Big Sky



Ecstatic Dance Community | Durango, CO | Cortez, CO | Mancos, CO | Dolores, CO


  • 4 – Jupiter Worship

    26/01/2013 Duración: 33min

    No relief from the crazy here. Paul explores the deeper implications of a Farmville haze and potentially stumbles across the generosity function of the universe. Inquiring minds want to know… what’s wrong with these two?

  • 3 – The Second Podcast Clause

    26/01/2013 Duración: 23min

    This podcast is a little crazier than most, mostly because the full moon is coming tomorrow night along with our second ecstatic dance in Durango! Cheryl regales us with tales of roller derbyism, Paul clones himself, and we both see a fireball of at least -4 magnitude (you really have to listen to the podcast […]

  • 2 – Delicious Gopher Treats

    12/01/2013 Duración: 39min

    In this podcast, we share stories about family, Farmville, gophers, and dopamine. You’ll probably like it a bunch, give it a try!

  • 1 – Getting Things Started

    09/01/2013 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, we prepare for our first Big Sky ecstatic dance in Durango Colorado. Get a look behind the scenes!