Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations
270: Handling Intimidation and More Questions
07/11/2016 Duración: 37minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Questions Joshua asked about creating a genuine connection with the team he leads. Warren is wondering what he can do to create a culture where people bring solutions instead of problems. Brian asked about handling an employee who is dominant and intimidating. Mark asked about how to handle degrading comments in the workplace. Warren asked about the best strategies to encourage senior employees to embrace sharing their knowledge with newer employees. Resources Mentioned Analyzing Performance Problems* by Robert F. Mager and Peter Pipe I Want to Coach People Well section on Activate Your Free Coaching for Leaders Membership Get immediate access to my free, 10-day audio course, 10 Ways to Empower the People You Lead. Give me 10 minutes a day for 10 days to get the mos
269: How to Ask for Career Help, with Larry Braman
31/10/2016 Duración: 44minLarry Braman: Career Consultant and Coach Larry Braman is the president of Global Career Consulting and Placement and the founder of Career University, live and on demand job landing and career advancing webinars. Key Points It’s essential for us to recognize that the most successful people ask for (and receive) help all the time. Say less initially in your interactions with influencers so that you can meet them where they are as the conversation progresses. When someone offers to help or to make an introduction, take immediate action to follow up. It’s important for us to have both mentors and advocates in our careers. Be memorable in a genuine way by making a human connection to the other party. Resources Mentioned Global Career Consulting & Placement Career University Finding the Career That Fits You* The Ultimate Guide to Using Your Strengths to Get Hired* How to Win Friends and Influence People* by Dale Carnegie Mentors Are Good. Sponsors Are Better. by Sylvia Ann Hewlett Larry
268: Ignite Change Through Storytelling, with Nancy Duarte
24/10/2016 Duración: 36minNancy Duarte and Patti Sanchez: Communication Experts Nancy Duarte (web) (Twitter) has created thousands of presentations for the world's top institutions, including Apple, Cisco, Facebook, GE, Google, TED, and the World Bank. She's also the author of Resonate*, Slide:ology*, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations*, and co-author of Illuminate: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies, and Symbols*. Patti Sanchez (Twitter) is a communicator with 25 years of experience leading transformative marketing initiatives for brands and causes, co-author of Illuminate*, and Chief Strategy Officer for Duarte, Inc. Key Points Change is the reality for every leader and organization. Empathy for others is key at every stage of the change process — and in all communication. Stories are a powerful tool for teaching. Ceremonies help create buy-in for major transitions. Resources Mentioned Torchbearer Tool Kit Illuminate: Visual executive summary Resonate: Multi-Media Version Slidedocs: Downlo
267: The Way to Grow Your Leadership Career, with Ron Wallace
17/10/2016 Duración: 33minRon Wallace: Former President, UPS International Ron Wallace (web) is the former president of UPS International. During his tenure, he was responsible for operations in more than 200 countries and territories, with more than 60,000 people under his direction. He’s the author of the new book, Leadership Lessons From a UPS Driver: Delivering a Culture of We, Not Me*. Key Points By promoting from within, a company’s legacy and culture is seamlessly passed on. Don’t hire people for jobs, hire them for careers. Focus on hiring people when they are young and try to keep them for their entire career. Most CEOs are only good at one or two things, and that’s what they should focus on. Tell your supervisors what your goals are. When you’re in a leadership position, always remember where you came from. Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant access to Dave's readers' guide listing the 10 lead
266: How to Lead a 100-Year Life, with Lynda Gratton
10/10/2016 Duración: 37minLynda Gratton: The 100-Year Life Lynda Gratton is a Professor of Management Practice at London Business School. She has been ranked in the top 15 on The Thinkers50 list of the world’s top 50 business thinkers. She’s the author with Andrew Scott of the new book, The 100-Year Life: Living and working in an age of longevity*. Key Points Many more of us, and potentially a majority of our children, will live to be 100 or more Organizations (and society) still tend to frame our lives in three stages: education, work, retirement Transitions now happen more often for us and are less likely to be in lock-step with our peers The problem with transition: the people who know you best don’t want you to change Navigating more transitions in life means that we need to have networks with people who are not like us Truth is essential in leadership Resources Mentioned The 100-Year Life: Living and working in an age of longevity by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott* Mark Thompson’s Blog and
265: How to Strike the Right Tone and More Questions
03/10/2016 Duración: 38minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Key Points Dave asked what advice we would give to our younger selves about leadership. Bill asked about how to balance stern and serious with light and loose. Luiza asked about how to lead volunteers. Jeff asked about influencing change in culture. Elmer asked what he can do with his StrengthsFinder results. Resources Mentioned The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz* The Noun Project (and the poop) Working Wardrobes 8 Ways To Influence Without Authority Dave’s appearance on The All-Star Leader Podcast Scott’s FREE 8 Day Course* What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles* Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant a
264: How to Get Into Leadership Flow, with Croft Edwards
25/09/2016 Duración: 40minCroft Edwards Croft Edwards (web) (LinkedIn) (Twitter) is a Master Certified Coach who has been serving an array of clients from energy and mining, to forestry and aviation, since 2000. He’s a retired US Army Officer and has over eighteen years in the Army National Guard and Army Reserve. Key Points Much of leaders’ effectiveness has to do with their level of self-mastery. Flow is a combination of physical, mental, and emotional factors. We learn our behaviors from others, and they learn their behaviors from us. Resource Mentioned Flow* by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant access to Dave's readers' guide listing the 10 leadership books that will help you get better results from others. Join at Related Episodes CFL204: Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do CFL218: Increase Your Capacity Zone CFL232: How t
263: How to Benefit From Conflict, with Susan Gerke
19/09/2016 Duración: 43minSusan Gerke (web) is the president of Gerke Consulting & Development. She has worked with global teams and has certified facilitators around the world to deliver management, leadership, and team offerings. Susan is co-creator of GO Team, a training suite for organizations to power team performance.
