Romans (2010)



Romans has always been one of the favorite books of thoughtful Christians. In this epistle, the apostle Paul logically delineates the foundation and structure of Christian doctrine. The righteousness of God has been accurately identified as the central message of this epistle. How the righteousness of God relates to a human history of suffering, pain, and injustice, has been a frequent question through the ages. In Romans, Paul's answer shows that this question cannot be addressed in a sound bit


  • 143 - Patterns of Disobedience [b]

    22/05/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    When the government commands us to do that which God forbids or forbids us to do that which God commands, what should Christians do? Listen to this lesson to see how Daniel was sent to the lions' den because he continued to pray publicly even though it seemed like certain death. Hear Peter's directions on this matter and learn about the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate and the Magdeburg Confession. See that just because something seems unfair to us or we don't agree with it, we are not given the right to refuse to obey authority.

  • 142 - Legitimate Disobedience to Authority [b]

    15/05/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    "I'm mad as can be and I'm not going to put up with it!" Is this how you feel about outrageous government actions? Listen to this lesson to hear about clear-cut examples in the Bible of people who found it necessary to disobey an authority. Learn about how the midwives in Egypt handled an order to kill Hebrew male babies. Understand the role of covert activities in opposition to evil. Admire how Daniel and his friends handled the issue of dietary laws in the royal courts. Be ready to choose your battles wisely and with humility in a pagan world.

  • 141 - The Intended Role of Government [b]

    24/04/2014 Duración: 59min

    Have you ever wondered why God allowed evil rulers like Nero and Adolph Hitler to come to power? Listen to this lesson to understand God's role in raising up rulers and removing them. See how the purpose of all authority, whether in the home, at school, on the job, or in the government is to bring peace and order into our lives. Don't be surprised to learn that it's not okay to disobey an authority just because we think they're unjust or we don't agree with them. Find out two Biblical reasons why we should be obedient to those over us and how our submission does not make us a doormat but glorifies God for all eternity.

  • 140 - Obey? Even When They Are Wrong? [b]

    17/04/2014 Duración: 01h04min

    When does a Christian have a right to revolt against his country? Listen to this lesson to learn Biblical principles of how we should respond to authority, whether good or evil. Contemplate the tyrannical government that Jesus Christ submitted to when He was crucified on the Cross for our sins. Understand that when this passage in Romans was written by the Apostle Paul, one of the cruelest leaders in history was ruling. Resist the sin nature's urge to rebel against authorities we don't agree with and recognize that our contribution to changing our country lies in spiritual growth, prayer, and fulfilling our obligations as citizens.

  • 139 - Submission to Governing Authority [b]

    10/04/2014 Duración: 58min

    Surely you don't expect me to obey my unreasonable boss, or play second fiddle to my clueless husband, or pay every penny of my taxes to an out-of-control government? Listen to this lesson to learn that God is the One who instituted all authority and it's the believer's responsibility and privilege to submit to those in charge. Examine the meaning of submission and see the rare exceptions when we are to "obey God rather than man". Understand that these authorities are designed for our benefit and that humbling ourselves in obedience will bring rich rewards in time and eternity.

  • 138 - Vengeance, Justice, and Impersonal Love [b]

    03/04/2014 Duración: 58min

    "Just wait. You're going to pay for hurting me!" Have you ever fantasized about some really nasty ways to get even with someone who has treated you awful? Listen to this lesson to learn that God has promised to handle all the wrongs committed against us. His justice may not come just when we want it to or in the exact way we want but we can be assured He is working behind the scenes on our behalf. Hear several illustrations of times when God worked out justice in the Old Testament. Be shocked to learn that instead of seeking our own vengeance, we can love our enemies, treat them kindly, and be rewarded by God.

  • 137 - Principles for Peaceful Living [b]

    27/03/2014 Duración: 57min

    Whoops! In spite of all your best intentions you flew off the handle again? You hurt someone's feelings? You insisted on getting your own way? Listen to this lesson to learn that God commands Christians to live at peace with all others. The result will be that we will have inner peace even in the midst of all kinds of chaos in our lives. Discover this peace is not something we can produce in ourselves but requires staying in fellowship with God, the source of all peace. Determine to pursue the ten spiritual skills and make them a part of your daily life, as you study God's word and walk by means of the Spirit.

