Spencerville Church



Spencerville Church is a community of people committed to sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, equipping our members for ministry, nurturing relationships with Him, and offering compassionate care to those in need.


  • No One Goes Unnoticed - Pastor Chad Stuart - January 22, 2022

    03/02/2022 Duración: 33min

    In Luke 8:44-47, a woman touches Jesus' garment, causing Him to stop. The woman doesn't go unnoticed by Jesus, in a place where he's pressed by people on every side. What can we, as the people of God, learn from this story? Is there something we can do today to make sure that people aren't going unnoticed in our midst? Pastor Chad returns to the pulpit this week with a message titled, "No One Goes Unnoticed."

  • Faith Without Favoritism - Pastor Matthew Piersanti - January 15, 2022

    03/02/2022 Duración: 29min

    As we continue our look at the topic of discipleship, we'll examine a common practice that prevents us from following Jesus as true disciples. What is this practice, and how can it be a hindrance to others, stopping them from joining a community of faith? Listen as Pastor Matthew Piersanti leads our study from James 2 in a message titled "Faith Without Favoritism."

  • Not Christians. Disciples. - Pastor Chad Stuart - January 8, 2022

    02/02/2022 Duración: 27min

    Throughout 2022, we’ll be looking at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Rather than an in-depth study of a particular book of the Bible as we’ve done in previous years, our sermons this year will be divided into multiple series, with multiple themes—but which all come back to the topic of discipleship and what it means in the twenty-first century. This week, we invite you to listen in as Pastor Chad Stuart shares a message titled “Not Christians. Disciples.”

  • A New Hope - Pastor Matthew Piersanti - January 1, 2022

    02/02/2022 Duración: 31min

    As we reflect on last year and look forward to the next, Pastor Matthew Piersanti examines a new source of hope available to each of us. Despite the difficulties we've faced or will face, we can have hope and assurance which cannot be taken. Where can we find this hope? How can we have such assurance?

  • The Evidence of our Worship - Pastor Chad Stuart - December 25, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 14min

    What is the correct way to worship? There are obviously many styles and forms of worship, so is it possible to say that there's a single “right” way? Perhaps a better question would be: what is the evidence we’ve worshiped? How can we know conclusively that we’ve experienced the presence of God in our hearts, and not simply filled a pew during a church service? We invite you to listen to this powerful Christmas day message titled, “The Evidence of Our Worship.”

  • Our Common Quest - Costin Jordache - December 18, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 44min

    What does it mean to seek God with all of your heart? (Deuteronomy 4:29) Not simply to acknowledge His existence, but to earnestly seek Him? The journey of the wise men in the Biblical narrative of Jesus' birth gives us several clues on how we can best seek God. In this third message of our four-part Advent series, Costin Jordache examines the concept of "seeking" in his message titled, "Our Common Quest."

  • Waiting is Not Enough - Pastor Kandace Zollman - December 11, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 36min

    This December, we're examining aspects of the phases of Advent; waiting, watching, seeking, and worshiping. This week, Pastor Kandace Zollman shares why simply waiting for Jesus’ return isn't enough, and what each of us should do instead.

  • Don't Keep Him Waiting - Daniela Cruz - December 4, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 14min

    As we begin the month of December, we're pleased to welcome Daniela Cruz to the pulpit. Daniela is a Spencerville Adventist Academy high-school student and a leader in our Spencerville Church Youth ministry. Daniela will share our message in the first of four weeks as we examine aspects of the phases of Advent; waiting, watching, seeking, and worshiping. We're always grateful to have our young people involved with the worship service!

  • Thankful Obedience - Pastor Chad Stuart - November 27, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    The Thanksgiving holiday has passed, but unlike the delicious food we partake of during the holidays, there's always room for more Thanksgiving in our lives. A daily attitude of gratitude lived out all year tells the people around us whether Jesus is the Lord of our lives as much or more than our words. So how can we bring honor and glory to the One who has done so much for us? Listen as Pastor Chad Stuart for a message titled "Thankful Obedience."

  • Extending God's Care - Terry Forde - November 13, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 28min

    November 13 is Adventist HealthCare Sabbath at Spencerville Church. We greatly value the partnership between Adventist HealthCare, Spencerville Church, and Spencerville Adventist Academy. Listen and be blessed by a sermon from Adventist HealthCare CEO and network president, Terry Forde.

  • A Leper's Thanks - Pastor Chad Stuart - November 20, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    Everyone has a reason to be thankful. For many, however, the idea of gratitude and thankfulness is clouded by the pain and trauma they've experienced. Yet the Bible assures us that God is actively working for the good of every person all the time. Listen along and worship with us for our Thanksgiving service as Pastor Chad Stuart shares a message titled, "A Leper's Thanks."

