Freethought Radio



A weekly show by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Slightly irreverent views, news, music and interviews.


  • "Letting Go of God"

    10/11/2007 Duración: 37min

    Comedian and Saturday Night Live alum Julia Sweeney returns to Freethought Radio for a new interview about her "beautiful loss of faith story," and her monolog, "Letting Go of God," soon to be released as a film!

  • Dissecting "Values Voters" Summit

    03/11/2007 Duración: 37min

    Dan and Annie Laurie play sound bites from GOP candidates genuflecting before the Religious Right. They also discuss the monopolization of words like "morality" and "values" by the Christian right with nonbeliever Eric Zorn, columnist for the Chicago Tribune.

  • Guests: Steve Benson & Robert R. Tiernan

    27/10/2007 Duración: 36min

    Irreverent Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Steve Benson of the Arizona Republic, who is the grandson of Ezra Taft Benson, the late president of the Mormon church, talks about why he left that church in a highly-publicized break and is now an atheist. Also, attorney Robert R. Teirnan talks about FFRF's newest federal lawsuit, challenging the promotion of churchgoing by a school district in Colorado. Photo by Brent Nicastro.

  • Nobel Laureates & Atheism

    20/10/2007 Duración: 37min

    In honor of "Nobel Week," Freethought Radio talks with Paul D. Boyer, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1997, about why he is an atheist, as well as discussing statistics revealing that the overwhelming number of elite scientists are nonbelievers. Prof. Boyer also talks about his support of death with dignity in the face of church opposition to physician-assisted suicide. Photo by Brent Nicastro. (MP3, 38 min, 34.7 MB)

  • Special Guests: Ron Reagan & Emma Martens

    13/10/2007 Duración: 36min

    An interview with Ron Reagan about his atheism. Reagan, a radio host and TV commentator, is the son of Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Also featuring 17 year old Emma Martens, a high school senior who is leading a walkout of students in Boulder, Colo., to protest "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. And a discussion about the Freethought Renaissance--how unbelief and atheism are increasing in the United States and its popular culture. (MP3, 37 min, 33.8 MB)

  • Special Guest: Christopher Hitchens

    06/10/2007 Duración: 37min

    Freethought Radio's featured guest is Christopher Hitchens, author of the bestselling "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." Freethought Radio is the first nationally-broadcast radio show from the secular point of view! Freethought Radio broadcasts weekly. The show offers programming for nonreligious listeners, as well as countering the religious-right domination of our public airwaves. Freethought Radio features a regular "Theocracy Alert," Dan's "Pagan Pulpit," "Freethinkers Almanac," music and interviews with authors and activists. (MP3, 38 min, 34.7 MB)

  • Special Guest: Debra Sweet, Social Activist

    29/09/2007 Duración: 49min

    Debra Sweet, whose statement to Pres. Nixon as a 19-year-old made international headlines, talks about her continuing activism with the groups Refuse & Resist, and World Can't Wait, both of which are concerned with attacks on the separation between church and state. The show also marks the birthdate of celebrated composer George Gershwin, and airs a current "Theocracy Alert." (MP3, 50 min, 45.7 MB)

  • Special Guests: Senator Ernie Chambers & Teacher Alan Ginsberg

    22/09/2007 Duración: 44min

    Two timely guests: Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers talks about his slightly tongue-in-cheek lawsuit, Chambers v. God, commanding headlines this week! And schoolteacher Alan Ginsberg, who teaches third grade in Madison, Wis., talks about the complaint he and the Freedom From Religion Foundation have launched over the distribution of "Jesus Flyers" in Madison public schools. (MP3, 44 min, 40.8 MB)

  • Atheist Author Jim Haught

    15/09/2007 Duración: 54min

    Jim Haught, author of Holy Hatred, Holy Horror, Honest Doubt: Essays on Atheist and editor in chief of the Charleston Gazette, W.Va., is the guest. There is an important announcement about Freethought Radio going national, and a clip of comedian Kathy Griffin, whose irreverent remarks were censored at some of the Emmy awards. The show also features Irving Berlin's revue song from the 1920s, "Pack Up Your Bags and Go to the Devil in Hades." (MP3, 55 min, 50.3 MB)

  • Christianization of U.S. Military

    08/09/2007 Duración: 46min

    Freethought Radio interviews Mikey Weinstein, the retired Air Force attorney who has formed the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to fight high-ranking evangelism in the military. The show covers recent exposes his group has uncovered, including the filming of a video for the Christian Embassy at the Pentagon, "soul saving" by a ministry group in a Pentagon commons, and halting a Pentagon plan to help distribute the "Left Behind" videogame to all soldiers in Iraq. The show also marsk the birthdate of H.L. Mencken, and broadcast "Reincarnation," words by cowboy poet Wallace D. MacRae, music by Dan Barker. (MP3, 47 min, 42.9 MB)

