Discover leadership wisdom through insightful conversations
550: How to Win the Long Game When the Short-Term Seems Bleak, with Dorie Clark
11/10/2021 Duración: 38minDorie Clark: The Long Game Dorie Clark has been named one of the Top 50 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50, and was recognized as the #1 Communication Coach in the world by the Marshall Goldsmith Leading Global Coaches Awards. She is a consultant and keynote speaker and teaches executive education at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and Columbia Business School. Dorie is the author of the bestselling books Entrepreneurial You, Reinventing You, and Stand Out which was named the #1 Leadership Book of the Year by Inc. Magazine. She has been described by the New York Times as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.” She is a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review and is now the author of her latest book, The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World*. In this conversation, Dorie and I discuss how to win the long game, even when things look bleak today. We examine the typical timelines that most professional should expect in
549: How to Actually Get Traction From Leadership Books, with Nicol Verheem
09/10/2021 Duración: 35minNicol Verheem: Teradek Nicol Verheem is a globally recognized leader and innovator, senior business executive, serial entrepreneur, and prolific angel investor. He has been recognized for his impact in the film industry with a lifetime achievement award from the Society of Camera Operators and an Academy Award for Sciences and Engineering, also known as a Technical Oscar. He was also recently recognized with the Innovator of the Year Award from the leading business journal in Orange County, California. Nicol currently serves on the Executive Management Board of The Vitec Group, as the Divisional CEO of Creative Solutions, and as the CEO of Teradek. As a technology leader, his is responsible for the strategy, roadmap, and execution of Teradek’s highly recognized high tech video products driving more than $100M annual revenue -- with dominant market share across the globe. He is also a member of the Coaching for Leaders Academy. In this conversation, Nicol and I discuss how to take the ideas you hear in books
548: The Power in Empowering Differences, with Ashley Brundage
04/10/2021 Duración: 34minAshley Brundage: Empowering Differences Ashley Brundage is the Founder and President of Empowering Differences. She's overcame homelessness, harassment, and discrimination and then, while seeking employment at a major financial institution, she self-identified during the interview process as a male to female transgender woman and subsequently was hired. She was offered a position and started as a part time bank teller and worked in various lines of business before moving to VP of Diversity & Inclusion in less than 5 years. Since beginning transitioning in 2008, she has worked tirelessly to promote awareness and acceptance of gender identity and expression. She serves on the Corporate Advisory Council for the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce. In 2019, she was voted on the National Board of Directors for GLAAD and has also been named one of Florida’s Most Powerful and Influential Women from the National Diversity Council. She is the author of Empowering Differences: Leveraging Differences to Impact Change*.
547: How to Limit Time With the Wrong People, with Carey Nieuwhof
27/09/2021 Duración: 39minCarey Nieuwhof: At Your Best Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer, a bestselling leadership author, a podcaster, and the CEO of Carey Nieuwhof Communications. He speaks to leaders around the world about leadership, change, and personal growth. He writes a widely read leadership blog at and also hosts the top-rated Carey Nieuwhof Leadership podcast. He’s the author of At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor*. In this conversation, Carey and I explore the reality that so many of us face in both our personal and professional lives: spending time with the wrong kind of people. We discuss how to notice we’re not helping, how to limit time, and what to do when a conversation needs to happen. Plus, we make the invitation to proactive do what often gets missed: spending time with the right people more consistently. Key Points The people who want your time are rarely the people who should have your time. Many leaders give too much time and attention away to peop
546: How to Speak Up, with Connson Locke
20/09/2021 Duración: 36minConnson Locke: Making Your Voice Heard Connson Locke is Professorial Lecturer in Management at the London School of Economics, where she teaches Leadership, Organizational Behaviour, and Negotiation and Decision Making. She has over 30 years experience as an educator, coach, and consultant working all around the world. Her highly popular Guardian Masterclass ‘Developing your presence, power and influence’ regularly sells out. Connson is the recipient of a number of teaching awards from the London School of Economics. She's also the author of Making Your Voice Heard: How to Own Your Space, Access Your Inner Power, and Become Influential*. In this conversation, Connson and I explore the challenging situation that many professional experience: speaking up. We discuss several key tactics that Connson has surfaced in her research to do this more effectively. Plus, we highlight several of the lessons Connson has discovered in her own experience that will help us (and others) do this with more success. Key Points
545: How to Prioritize, with Christy Wright
13/09/2021 Duración: 39minChristy Wright: Take Back Your Time Christy Wright is a #1 bestselling author, personal growth expert, and host of The Christy Wright Show. She’s also the founder of Business Boutique, which equips women to make money doing what they love. She loves helping women chase their version of success. She's the author of Take Back Your Time: The Guilt-Free Guide to Life Balance*. In this conversation, Christy and I explore how to get practical about what’s important, each day. We discuss effectives ways to use timeframes to establish priorities for ourselves — and how those same timeframes can help us turn off work. Key Points Establishing priorities moves you from a place of feeling like a failure to a place of feeling real success. Most of us are clear on our fixed priorities, but we’re less intentional about the flexible priorities that tend to be more practical in daily life. Consider establishing priorities through the timeframes of seasons, weeks, and days. Having clear priorities helps you not only
544: Start Finding Overlooked Talent, with Johnny Taylor, Jr.