  • 136 - Living in Peace [b]

    20/03/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Where's your comfort zone? Do you find it easy to dislike that obnoxious neighbor? Listen to this lesson as the Apostle Paul teaches us that the purpose of learning Biblical truth is to be changed. As we walk by means of the Holy Spirit we can learn to love one another, no matter how unlovable someone is. See the command not to demand justice and pay people back for what they do to us. Discover that our greatest enemy is what we think, considering ourselves to be better than others and deserving to get our own way. Examine the basic spiritual skills we need to employ in order to resolve problems with one another.

  • 135 - Standards for the Christian Life - Part 2 [b]

    06/03/2014 Duración: 57min

    "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" This little snippet from a famous fairy tale shows us that we all love ourselves and think we're the best. Listen to this lesson to learn that our greatest need is to learn to love others, no exceptions even for those who mistreat and hate us. Impossible, you say? Discover the different kinds of love described in the Bible and which one we are commanded to have for others. Don't be discouraged by the lofty Christian character traits listed here. Instead realize that these virtues are developed in us by the Holy Spirit when we hang in there, not giving up but persevering through confession of sin, daily Bible reading, and a passion for obedience and for prayer.

  • 134 - Standards for the Christian Life - Part 1 [b]

    27/02/2014 Duración: 58min

    "I love you." Who doesn't enjoy hearing that but what does it really mean? Listen to this lesson to learn that the Biblical meaning of love is not just a tingly, electrifying feeling but a desire to do what is best for the one you love. Discover absolute standards for the functioning of your spiritual gifts, including teaching, mercy, encouragement, and giving. Examine the many examples of evil in the Bible and see how we should detest evil in ourselves and others and seek that which is good.

  • 133 - Spiritual Gifts and Love [b]

    20/02/2014 Duración: 57min

    Should churches today try to be like the early Church in the 1st century? Listen to this lesson to learn that the early Church lacked information before the canon of Scripture was completed.and had to rely on the temporary spiritual gift of prophecy. Get an accurate explanation of prophecy in both the Old Testament and New Testament. See what tests were necessary to verify that someone was a prophet and how to tell false prophets. Take to heart the importance of interpreting our personal experiences, no matter how dramatic, in the light of the Word of God. Learn to never interpret the Scripture on the basis of these experiences. Note: Following this Bible class, Dr. Dean sent out this supplemental information: Should we interpret our experiences by the Word of God? Or interpret the Word of God by our experiences? In our experience-based world, this question apparently confuses even many Christians. A case in point are so-called near death experiences, like those described in various books where people alleg

  • 132 - Spiritual Gifts Introduction - Part 4. Permanent vs. Temporary Gifts [b]

    13/02/2014 Duración: 01h04min

    Are you trying to puzzle out what your spiritual gift is? Listen to this lesson to learn that it's not necessary to identify your gift in order to grow spiritually. See how as we mature in the spiritual life we will begin to function in our spiritual gift or even gifts. Revisit the difference between permanent and temporary spiritual gifts and the importance of the completion of the Canon of Scripture. Allow this lesson to encourage you to utilize your spiritual gift to build up the body of Christ in your local church and not for what you can get out of it for yourself.

  • 131 - Spiritual Gifts Introduction - Part 3. Permanent vs. Temporary Gifts [b]

    06/02/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Would you like to know more about "speaking in tongues"? Listen to this lesson to learn what it means, the history of the "tongues" movement, and whether this is a legitimate spiritual gift today. Find out the difference between permanent and temporary spiritual gifts. Discover if prophecy in the Old Testament is the same as the temporary gift of prophecy in the New Testament. See how Paul indicates love is permanent but prophecy, knowledge, and tongues are temporary. Understand that the deaths of all the apostles and the completion of the canon of Scripture abolished the temporary gifts. Note that the video is incorrectly labeled as Romans Lesson #132 on the opening screen.

