High-income Business Writing: Freelance Writing | Copywriting | Content Writing | How To Freelance



Ed Gandia, co-author of the bestselling book, The Wealthy Freelancer, reveals how to propel your writing business to the six-figure level (or the part-time equivalent). In this nuts-and-bolts, no-nonsense podcast, you'll discover how to get better clients, earn more in less time, and bring more freedom and joy into your writing business. Ed will walk you through the practical, “doable” systems and strategies he has developed in his own writing business — the same systems he has taught his private coaching clients. He'll also show you what’s working for other business writers by bringing you real case studies from the field. And he'll share all this information in an honest and transparent way, with no hype or fluff. Topics covered include: getting better and higher-paying clients; banishing the feast-or-famine cycle; doing more of the work that excites you; how to raise your fees and rates; boosting your productivity; making your business recession-proof; discovering and leveraging your strengths; finding your niche; pricing content writing projects; pricing copywriting projects; writing white papers; writing case studies; writing web copy; writing articles; and much more.


  • #107: How to Handle Stressful (and Sensitive) Client Conversations With Grace

    22/07/2016 Duración: 45min

    I don’t enjoy having difficult conversations with clients. I bet you don’t either! But just because it’s not a fun pastime doesn’t mean we should always avoid these conversations. Very often the way to solve (or even avoid) big problems with clients is to do what we fear: confront the issues head on. And to do that effectively and with confidence, you need to be prepared to handle these situations. In this week’s show you’ll hear from Mele Williams. Mele specializes in writing scripts for sensitive business and personal conversations, such as delivering bad news and saying no. She’s a real pro at this. And in this interview she shares some very practical techniques for handling these difficult situations with grace.

  • #106: Kevin Rogers’ Winning Formula for Improving Your Copy with Stories and Humor

    08/07/2016 Duración: 48min

    Most copywriters understand the power of storytelling and humor in copy. But how do you use these elements appropriately? My guest this week explains how to do this right. His name is Kevin Rogers. Kevin is one of the top copywriters in the biz. He’s the Amazon best-selling author of The 60-Second Sales Hook and founder of , a thriving community of the world’s top online marketers. Kevin spent years traveling the country as a dead-broke stand-up comedian until he discovered how a simple joke formula could be used as a powerful marketing hook. He began to teach that formula to marketers. And these days, entrepreneurs and business owners all over the world use Kevin’s techniques to grow their profits and their businesses at record pace. Today he’s is one of the most in-demand sales consultants online, working closely with high-volume information marketers, corporations and local brick and mortar businesses alike to turn around sluggish ad campaigns. And in this interview, he reveals the formula he uses to injec

  • #105: Kate Kordsmeier on the High-Income Opportunity in Food & Travel Writing

    24/06/2016 Duración: 39min

    I always assumed that food and travel writing didn’t pay well. It just seemed crowded with writers. And as media companies started to fold, this category felt like a starving artist’s (no pun intended) worst nightmare. But I recently met someone who challenged these assumptions. Her name is and she’s my guest in this week’s show. In this interview Kate will explain why there’s still a very good income opportunity in food and travel writing...

  • #104: WordPress or Squarespace…Which One is Right for Me?

    10/06/2016 Duración: 51min

    For a long time, it seemed like WordPress was the only way to go. It certainly wasn’t the only option for freelancers who needed a website. But it seemed as if it was the only practical option. And then suddenly a whole group of website builder platforms started gaining serious steam. Platforms such as Squarespace, Strikingly, Weebly, Wix and others. At first I thought it was a passing fad. Or maybe an option for people who were dabbling or needed an extremely simple, one-page website. But the more I looked into these options, the more I realized that there was something to this movement. My guest this week is Lisa Mullis. Lisa is a principal and director of marketing and outreach at , a design communications firm. I’m not an expert in this area, so I wanted to bring in someone who works with both options every day.  There’s a lot of passion in each camp—the Wordpress camp and the website builder camp. So I suspect this episode will create some controversy...

  • #103: How Freelance Writer Jennifer Gregory Took Her Income to $100,000 in 6 Simple Steps

    27/05/2016 Duración: 44min

    North Carolina–based freelance writer Jennifer Gregory has had quite a ride over the past 18 months. She took her business to the six-figure level in 2015. But then shortly after, she lost some of her anchor clients. And things started to fall apart. Jennifer didn’t sit around for very long. She quickly went back to the drawing board, drafted a turnaround plan and took massive action. Within weeks she was booked solid. And 2016 is shaping up to be a banner year for her. In this interview, Jennifer details her wild journey to the $100,000 income level. She reveals the 6 things she did that enabled her to get there. And she walks us through the plan she executed to replace her lost anchor clients.