262: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It, with Chris Voss
12/09/2016 Duración: 37minChris Voss: Never Split the Difference Chris Voss (web) (LinkedIn) is the Founder and CEO of the Black Swan Group and the author of Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It*. Chris was the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the FBI’s hostage negotiation representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group. Key Points Compromise is a dirty word. Really smart people often have trouble being negotiators. Negotiation is not just a rational conversation, but brings in the emotion of both parties. A successful negotiation is one where the other party walks away respecting you after the interaction. Beware of anchoring high at the start of a conversation as it may exclude you from an even better outcome. Resources Mentioned Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss* The Dark Side of Emotional Intelligence by Adam Grant Program on Negotiation at Harv
261: How to Balance Performance and People
05/09/2016 Duración: 34minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Key Points Rachel asked about how to balance performance and people. Mike asked about getting the employees to communicate, engage and work together as a team. Pierre asked about how to prevent the distortion of storytelling. Rasmus asked a follow-up question from a previous episode on our motivation for continuing to move forward. Resources Mentioned Leadership Dilemmas-Grid Solutions by Robert Blake and Anne McCanse* Managerial Grid Model Bonni recommended the author Debra Tannen Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto by Kevin Gannon Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant access to Dave's readers' guide listing the 10 leadership books that will help you get better results
260: Detect and Eliminate Organizational Sabotage, with Bob Frisch and Cary Greene
29/08/2016 Duración: 39minBob Frisch and Cary Greene: Simple Sabotage For over 30 years, Bob Frisch has worked with Senior Executive Teams and Boards on their most vital strategic and organizational challenges, both as a consultant and a corporate executive. Cary Greene has over 20 years’ experience working with senior executives and boards on challenging and complex strategic issues. They are co-authors of the book Simple Sabotage: A Modern Field Guide for Detecting and Rooting Out Everyday Behaviors That Undermine Your Workplace*. Key Points When creating a book on how to sabotage an occupying enemy’s industry, the OSS (precursor to the CIA) recommended a list of organizational sabotage techniques. Ironically, these techniques look very similar to common actions we see in our organizations today. Committees Make sure a committee is appropriate for the task. What is the purpose of a committee? Who actually needs to be on a committee? Make sure committees are structured and have an agenda. Make it clear what authority the l
259: How to Figure Out Your Career, with Scott Anthony Barlow
22/08/2016 Duración: 41minScott Anthony Barlow: Happen to Your Career Scott Anthony Barlow is the Founder of Happen to Your Career. He’s been featured on CNBC, Yahoo, CareerBuilder, Fast Company and Huffington Post and various colleges and universities as a top expert on career happiness. He's held roles executive roles in human resources, business development, and career coaching. Scott is the host of the Happen to Your Career podcast, featuring the career stories of many successful professionals. His team and him have worked with over 25,000 people to help them stop settling, find their signature strengths, and start doing meaningful work they are enamored with. In this conversation, Scott and I explore common career misconceptions, how framing your career around your strengths is key, and tools and assessments like StrengthsFinder that will support you. Key Points Common career misperceptions: You need to have it all figured out at the start You should focus on getting better at the things you’re not good at It takes a
258: Moving Beyond Command and Control, with Brian Robertson
15/08/2016 Duración: 37minBrian Robertson: Holacracy Brian Robertson (web) (LinkedIn) is the primary developer of Holacracy, which allows leaders to release the reins of personal power and persuasion into a trustworthy and explicit governance process. He co-founded HolacracyOne to support Holacracy’s growth, and he fills and loves a broad variety of the company’s roles. Brian is the author of the book Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World*. Key Points Holocracy functions like a city; everybody knows the parameters, and they go about their business without constantly having to consult a leader. It replaces the functions of managers with a set of processes. It holds meetings to decide who has authority and is responsible for each project, but not to decide how to do a project. Resources Mentioned Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World* by Brian Robertson Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your
257: How to Manage Former Peers, with Tom Henschel
08/08/2016 Duración: 44minTom Henschel: The Look & Sound of Leadership Tom Henschel (web) (podcast) grooms senior leaders and executive teams. An internationally recognized expert in the field of workplace communications and self-presentation, he has helped thousands of leaders achieve excellence through coaching and his top-rated podcast, The Look & Sound of Leadership. Key Points There is a certain amount of fear involved in a promotion over peers. The situation has feelings attached to it. People’s reactions will be based on a bell curve, with most people not caring, but with a few being either really happy or really unhappy. What group will you focus on? Don’t take things personally. Have intentional conversations with your former peers to acknowledge that feelings are there and to listen to how they feel. Resources Mentioned The First 90 Days* by Michael D. Watkins Self-Esteem at Work* by Nathaniel Branden The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem* by Nathaniel Branden The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast Join the
