1-7,16,20 - Sing praise to God, all the earth. 1 Peter 3:15-18 - Be ready to give explanation for your hope in Christ. John 14:15-21 - Jesus promises his disciples that he will send them another advocate, the Spirit of truth.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 30-04-2023

    29/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    Fourth Sunday of Easter This week Julie and Thomas reflect on this Sunday’s readings and talk about Thomas’s upcoming Youth Convention in Europe. Acts of the Apostles 2:14a,36-41- Peter and the other apostles baptise 3,000 people. Psalm 23:1-6 - The Lord is my shepherd. 1 Peter 2:20b-25 - We have been healed by the wounds of Christ. John 10:1-10 - Jesus is the gate for his sheep.

  • Your Catholic Corner - 23-04-2023

    23/04/2023 Duración: 26min

    Created by Free FM, Hamilton, New Zealand