  • #102: Joseph Cole on Prayer and Meditation as a Business Strategy

    13/05/2016 Duración: 36min

    If you’ve listened to , or of this podcast you already know that I consider myself to be a spiritual person. I believe there’s a big spiritual component to succeeding in any endeavor. It’s not all about brute force, or persistence, or hard work and long hours. At the end of the day, there’s only so much you can do. You can’t do it alone. And when you’re trying to go after something big, you need the help of a higher power (call it God, the Universe, the Divine or whatever you feel comfortable with) to help you get there. If you believe that there’s a connection between the spiritual and the physical—even if you don’t fully understand it—then I urge you to give this a listen...

  • #101: My Biggest Takeaways From the First 100 Podcast Episodes

    29/04/2016 Duración: 45min

    When I launched the High-Income Business Writing podcast in April 2013, I was stepping into the unknown. I was excited. And I was nervous. I was excited because I’d successfully launched other services and products, such as the International Freelancers Academy and a . Not to mention my own freelance writing business. So I knew I could do this. But I was still nervous for many reasons. On the occasion of our 101st episode, I'm thrilled to report on the response to the High-Income Business Writing podcast...

  • #100: Taxes and Freelancing: What Every U.S. Freelancer Needs to Know

    15/04/2016 Duración: 44min

    The most serious problem facing U.S. taxpayers is the complexity of the Internal Revenue Code. That’s not just my opinion. It’s an actual statement from the IRS! According to the same IRS report where I found that statement, an analysis of IRS data uncovered that U.S. taxpayers and businesses spend about 7.6 billion hours a year complying with the filing requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. And that figure does not even include the millions of additional hours that taxpayers must spend when they are required to respond to an IRS notice or an audit... Since we’re stuck with the system we currently have (for now!), we have to figure out how to navigate the ins and outs. My guest is Trevor McKendrick. Trevor started Salem Software, and just recently created an accounting essentials course for entrepreneurs and freelancers. 

  • #099: How to Automate your Client Intake Process—Without Sounding Like a Robot

    01/04/2016 Duración: 41min

    I’m all for efficiency. And I’m all for tools and systems that help us become more efficient. The problem is that it’s too easy to get caught up in the efficiency game and lose sight of the end goal: to get better clients, higher fees, more rewarding work. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to become more efficient at getting crappy results! In this interview, Kai Davis, a business development coach for freelancers and consultants, shares his step-by-step system for managing prospecting in a way that saves time and yields better-quality prospects.

  • #098: Work With What You’ve Got (to Get to Where You Want to Go)

    18/03/2016 Duración: 24min

    One of the biggest fears/concerns of new freelance writers: “Who’s going to hire me?” That fear is based on the following assumption: that you need to impress “IBM.” But that’s an incorrect assumption. You can’t be everything to everyone. I’ve met very few successful freelancers who got a very impressive start and didn’t struggle to get to where they are today. Most success stories are messy! The hero spent most of their journey getting “No’s” and barely scraping by. But all we hear is the end result. So who’s a good prospect for you right now...?

  • #097: Mark McGuiness on Motivation for Creative People

    04/03/2016 Duración: 46min

    Self-employment is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because we get to chart our own course. We get to pursue projects and clients that are interesting to us. And we can adjust our workload and schedule however we want. But that kind of freedom can also lead to lack of discipline and motivation if we're not careful. How do we stay on track? How do we find the motivation to do the work we know we have to do, even when we don't feel like doing it...?

  • #096: James Chartrand on Freelance Copywriting Trends, Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing and the 200-Word Story Challenge

    19/02/2016 Duración: 47min

    James Chartrand is the owner of Men With Pens, a web design and copywriting company. She's also the creator of "Damn Fine Words," one of the best and most popular writing courses in the business. Yes, I said "she." If you're not familiar with James, he's actually a she. The story behind that is pretty interesting. So is the story of how she came clean. In this episode, James and I talk shop about the latest trends in freelance copywriting... different ways you can improve your craft... practical business tips for introverts... And a simple, 200-word-a-day exercise that will improve your copywriting muscle.