256: Leading Leaders and More Questions
01/08/2016 Duración: 28minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (Web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, a business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Key Points Phan asked about how to best identify a business partner. Ruben asked for recommendations on 360 assessments. Jaimee asked about how to educate herself on becoming a leader of leaders. Phillip asked how leaders can themselves find the next opportunity, especially without the right experience. Resources Mentioned Startup podcast The Leadership Challenge* by James Kouzes and Barry Posner Leadership Practices Inventory Human Synergistics 42 Rules for Your New Leadership Role* by Pam Fox Rollin Your First 100 Days In a New Executive Job* by Robert Hargrove Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant access to Dave's readers' guide listing the 10 leadership books
255: How Women Make Stronger, Smarter Choices, with Therese Huston
25/07/2016 Duración: 40minTherese Huston: How Women Decide Therese (Website) (Twitter) is looking to change the conversation about women as decision-makers. Her book, How Women Decide: What’s True, What’s Not, and What Strategies Spark the Best Choices*, debunks popular negative stereotypes about women as decision-makers. She is also the Founding Director for the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University. Key Points When a female leader makes a mistake in a job traditionally held by men, people are much more critical. When women are collaborative, they’re seen as less decisive. Don’t be fooled by someone’s confidence—it could just be a sign they don’t know all the facts. Use the Loopback strategy - think about your situation a year from now, and project what you wish you would have done differently. Strategies to help women in the workplace: Make sure nobody is interrupted when speaking in a meeting. Take designated turns for speaking in meetings. Make it clear that negotiations are expected
254: Use Power for Good and Not Evil, with Dacher Keltner
18/07/2016 Duración: 34minDacher Keltner: The Power Paradox Dacher shows us how to use power for good and the most important ways we can gain and lose influence. Quotes We need to rethink what power is … it’s not necessarily a dirty word. —Dacher Keltner If you can just stay interested in other people and know where their minds are, you will rise in power … and you will keep your power because people will respect you. —Dacher Keltner In today’s collaborative workplace, our power rests critically upon the good work of other people. —Dacher Keltner One of the things that accompanies leadership and power is the privilege of enhancing the lives of other people. —Dacher Keltner I really see power as having an enormous force for good. —Dacher Keltner Resources The Power Paradox: How We Gain and Lose Influence* by Dacher Keltner The Secret to Being a Better Leader: See and Hear Others Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
253: New Management Practices of Leading Organizations, with David Burkus
11/07/2016 Duración: 37minDavid Burkus: Author of Under New Management: How Leading Organizations Are Upending Business as Usual* On this week’s episode, David teaches us how leading organizations are now using new management techniques. Quotes If you’re not embarrassed by your work from five years ago, then you’re not growing fast enough. —David Burkus You need to be a great place to be from, not just a great place to be at. —David Burkus Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future question and answer shows: The next question and answer show is episode 256 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders on iTunes, Stitcher, or any podcast app you use and subscribe there. Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books to support your developm
252: Aligning With Your Organization and More Questions
04/07/2016 Duración: 42minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni and Dave team up for the monthly question and answer episode to discuss coaching, values alignment, and work-life balance. Question from Chase I’m wondering about coaching someone who has inherited a job that pushes them beyond their skill set. Specifically, someone who was focused solely on a job specifically training tellers. That function moved from HR to ops. HR retained the former teller trainer for a corporate trainer role. The employee’s wheelhouse is black and white training, ops and compliance focused. Now the employee’s focus is on more ambiguous training around developing staff on a variety of skill sets. It's challenging for her. I struggle coaching her because her natural drive and skill is very ops focused. Any advice on some coaching on this topic would be much appreciated! Question from Diana I have an MSC in environment and sustainable development, and although I do some studies and recommendations on sustainable cities, the reality is that most d
251: What to Do When Somebody Quits, with Molly Moseley
27/06/2016 Duración: 33minMolly Moseley: Senior Vice President of LinkUp Job Search Engine In this episode, Molly teaches us how to respond when somebody quits. Quotes When someone is approaching you putting in a resignation, you need to throw out that reactive brain and think logically. —Molly Moseley As a manager, you need to know the [career] goals of every one of your direct reports. —Molly Moseley If you are constantly worried that this person is going to leave, maybe you did make the wrong decision to have them stay. —Molly Moseley Resources LinkedIn Article: Employee resignations: counter offer or say good bye? Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future question and answer shows: The next question and answer show is episode 252 Chicago Meet-up: July 7th, 2016 Will you be in the Chicago area on Thursday, July 7th, 2016? Join my friend Beth Buelow and me for a Chicago meet-up. If you plan to join us, please visit this page for details and to sign-up: http://coachingfor

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