06/09/2021 Duración: 39minJohnny Taylor, Jr.: Reset Johnny Taylor, Jr. is President and CEO of SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management. Johnny is frequently asked to testify before Congress on critical workforce issues and authors a weekly column, "Ask HR," in USA Today. Johnny was chairman of the President's Advisory Board on Historically Black Colleges and Universities and served as a member of the White House American Workforce Policy Advisory Board during the Trump Administration. He is the author of the new book Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval*. In this conversation, Johnny and I highlight the current challenges in discovering talent and the populations that have been historically overlooked. We discuss what SHRM’s research and experience are showing to help leaders make better decisions on finding talent. Plus, we explore how to best handle incentives, so that we create the kind of culture that we will value inside our organizations. Key Points Both line managers in organizations and human reso
543: Leadership Lessons from NASA, with Dave Williams
30/08/2021 Duración: 35minDave Williams: Leadership Moments from NASA Dave is an astronaut, aquanaut, jet pilot, emergency physician, scientist, CEO, and bestselling author. He is the former Director of Space & Life Sciences at NASA’s Johnson Space Center and has flown in space twice on Space Shuttles Columbia and Endeavour. Dave holds the Canadian spacewalking record and was the first Canadian to live on the world’s only undersea research habitat. He is the recipient of six honorary degrees, the Order of Canada, and the Order of Ontario. Along with Elizabeth Howell, he is the author of Leadership Moments from NASA: Achieving the Impossible*. In this conversation, Dave and I discuss some of the key events from NASA’s history since its inception. We highlight three principles that Dave has uncovered in his research of interviews with NASA leaders over the years. Plus, a few practical tips that can help all of us lead teams more effectively. Key Points Introspection is a key and necessary practice for all leaders to hold — and ofte
542: Align Your Work With Your Why, with Kwame Marfo
28/08/2021 Duración: 36minKwame Marfo Kwame Marfo is a director at Genentech in the San Francisco area. He is a graduate of the Coaching for Leaders Academy. He joins me in this episode to share how personal values can align intentionally with career choices. Key Points Kwame’s dad inspires the work he does today for others. An effective way to connect with others is to ask what books and podcasts they are listening to. This value of curiosity also came from Kwame’s dad. Getting diversity of leadership experience is useful to expand beyond an industry perspective. Establishing a vision gives clarity to what’s most important. Journaling has helped Kwame reflect on his life and illuminate gaps that lead to action. Don’t trust the summary. Resources Mentioned Kwame Marfo featured by Genentech UnCommon Law Related Episodes Start With Why, with Simon Sinek (episode 223) Craft a Career to Fit Your Strengths, with Scott Anthony Barlow (episode 424) How to Create Your Personal Vision (free membership required) Disc
541: Ten Years of Leadership, with Dave Stachowiak
23/08/2021 Duración: 38minDave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders In August of 2011, I started Coaching for Leaders as a small, side project. Ten years later, the show — and the community around it — have grown beyond my wildest expectations. In this conversation, my friend Scott Anthony Barlow of Happen to Your Career celebrates the 10-year anniversary of Coaching for Leaders by interviewing me about my journey. Key Points I originally started the podcast as a side project to support a future transition into academia. Three things that I focused on at the start that are still central today: useful conversations, audio quality, and consistency. Focusing on quality and depth of conversations is more valuable than trying to hit everything. I realized at some point that I needed to make an affirmative choice to grow the side project into a business. Although I had considered a transition away from Dale Carnegie for years, my actual departure was (ironically) a non-event. Behavior change is a painful but necessary step in the
540: How to Create Space, with Juliet Funt
16/08/2021 Duración: 39minJuliet Funt: A Minute to Think Juliet Funt is a renowned keynote speaker and tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500 who is regularly featured in top global media outlets, including Forbes and Fast Company. She is the founder and CEO of The Juliet Funt Group, helping business leaders and organizations to unleash their full potential by unburdening talent from busywork. She has earned one of the highest ratings in the largest leadership event in the world, and she has worked with brands such as Spotify, National Geographic, Costco, Pepsi, Nike, and many more. Her new book is titled, A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work. In this conversation, Juliet and I explore the four assets that many leaders bring to the workplace — and when taken too far, how these assets become risks. Juliet shares four questions we can ask of ourselves (and perhaps of others) that will surface where to start with finding space. Plus, we discuss some of the practical steps leaders can take to inf