  • Glorifying God: Part Two - Pastor Matthew Piersanti - November 6, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    None of us are perfect, yet we are made in the image of God—who is nothing less than perfect. The way we perceive ourselves has a direct impact on how we perceive and glorify God. How can we ensure that what we're seeing is accurate? We invite you to listen as Pastor Matthew Piersanti shares the second message from his two-part series titled "Glorifying God."

  • Glorifying God, Part One - Pastor Matthew Piersanti - October 30, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 26min

    As Christians, we glorify God with our right beliefs and right behavior. However, we sometimes overlook an important area that has significant potential to damage our Christian witness. Join us as we discover how to avoid this area while bringing glory to God. Listen as Pastor Matthew Piersanti shares the first of a two-part sermon series titled "Glorifying God."

  • The Book of Acts: The Mission Continues - Pastor Chad Stuart - October 23, 2021

    02/02/2022 Duración: 33min

    The book of Acts ends somewhat abruptly. Unlike a television drama or a short story, the author doesn't tie up the narrative with a neat bow. Why is this? What does this tell us about the church's mission then and now? We invite you to watch as Pastor Chad Stuart shares the final message from our 10-month series in the New Testament book of Acts. He'll close the series with a message titled, "The Mission Continues."

  • The Book of Acts: Through the Storm - Pr. Chad Stuart - Oct. 16, 2021

    10/11/2021 Duración: 28min

    Is the world getting worse? Has it ever been this bad? Unfortunately, those are the wrong questions. Instead of seeking to measure how bad the world may be, we need to do what the Apostle Paul did. What was it? How should we react when we come face-to-face with the storms of this life? Should we focus on the storm itself, or is there something higher? Listen as Pastor Chad Stuart shares the penultimate message in our series from the New Testament book of Acts titled "Through the Storm."

  • The Book of Acts: Every Interaction - Pr. Chad Stuart - Oct. 9, 2021

    07/11/2021 Duración: 27min

    Every interaction we have with others says something about who we are, what we believe, and the God we serve. We're called to desire good for all whom we interact with—the highest form of "good" being a person's relationship with Jesus. Are we saying this with our words? Are we doing this with our actions? Listen in as Pastor Chad Stuart continues our series from the Book of Acts with a message titled “Every Interaction.”

  • The Book of Acts: Don't Go Along to Get Along - Pr. Chad Stuart - Oct. 2, 2021

    05/11/2021 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever gone along with an idea that you knew was incorrect, simply because you didn't want to make waves? Most of us have probably done this at some point in our lives. In Acts 22, we see the Apostle Paul making a conciliatory gesture for this same reason—he didn't want to make waves and unfortunately, there were consequences. Are there areas in our lives where we don't speak up or speak out, simply to avoid the awkward moment that follows? What can we learn from Paul as he navigates the tricky cultural waters of his day? Listen as Pastor Chad shares the latest from our series in the book of Acts, "Don't Go Along to Get Along."

  • The Book of Acts: Model for Church Elders - Pr. Chad Stuart - Sept. 25, 2021

    02/11/2021 Duración: 33min

    The apostle Paul, the writer of much of the Bible’s New Testament, was never one to shy away from his calling. In Acts 20:17-37, Paul lays out the ideal qualifications and characteristics for a church leader. He did so while declaring to the believers in Ephesus that God was guiding his ministry and they would never see him in person again. Paul placed the Gospel message as his highest priority—more so than his own comfort or even his own life. Do we model this same level of commitment to sharing, testifying, serving, and praying in Jesus’ name? Are we allowing God to lead and guide our ministry—both personally and corporately? Listen as Pastor Chad Stuart delivers a message from our series on the Book of Acts titled “A Model for Church Elders.”

  • The Book of Acts: Model for Church Elders - Pr. Chad Stuart - Sept. 25, 2021

    02/11/2021 Duración: 33min

    The apostle Paul, the writer of much of the Bible’s New Testament, was never one to shy away from his calling. In Acts 20:17-37, Paul lays out the ideal qualifications and characteristics for a church leader. He did so while declaring to the believers in Ephesus that God was guiding his ministry and they would never see him in person again. Paul placed the Gospel message as his highest priority—more so than his own comfort or even his own life. Do we model this same level of commitment to sharing, testifying, serving, and praying in Jesus’ name? Are we allowing God to lead and guide our ministry—both personally and corporately? Listen as Pastor Chad Stuart shares this timely message titled, "The Book of Acts: Model for Church Elders."

  • The Book of Acts: Influencer - Pr. Chad Stuart - Sept. 18, 2021

    31/10/2021 Duración: 28min

    The story of the city clerk in Acts 19 demonstrates how power and influence can be used for good—to diffuse a tense situation. Every person has a circle of influence. What we do with this influence is up to us. How do we effectively use our influence for the benefit of others and to the glory of Jesus? Join Pastor Matthew Piersanti as he shares the latest in our sermon series from the book of Acts titled, "Influencer."

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