Human Potential At Work



How do we bring out the potential in all people, including those with disabilities? Get ready to be inspired, hear success stories and learn tips and principles for bringing out the best in the people in your organization. Brought to you by Debra Ruh, CEO of Ruh Global and Sara Ruh, Chief Inspiration Officer. For more information visit


  • E57: The Carter Center and Mental Health

    24/05/2017 Duración: 42min

    Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? This special episode features an interview with Rebecca Palpant Shimkets, associate director for the Carter Center’s Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. Rebecca shares her thoughts about overcoming the stigma around talking about mental health and efforts that the Carter Center is taking to create accurate portrayals of mental health in the media. Discover how to discuss mental health in a way that breaks through stigma and is hopeful and empowering.  To learn more about The Carter Center, visit To learn more about Ruh Global, visit 

  • E56: Disability and Human Rights

    17/05/2017 Duración: 28min

    Debra and Doug Foresta discuss the connection between disability rights and human rights, and how we can strengthen both. Discover what is possible when we view people through the lens of potential vs. weaknesses. 

  • E55: The Impact of Mainstream and Assistive Technologies

    10/05/2017 Duración: 36min

    David Banes, founder of David Banes Access and Inclusion, discusses how technology is impacting persons with disabilities and some of the opportunities and challenges that remain when it comes to creating assistive technologies. Discover a big shift that is occurring with mainstream technologies and the implications for the disability community.  To learn more, visit 

  • E54: How To Get Unstuck and Live Your Full Potential

    03/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    Doug and Debra discuss the most common thinking patterns that keep us stuck, and how to overcome them. Discover tips for moving past "stuckness" and living your full potential.  For more information, visit 

  • E53: Aging and Disability

    25/04/2017 Duración: 30min

    Debra and Doug discusses the challenges and opportunities that come with aging and disability and often overlooked issues that come with both. Discover the gifts of aging and how brands can better engage the aging and disability community. For more information, visit 

  • E52: Brand Lessons From United Air

    18/04/2017 Duración: 31min

    Doug and Debra discuss mistakes that brands make, including the recent incident with United Airlines and what brands can learn from this event. Debra shares her perspective on how brands can make a deep and lasting connection with the community of persons with disabilities. Discover how brands can communicate that they care about the disability community, and how the community can reward brands for their positive efforts.  To learn more about Ruh Global, visit 

  • E51: What Companies Need to Know About Diversity and Technology

    12/04/2017 Duración: 36min

    Sandy Carter, one of the leading pioneers in the digital business revolution and formerly the worldwide General Manager of Ecosystem Development and Social Business at IBM, discusses how technology can empower women. Discover why diversity matters when it comes to developing technology and what companies need to think about when it comes to creating diverse technology teams.  For more information, visit 

  • E50: How Brands Can Increase Loyalty and Engagement

    05/04/2017 Duración: 37min

    Doug and Debra shares their reflections on how brands can maximize their efforts in communicating their stories to customers in order to increase loyalty and engagement. Debra discusses what brands get right and wrong when it comes to speaking to persons with disabilities and takeaways for brands about how they can maximize their efforts. To learn more, visit 

  • E49: Humanizing Your Brand Through Storytelling

    29/03/2017 Duración: 35min

    This episode features an interview with Ekaterina Walter, a globally-recognized business and marketing innovator, international speaker, an author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller "Think Like Zuck" and co-author of  "The Power of Visual Storytelling".  Ekaterina discusses the importance of brand storytelling for increased profitability and social impact, and how organizations can humanize their brand through storytelling.  To learn more about Ekaterina visit To learn more about Debra Ruh, visit 

  • E48: Cutting Ourselves Some Slack

    22/03/2017 Duración: 30min

    Debra and Doug discuss a recent viral video and the response to it, and the connection to "cutting ourselves some slack." Debra shares her perspective and advice on how to have more compassion for ourselves and others and what to do when things don't go as planned. To learn more about Debra, visit 

  • E47: How Strengthening Democracy Helps Unleash Human Potential

    15/03/2017 Duración: 41min

    This episode features David Carroll, Director of Democracy at the Carter Center, and Avery Davis-Roberts who manages the Center's Democratic Election Standards Project. David and Avery discuss why strengthening democracy matters, some of the biggest challenges when it comes to building democracy and the connection between democracy and human potential.  To learn more about the Carter Center, visit To learn more about Debra Ruh, visit 

  • E46: Taking Care of Ourselves

    08/03/2017 Duración: 32min

    In this episode Doug and Debra discuss the importance of taking care of ourselves, tips on how to do that, and the connection to human potential. Discover a simple but powerful exercise for changing your mental state from negative to positive, and also how to notice when you are going into a "flight or fight" response.  For more information, visit

  • E45: How Social Media Can Be Used for Social Good

    01/03/2017 Duración: 35min

    Doug Foresta, producer of Human Potential at Work, joins Debra for a conversation about the benefits of social media, and how social media can be used for great social good. Debra shares why and when she first came online, and the first social media platforms that she used. Discover how to choose the right social media platforms for you, and how to use social media for positive social change. For more information, visit 

  • E44: Moving Past Labels and Overcoming Fear

    22/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    Debra discusses her recent experiences trying to get counseling for her daughter, Sara, and the lessons about labels and fear. Debra and Doug Foresta (the show's producer) explore how labels get in the way, and how we begin to overcome fears and limiting beliefs.  For more information, visit 

  • E43: Does Technology Help or Hinder Us?

    15/02/2017 Duración: 30min

    Debra Ruh and Doug Foresta discuss the positives and negatives of technology, and how we can effectively navigate technology and social media. Doug and Debra discuss how we can use technology to the fullest, but also unplug and make sure to connect to a deeper, calmer place within ourselves.  To learn more about Ruh Global, visit   

  • E42: Lessons From a Blind Filmmaker

    08/02/2017 Duración: 31min

    Michael Schwartz, President of Trailhead Productions, LLC, discusses how he continues to make films despite losing his vision. Michael discusses the lessons for all of us about the dangers of labeling others and making assumptions about what others are capable of.     

  • E41: How Accessibility Helps Your Bottom Line

    01/02/2017 Duración: 32min

    Paul Smyth, Head of IT Accessibility at Barclays Bank, discusses the importance of digital and technological accessibility. Paul discusses the business advantages of accessibility, beyond mere compliance, and how Barclays is building their accessibility efforts into their brand.  To learn more about Ruh Global visit 

  • E40: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    25/01/2017 Duración: 26min

    Jennie Mustafa Julock, AKA "The Audacity Coach" joins the program to talk about her new book "Hilda" and shares tips for how to overcome the negative beliefs that keep us stuck from reaching our full human potential. Discover how to develop a more compassionate relationship with yourself and what to do when you feel stuck in overwhelm or fear.  To learn more about Ruh Global, visit 

  • E39: Social Attitudes Towards Persons with Disabilities- What Needs to Change

    18/01/2017 Duración: 37min

    Disability rights advocate Stephane Leblois joins Debra and producer Doug Foresta as they discuss the difference in attitude towards persons with disabilities between the Boomer, Gen X and Millennial generations, and what still needs to change in terms of social attitudes. To learn more about Debra Ruh, visit 

  • E38: Microsoft's Chief Accessibility Officer- Jenny Lay-Flurrie

    11/01/2017 Duración: 38min

    Jenny Lay-Flurrie, the Chief Accessibility Officer at Microsoft, discusses how Microsoft creates a culture of accessibility. Jenny shares her own journey of accessibility as someone who has hearing loss and how she uses technology in her personal and professional life.  To learn more about Debra Ruh, visit 

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