539: The Path Towards Trusting Relationships, with Edgar Schein and Peter Schein
09/08/2021 Duración: 38minEdgar Schein and Peter Schein: Humble Inquiry Edgar Schein is Professor Emeritus of MIT's Sloan School of Management. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Practitioner Award from the Academy of Management, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association, and the Lifetime Achievement Award in Organization Development from the International OD Network. Peter Schein is COO of the Organizational Culture and Leadership Institute. He provides counsel to senior management on organizational development challenges facing private and public sector entities worldwide. He is a contributing author to the 5th edition of Organizational Culture and Leadership and co-author of Humble Leadership and The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. The pair co-founded the Organizational Culture and Leadership Institute and have written several books together, including two in the Humble Leadership series. They’ve recently released the second edition of Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Ins
538: Help a Know-It-All Behave Better, with Mark Goulston
02/08/2021 Duración: 32minMark Goulston: Talking to Crazy Mark Goulston is a Founding Member of the Newsweek Expert Forum and a Marshall Goldsmith MG100 Coach, who works with founders, entrepreneurs and CEOs in dealing with and overcoming psychological and interpersonal obstacles to realizing their full potential. He is the host of the My Wakeup Call podcast and was a UCLA professor of psychiatry for more than twenty years and is also a former FBI hostage negotiation trainer. One of his many bestselling books is Talking to 'Crazy': How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life*. In this conversation, Mark and I discuss some of the key principles that are effective in diffusing difficult or irrational behavioral. When that behavior is coming from someone who seems to be a know-it-all, we explore three steps that will help you guide them towards better behavior. Key Points In his book, Mark writes about know-it-alls: They don’t say, “People think I’m a jerk, and I need to change my behavior.” Instead, they say, “P
537: How to Engage Remote Teams, with Tsedal Neeley
26/07/2021 Duración: 36minTsedal Neeley: Remote Work Revolution Tsedal Neeley is a professor at the Harvard Business School. Her work focuses on how leaders can scale their organizations by developing and implementing global and digital strategies. She has published extensively in leading scholarly and practitioner-oriented outlets and her work has been widely covered in media outlets such as the BBC, CNN, Financial Times, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, and The Economist. She was named to the Thinkers50 On the Radar list for making lasting contributions to management and is the recipient of many other awards and honors for her teaching and research. She is the author of Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from Anywhere*. In this conversation, Tsedal and I explore what the research shows us about productivity and fear around remote work. We highlight three key principles that leaders can lean in on in order to engage remote teams better. Plus, Tsedal provides practical examples on how almost any leader can put these principles into act
536: How to Make One-on-Ones Valuable, with Jonathan Raymond
19/07/2021 Duración: 37minJonathan Raymond: Good Authority Jonathan Raymond is the founder of Refound, where he and his team work with organizations to create a company culture based in personal growth. He’s the author of the book Good Authority: How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting For*. He's the creator of the Accountability Dial and the courses Good Accountability and Good Alignment. In this conversation, Jonathan and I discuss the importance of starting with the purpose for a role when considering how to approach one-on-ones. We frame the importance of elevation and linking professional activities with personal growth. Plus, we invite leaders to begin with a few, practical steps. Key Points Begin with the purpose of the role. Clarity on expectations and personal growth will both come from there. Utilize curiosity to begin to align on expectations and what’s next. Elevation is a key competency for managers in one-on-ones. Help employees link what the role needs and how their personal growth aligns to it. Be willi
535: The Art of Constructing Apologies, with Sandra Sucher