  • Faith-based Abstinence Boondoggle

    01/09/2007 Duración: 49min

    Freethought Radio features veteran investigative reporter Michael Reynolds, author of "Abstinence Gluttons," The Nation Magazine, June 2007. The show also features some timely news updates and commentary. (MP3, 49 min, 22.4 MB)

  • America Is Not A Christian Nation

    25/08/2007 Duración: 51min

    Freethought Radio features southern secular activist Ed Buckner, Ph.D., talking about how to combat the myth that America is a Christian nation. Ed has a chapter in the new book, "Everything You Knew About God Is Wrong." The show also features some timely news updates and commentary. (MP3, 51 min, 23.5 MB)

  • Religion Writer Loses Religion

    18/08/2007 Duración: 52min

    Dan and Annie Laurie Gaylor interview Bill Lobdell, whose page-one article for the Los Angeles Times in July announced he is retiring from the Los Angeles Times religion page because his beat turned him into an atheist. The show also covers developments exposing the Christianization of the U.S. military, and advance word on a major legal victory for the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 53 min, 24.1 MB)

  • When God Sanctions Violence

    11/08/2007 Duración: 49min

    Freethought Radio features an interview with Prof. Brad J. Bushman, of the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, about his studies linking religious belief and scriptural reading with violence. The show reports on the related attack this week upon atheist author Taslima Nasrin by Muslim lawmakers in Hyperabad, India. The show, airing on the birthdate of Robert G. Ingersoll, takes a look at this 19th century freethinker's illustrious life. A new song, "Adrift on a Star," words by the lyricist Yip Harburg ("Somewhere Over the Rainbow"), music by Dan Barker, debuts. The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 50 min, 22,8 MB)

  • Special Guest: August Brunsman, director of the Secular Student Alliance

    04/08/2007 Duración: 49min

    Guest is August Brunsman, whose Secular Student Alliance works with 80 campus affiliates and provides support and ideas to freethinking students around the country. The show debuts a new song by lyricist and atheist Yip Harburg ("Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "It's Only a Paper Moon"), music by Dan Barker, who set to music a number of Yip's clever rhymes from "Rhymes for the Irreverent" (FFRF, 2006). Ongoing censorship and discrimination against freethinkers are discussed. Dan's Pagan Pulpit challenges churches with say tithing is biblically-ordained. The show is co-hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor. (MP3, 50 min, 22.9 MB)

  • Special Guest: Emily Lyons, survivor of religious antiabortion terrorism

    28/07/2007 Duración: 52min

    Emily Lyons, the Birmingham, Ala., nurse who was nearly murdered by "Army of God" antiabortion terrorist/bomber Eric Rudolph, talks about her experience, religious terrorism and ongoing assaults against abortion rights in Alabama and around the nation in a memorable interview. The program also analyzes candidate responses on state/church issues popping up on Monday's CNN-YouTube debate. A cameo appearance by Madison's "Raging Grannies" addresses the topical question of "The Rapture." Don't miss this program! The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 52 min, 23.8 MB)

  • The God Who Wasn't There

    21/07/2007 Duración: 50min

    Brian Flemming, director of "The God Who Wasn't There" documentary (2005) is interviewed. The broadcast also airs clips of Christian fanatics disrupting the first-ever Hindu prayer to open the U.S. Senate last week, discusses the unconstitutional chaplaincies in Congress, and covers the largest-ever settlement to victims of priestly sexual abuse, by the Los Angeles Archdiocese, among other news updates. The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 50 min, 23 MB)

  • Religion-Free Iceland

    14/07/2007 Duración: 50min

    Freethought Radio features an interview all the way from Iceland, with Hope Knutsson, president of the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, about the remarkable lack of fundamentalists in Iceland! News includes an update on the cover-up of priestly crimes against children by the Roman Catholic Church, including a brief excerpt of a moving documentary on church culpability by the BBC. Phonecalls from "loving" Christians to the Foundation are also broadcast. The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 50 min, 23.2 MB)

  • Special Guest: Darrell Lambert, expelled atheist Eagle Scout

    07/07/2007 Duración: 51min

    Everybody's favorite Eagle Scout, Darrell Lambert, talks about what it was like to be kicked out of Boy Scouts of America for being an atheist. The show includes more coverage of the fallout from the Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation Supreme Court ruling, a quick response to Bush's stem-cell veto and a look at how Mitt Romney prays and why on earth that is part of his campaign PR! The secular underpinnings of the Declaration of Independence, which just had a birthday, is also discussed. The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 52 min, 23.7 MB)

  • Special Guest: Kristin Lems

    30/06/2007 Duración: 51min

    Midwest topical folksinger, feminist and freethinker Kristin Lems ("Days of the Theocracy") is the featured guest. The show includes a post-mortem of the Supreme Court's ruling in Hein v. the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Tune in to hear what other media, including the Jon Stewart Show, are saying. In homage to July 4, the secular underpinnings of the Declaratin of Independence is briefly discussed. The weekly show is hosted by Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-presidents of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (MP3, 51 min, 23.4 MB)

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