Igniting Souls Podcast With Kary Oberbrunner



Welcome to the Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner. Kary believes if you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


  • 3 reasons you should not self-publish a book

    07/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    #1 - Sales A Pre-sales strategy is not available to self-published books so they can't compete with other major books because you can't talk about your book until it comes out. #2 - Advanced Reader Copies A self-published book is not able to get get advanced reader copies, so you're not able to get endorsements, forewards, etc. And when you are, you can only get 5 copies. #3 - Distribution You can't get your self-published book in stores. Most bookstores do not carry self-published books because they are not returnable. To find out more about a new way of publishing, go to karyoberbrunner.com

  • Hope if you're a people pleaser

    06/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    There are only two opinions in life that matter: God and you. You need only to be pleased with who you are becoming. If you worry about what other people think, you will be disappointed in life. To find out more about how to reset your self image set point, go to yoursecretname.com.

  • The value of face to face meetings

    05/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    There is a unique benefit to meeting with people in person and having a live experience, like the one I recently had with Dexter Godfrey, Jim Edwards and David Branderhorst. There is a different level of energy plus the little experiences you have together like eating together, working out and having fun.

  • 3 questions every soul on fire must answer

    04/05/2019 Duración: 14min

    "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Unfortunately, most people are NOT souls on fire. In this interview, Jon Giganti asks Kary Oberbrunner what 3 questions every soul on fire must answer... (For more SOUL ON FIRE CONTENT join us at https://ignitingsoulsconference.com)

  • How to hire the right person

    03/05/2019 Duración: 04min

    75% of our team are clients of ours. Why? Because people reveal themselves on a daily basis. When you're trying to get a job, you can put on a perfect face but when someone is your client, you see it all.  The right person can switch and pivot as their strengths come to the top.  If you need a job, this is why you should always be upbeat and be a giver.  What are your thoughts on hiring clients as team mates?

  • Do you talk too much?

    02/05/2019 Duración: 03min

    A lot of times we aren't listening to others. Instead, we're thinking about what we're going to say next.  In the last 5 days I've tried to really listen and ask for clarification and wait. I've been blown away by how much better I understand when I show up and listen.

  • How to get your book noticed

    01/05/2019 Duración: 06min

    My friend, Ken, Mr. Biz, wrote a book, How To Be a Cash Flow Pro, as a simple lead magnet. He put it on Amazon at someone's urging and ended up selling a ton of books. Why? Because of an article written in which his book was named one of the top books on business. The lesson in this story: just do good work, share your passion. You never know when it will pay off.

  • 3 secrets to becoming a soul on fire

    30/04/2019 Duración: 28min

    Check out my recent interview for Insider Writer's Bubble about pain, reasons to write a book, my story, the importance of clarity and the benefits of writing your book in community.

  • The super dumb thing I did the other day

    29/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    Have you ever done something really dumb? I have. I recently put my car keys in my suitcase before we flew home from a vacation. Then I received a text that the airline had lost our bags. It turns out they had only lost one of our five bags and that the bag with my car keys in it wasn't the one, so we were able to get home just fine. I used to think everything had to be perfect. Today, I believe in giving grace and receiving grace. Grace is not getting what you deserve. Get a free book and masterclass for more on this at yoursecretname.com.

  • Your future clients are here waiting for you

    28/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    I'm convinced that most people lose money because they don't follow up with people. People do not want to wait around. The way you follow up with people is the way you treat people when they're clients or customers. Follow up shows you care — that you are responsible. This is a tip I had to learn the hard way. Find out more at dayjobtodreamjob.com and elixirprojectbook.com.

  • How to stay on track with goals

    27/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    "A wealth of information produces a poverty of attention." - Herbert H. Simon, economist.  We have more information available to us than at any other time in human history, but we're interrupted and distracted every three minutes.  You need a tool and a strategy to help you pay attention. Know your yesses, and if something is not one of your yesses then the answer is no. Those who have focus and maintain focus will be the ones who are successful.  Find out more and get your free book at deeperpathbook.com.

  • How to contact someone famous

    26/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    I recently e-mailed Seth Godin to tell him why his most recent post was the best he's ever done. No agenda. No ask. And I got a response. The people we look up to are humans, just like us, and they often just want human relationships like we do. Find out more and get your free copy of my book Day Job To Dream at dayjobtodreamjob.com.

  • Confidence building tip

    25/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    How passionate are you about personal growth? If we don't believe in ourselves we won't invest in ourselves.  Take it from Doug, author of One Shot. One Life. Stop worrying and start winning. Put your skin in the game. Put yourself around people who are where you want to grow.  Be a learner. Whether you learn something or not, it depends more on the student than the teacher.

  • How to ask someone out for coffee

    24/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    When I travel to a new city, it gives me a reason to connect with people there. People know it's a short visit and not something permanent, but it can be magic. I've created a monthly gathering so I can chat and meet with people. We've even hosted epic breakfasts around events to meet with people.

  • If you're having a bad day

    23/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    We often don't appreciate something until it's gone. Find out how our sprint through Chicago airport taught us to be grateful. Don't wait until you lose something to express your gratitude. Express your gratitude now. It will change your mindset and your power.

  • How to ask someone for an interview on your show

    22/04/2019 Duración: 04min

    Someone recently asked me for an interview for their podcast. And even though she didn't have a git following, I could tell she actually cared and listened to my content. So I agreed. She gave me attention. She wanted to connect not just climb. Are you a climber or a connector?

  • A secret networking tip most people miss

    21/04/2019 Duración: 02min

    A lot of times we come to events and leave early. But don't just view the event as the main attraction. Stay and connect with others.

  • How to get more people to pay attention

    20/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    Whatever you're doing — writing a book, speaking, selling a product — you need people to pay attention to you. But how? I had a recent encounter with a YouTube consultant who demonstrated three things that got me to pay attention to him:  • ask a question  • provide tips (give value first)  • study what people need.  To find out more, go to dayjobtodreamjob.com. There you can find a Value Proposition Statement and found out more on how to brand yourself in the marketplace.

  • Don't live like you have something left in the tank

    19/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    How many times do you leave something in the tank? Have you ever heard of David Goggins' 40% rule? When your brain tells your body that you're done, you actually have still have more in your tank. You'll surprise yourself. You'll be able to do much more than you thought you could.

  • How to do better apologies

    18/04/2019 Duración: 03min

    When we are incredibly angry with someone, rarely do we feel like saying, "tell me more." But according to my friend and coach Chet Scott, these three words allow you to take a step toward them, which opens them up.  I tried this recently, and it was tough to do. But it worked.

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