  • #095: How to Land Good-Paying Clients on Elance and Upwork

    04/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    Are Elance, Upwork and other online job boards a good place to land freelance work? Yes and no. It really depends on a number of important factors. And it's certainly not for everyone. But there's no denying that some people have figured out a way to launch their freelance business with these platforms. My guest for this episode is one of these people. Her name is Laura Pennington, and she has a great story about how she used Elance to kickstart her freelance business—despite the fact that she had little work experience, no samples, no ratings or reviews and no clear guidance on how to make it work.

  • #094: Pure Randomness: What I'm Doing and Thinking About

    22/01/2016 Duración: 37min

    This week's episode is shorter than usual. It's also different. I take you on a random journey of what I'm doing, what I've been up to, what I'm currently enjoying ... and a few things I'm planning this year. Follow along at your own risk...

  • #093: Ten Strategies for Developing a Moneymaking Mindset

    07/01/2016 Duración: 45min

    This is part two of a two-part series on money and freelancing. In part one Dianna Huff talked about how to when you have a variable income. Today's episode is a bit different. We get into the mindset of earning more as a freelance professional. My guest is Rhonda Page. Rhonda is an ideator, clarifier and forward thinker. She’s worked at top graphic design and branding firms for 25 years, and brought them hundreds of thousands of dollars in new business along the way.

  • #092: How to Manage Your Cash Flow Like a Pro When You Have a Variable Income

    23/12/2015 Duración: 49min

    As freelancers we don't have the luxury of a fixed paycheck.  Even when you're booking work like crazy, your cash flow is going to be irregular.  Sometimes unpredictable.  This is an issue that financial experts and money-management books rarely address. They're geared to helping people with steady paychecks—NOT self-employed professionals.  In this episode you'll hear from my friend and colleague Dianna Huff. Dianna has been trying to solve this cash flow dilemma for years. And she's come up with some very specific and realistic strategies for those of us who earn a variable income.  This is part one of a two-part series on the topic of money—something we haven't addressed enough in this podcast until now. 

  • #091: Scott Aughtmon on Taking the First Steps to Becoming an Authority in Your Field

    10/12/2015 Duración: 50min

    You've heard the advice before... Position yourself an authority in your field ... and business will start coming your way. I think many of us understand this idea conceptually. But it can be hard to figure out exactly how to become that authority. And the negative self talk and self-sabotage doesn't help ("Who do you think you are? You're no expert! You're no authority!"). Sound familiar? This is a big topic, and it's one I'd like to cover in more detail over the next few months. But today, I wanted to at least kick-start that discussion. My guest is Scott Aughtmon, a consultant and blogger who writes about content marketing, and the author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks: Extraordinary Lessons on Creating Content That Will Help You Sell More and Gain More Customers. Our conversation may not answer all your questions. But I hope it gets you thinking in the right direction — and that it sets the stage for additional episodes on this important topic.

  • #090: Three Simple Ways to Transition to a Value Pricing Model

    26/11/2015 Duración: 44min

    There's a growing interest among freelancers in the idea of "value pricing." The concept of pricing your work based on the value it will generate for the client is interesting. But it still feels theoretical and pie-in-the-sky to most creative professionals. In this podcast episode, we discuss how to make the idea practical — including three simple ways you can start transitioning to this lucrative model. You'll find the full audio (and detailed show notes) here:

  • #089: Do You Feel Like a Fraud? Struggle With Self Confidence? Welcome to the Club!

    12/11/2015 Duración: 28min

    Do you sometimes feel like a bit of a fraud? Are you sometimes surprised that clients pay you to do your work? Do you feel unworthy compared to many of your colleagues? Like you will be found out soon enough ... and all your success so far is undeserved? You're not alone. Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, Jimmy Fallon and many other people many of us consider incredibly talented — they often feel the same way. I talked about this back in episode 22: But what I'd like to do in this episode is give you a taste for how common this "impostor syndrome" is. Because part of overcoming it is awareness. Awareness about how many talented professionals struggle with self confidence and self worth. I feel so much better when I realize that I'm not alone. And if the best people in their field often feel this way, then that gives me hope. It helps me realize that it's perfectly natural.

  • #088: Project Management for the Rest of Us

    22/10/2015 Duración: 49min

    In this episode I interview Cesar Abeid, author of the newly published . Cesar and I focus our discussion not on client projects, but rather on all those internal projects we all keep meaning to do ... but never get around to doing. He shares plenty of simple and practical tips for breaking down these projects into doable tasks. All in plain English!

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