12/07/2021 Duración: 38minSandra Sucher: The Power of Trust Sandra Sucher is an internationally recognized trust researcher and professor of management practice at Harvard Business School. She studies how organizations build trust and the vital role leaders play in the process. Before joining Harvard, she was a business executive for 20 years, served on corporate and nonprofit boards, and has been Chair of the Better Business Bureau. As an advisor to the Edelman Trust Barometer, her research has been featured in several national publications. She is the author with Shalene Gupta of the book, The Power of Trust: How Companies Build It, Lose It, Regain It*. In this conversation, Sandra and I explore the three elements of a good apology in the professional setting. We also look at additional elements the research suggests may be useful in many places in our lives. Finally, Sandra highlights some ways we can do better on empathy in order to avoid situations where we destroy trust. Key Points Combine three elements for a good apology, es
534: How to Deal With an Unsupportive Colleague, with Bonni Stachowiak
05/07/2021 Duración: 39minBonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, a professor of business and management at Vanguard University, and my life partner. Prior to her academic career, Bonni was a human resources consultant and executive officer for a publicly traded company. She is the author of The Productive Online and Offline Professor: A Practical Guide*. Listener Questions Mark asked our advice on how to navigate a sensitive situation with an unsupportive colleague. Geraldine wondered about how to implement management accountability with public sector employees. Samuel asked about building personal capacity. James asked if we were aware of resources for a leadership body of knowledge. Resources Mentioned 7 Habits of Highly Effective People* by Stephen Covey Getting Things Done* by David Allen Center for Creative Leadership Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership How to Win Friends and Influence People* by Dale Carnegie The Leadership Challenge:
533: How to Build Confidence, with Katy Milkman
28/06/2021 Duración: 39minKaty Milkman: How to Change Katy Milkman is an award-winning behavioral scientist and professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She hosts Charles Schwab’s popular behavioral economics podcast Choiceology, and is the co-founder and co-director of The Behavior Change for Good Initiative. Katy has worked with or advised dozens of organizations on how to spur positive change and her research is regularly featured in major media outlets such as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and NPR. She is the author of the book, How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be*. In this conversation, Katy and I explore the research on confidence. We highlight some of the key tactics we can use to enhance our own feelings of confidence. Plus, we explore some of the ways that leaders may be able to support confidence-building in others. Key Points Self doubt affects our ability to take action. Our expectations shape reality. How we think about something
532: How to Help People Thrive, with Jim Harter
21/06/2021 Duración: 39minJim Harter: Wellbeing at Work Jim Harter is Chief Scientist for Gallup’s workplace management and wellbeing practices. He has led more than 1,000 studies of workplace effectiveness and is the bestselling coauthor of It’s the Manager, 12: The Elements of Great Managing, and Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. Jim has also published articles in many prominent business and academic journals and he's the author with Jim Clifton of Wellbeing at Work: How to Build Resilient and Thriving Teams*. In this conversation, Jim and I discuss Gallup’s recent research findings on what managers and organizations can do to support wellbeing at work. We highlight the five key elements of wellbeing from the research and the obstacles that managers and organizations face in supporting these. Plus, we share practical steps that each of us can take to support wellbeing among the people in our organizations. Key Points People report that their strongest links to net thriving are “my job” and “my manager.” The five key elem
531: Make Your Vision Reality, with Manu Mazzanti
19/06/2021 Duración: 37minManu Mazzanti Manu Mazzanti is an energy giver who brings focus and resilience to bold and daring transformative journeys. As a regional talent development leader for a global consulting firm, Manu is committed to enabling talent potential through coaching, facilitation, and leadership development. He is out there to make an impact as a father, conscious leader, and marathon runner. Manu is also an alum of the Coaching for Leaders Academy. Key Points Ken Coleman’s analogy of climbing the mountain (and realizing you might be on the wrong one) was helpful to identify what was next. Keith Ferrazzi says that leadership starts with us. In addition, we all have the opportunity to do a lot of leading without authority. James Clear’s work was helpful to make habit changes easily instead of trying to make major changes, at all at once. The Academy helped provide a framework for the 2-3 year vision and take daily actions to bring it into reality. Resources Mentioned Manu Mazzanti on LinkedIn Coaching for

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