  • 130 - Spiritual Gifts Introduction - Part 2 [b]

    09/01/2014 Duración: 01h32s

    What do you want to do when you grow up? This isn't just a question for children, but all believers are given a spiritual gift at the instance of salvation which is to be used to benefit other believers. Listen to this lesson to see how, as we mature spiritually, we gain the resources to use our spiritual gift. Find out how to evaluate a local church to attend or see if your only choice is to participate in electronic messages where you still have options for exercising your spiritual gift. Learn that Christ took a victory ascent to Heaven after His resurrection and distributed spiritual gifts. Ask ourselves if we are willing to go through the process God has designed for us so we are prepared to rule and reign with Christ.

  • 129 - Spiritual Gifts Introduction - Part 1 [b]

    02/01/2014 Duración: 01h01min

    Me! Me! Gimme a gift! Who doesn't love to get a gift? Listen to this lesson to learn about an extraordinary gift, a spiritual gift, graciously bestowed on each of us by God when we trust in Christ as our Savior. See that the purpose of this gift is not for bragging rights or to make us look good in the eyes of others but to be used to benefit other believers in our local church. Learn the different words used to describe these gifts and how these gifts are for Church Age believers only. Understand that through spiritual growth and the transformation of our thinking we come to exercise our spiritual gift fully in service to God.

  • 128 - Worldview Shift - Part 2 [b]

    26/12/2013 Duración: 01h01min

    Who can tally all the months, years, and centuries the academic chattering class have wasted trying to figure out what the universe is all about when God has revealed the truth in the Bible? Listen to this lesson to learn about the history of ideas that appeal to man's sin nature but lead to a life of depression and despair. See how these philosophies have impacted everything in life from morality to law and social studies and music. Step up to the challenge of having your mind transformed from the inside out and marvel at the omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence of God who is always in control and has a perfect plan for mankind.

  • 127 - Worldview Shift - Part 1 [b]

    19/12/2013 Duración: 01h02min

    Mission impossible? According to the Apostle Paul, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to submit to the radical surgery of the Word of God to have your thinking completely overhauled from the inside out. Come face to face with the two basic worldviews and explore the "Worldview Mix-Master" to see the four elements that go into it. Engage in the fierce spiritual battle for your mind with its major challenge between evolution and creation. Learn how the garbage in your soul can be ejected and the fantasy castles in your mind torn down. Listen to the life-changing questions that come out of various worldviews and how only the Word of God and the Holy Spirit can completely renovate your thinking.

  • 126 - Transformation [b]

    12/12/2013 Duración: 01h01s

    What's on your bucket list that you hope to do before you die? Listen to this lesson to learn how our sin natures and the culture around us make us want to satisfy our every whim and desire but God's plan is to totally overhaul us and our thinking. Recognize that our aim should be to become committed disciples which is a decision we have to renew over and over throughout every day. Learn the true meaning of presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to God and its connection to authority. Determine to respond to the challenge to be transformed from the inside out by putting God and His Word first in our lives.

  • 125 -To Whom Be the Glory Forever [b]

    05/12/2013 Duración: 01h03min

    Who says you need a crystal ball to foretell the future? Listen to this lesson to hear a summary of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Study Group Conference held in Dallas this week with its emphasis on the reality of Bible prophecy. Learn how to access the papers read at the conference. Find out the soaring, triumphant conclusion to Romans, chapters one through eleven, and revisit an overview of what has been taught on justification, sanctification, and the righteousness of God. Thrill to the security of knowing that God with His infinite knowledge and wisdom is in control no matter what dark forces we face in our world today.

  • 124 - Dough and the Olive Branches [b]

    21/11/2013 Duración: 59min

    God's thoughts are not our thoughts so no wonder we're full of questions. Listen to this lesson to learn answers from the Apostle Paul to two burning questions. Find out how God opened the floodgates of blessing to the world through the Gentiles and understand the illustrations of the lump of dough and the root of the olive tree. Hear how Christians and Jews were both involved in the Zionist movement to return the Jews to the land and rest in the knowledge that the gifts and the promises of God are irrevocable.

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