David Allen Wizardgold's Posts



David Allen Wizardgold's recent posts to audioboom.com


  • Beaching it Costa Bravo

    17/05/2013 Duración: 07min

    On the beach in Costa Brava. Talking about the Modernist houses along the beach. We've got some boobies on the beach and some bronzed boys that are enjoying the sun. I mentioned the famous hotel where Frank Sinatra is supposed to have stayed, La Gavina. I also talk about the pathway that goes in between the beaches all around the coastline here. Right at the very end of the audio you even get go here my mom say hello.

  • Teaching mom iPad tricks

    16/05/2013 Duración: 09min

    I have been teaching my mom had to do things with the iPad while she has been here to visit me in Spain. There is the five finger pinch to get back to your home screen which is a really useful extra gesture that you can use with your iPad. Then there is the four finger swipe upwards to see what actually have running. Also you can do a four finger swipe to the left to move between apps that you have to open.

  • Flowers in Girona and the Catwoman

    13/05/2013 Duración: 09min

    Girona flower show Temps Du Flor. The crisis and a square full of charred burned wood and a white tree. The Neighbour is a cat woman and I have been teaching my mom how to use her iPad Mini

  • St. Feliu de Guixols harbour

    12/05/2013 Duración: 09min

    I am in the harbour of St. Feliu de Guixols and looking out across the boats and there is a diver in the water to those I talk a little bit about shopping centres and they're not doing any good places for men to sit down or do anything we are willing our shopping I talk about this because while I'm here at the harbour my wife and my mother are in the market. I talk a lot about my sailing and my kayaking and about going out on the water in Ireland and also in Banbury in Oxford. Are you still have a sailing boat and enterprise which was great fun but difficult to look after. I talk about being a river kayaker and about how I did a couple of trips on the sea kayaking and camped overnight on an island in the west of Ireland.

  • Part 2 of Chat with David Mellor from Sunderland

    10/05/2013 Duración: 05min

    David and I continue our chat about football and we also talk about what it's like at the campsite here in Catalonia and in the background we have his wife Dee making us a nice cup of tea. I knew it was going to be good when he told me that it was Yorkshire tea.

  • Sunderland / Man United Fan in Catalonia Pt1

    10/05/2013 Duración: 07min

    In this Audioboo I am interviewing a guest at the campsite here in Catalonia who has been here for the last week enjoying the sun and we talk about football mostly on account of me giving him news about the departure of Fergie from Manchester United. I also kept him up-to-date with the fact that Aston Villa beat Sunderland 6-1 the other day also. This is part one of a two-part interview and in the second interview we continue talking about football had also what it thinks about the camp site and being here in Catalonia.

  • Archers vs Scathing Atheists

    09/05/2013 Duración: 07min

    I have introduced a few people to the joys of audioboo and because of that I now can talk for eight minutes instead of the five minutes. I have been listening to podcasts on one hand I have been listening to the archers and on the other hand I have been listening to the scathing atheist. You don't get much further apart from that in terms of religious views. What the archers really needs is to have a good forthright atheist somewhere in the story. Also they could do with being fewer stories about babies being born. I suspect that the writers for the archers at the moment are mostly women. Today I wrote an article about my green screen studio and I also used the studio to record a YouTube video for the front page of my presence. Of course, in the article I talked about the microphones that are used and also my three point lighting.

  • Bitcoin stars iPhone or Android

    08/05/2013 Duración: 06min

    Talking about BitCoin and the fact that I have joined the Bitcoin economy while I am saving for new technology possibly an android phone instead of an iPhone. Or maybe I'll try to get paid Panasonic GH3 camera. And then I see little light glowing in the undergrowth and I'm thinking must be some sort of light emitting bug or something. I can't see the stars tonight because it's all cloudy, very disappointing.

  • Bye bye Fergie why get depressed by News

    08/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    I see on the news that Sir Alex Ferguson has decided to retire. I start to waffle on about the effect that what's the news can have on you with all the bad journalism that's out there. Why can't we have a news channel that brings us just good news with the odd thing that is bad if it is something that we really should know about. I feel sure that some of these claims that are being made of the entertainment stars from the 70s are a little bit dodgy. Some of the things that are supposed to have taken place, claims that are being made are bad enough that they should have been reported on the day that they happened.

  • Blogging from the beach in Platja d'Aro

    07/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    in this Audioboo I am talking about the omnipotent of tea in England. Many people see T tea as being the panacea to all ills, whatever happens to a person in life the answer is to put the kettle on and have a nice cup of tea. I made a video this morning next to the harbour and Platja d'Aro and I used my new microphone which is a clip on microphone I have connected to my Zoom H2 recorder. When I got back to base I was able to use the Final Cut Pro synchronisation feature which allows me to synchronise some video to audio. This feature really works very well indeed and I had great sound to go with my video that I have now posted up to my video blogging channel on YouTube. I also talk about having to go to the shop to buy some mustard and of course I want to have some good Coleman's English mustard. You know the yellow very strong stuff that as a good bite to it. There was a man near to me who was scouring the rocks to find seafood which he was probably going to take home and eat. If you like that sor

  • Plans for the day making tutorials

    06/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    Talking about my plans of the day. I'm going to be making some more tutorials for YouTube on you tube I have lots of different tutorials for Mac and iOS users and you can find them if you look for the name Wizardgold

  • Campsite and clubs when I was a kid

    05/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    Talking about my work at the campsite and booking new campers into the campsite and then I start to waffle on about clubs as I belong to when I was a kid and going to the ABC minors club on a Saturday morning to see the cinema. I give a mention to the black and white movies I've used to see that were from the children's film foundation. All good stuff! Also talking about growing up in Sutton Coldfield and the difference between where I lived and the Falcon Lodge estate.

  • Encryption flowers and old women

    04/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    I start by talking about how my dog likes to go out for a walk or go out for a piddle late at night. Then I talk about how I like to solve computer problems and not be bullied by little difficulties. Then I talk about how my mother is coming to visit Girona so see the flower show next week, which leads me to have a bit of a moan about my mother-in-law who might also end up going to say the flower show.

  • Dog dumping bastards

    02/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    Talking about the people that dump the dogs that they don't want besides the road and leave them to fend for themselves. I found a dog yesterday that had been abandoned and we fed him and got the police to get someone to look after him. Only a couple of months ago we found two puppies by the side of the road and we had to find someplace that would take them in. It is the financial crisis that people are deciding to give up their dog and they're too lazy to get them properly looked after, the bastards!

  • Penultimate and feeling alive

    01/05/2013 Duración: 04min

    Talking about really feeling alive and having water in between my toes and the prickle of stones on my feet. I've got another text editor to use on my iPhone and iPad and it's the one called Penultimate which works well with Evernote. It's a happy sunny day at the campsite by the beach in Platja D'Aro

  • Headache, Mental Maths and iPhone to Android

    30/04/2013 Duración: 04min

    So today I have been doing the Audioboo after line down on my sofa suffering with a headache. I started watching Dexter series 7 and I got halfway through the episode before my eyes close completely and I began to snore loudly. We have had some very changeable weather today with it being very cloudy and grim looking this morning, but now it is sunny and we have nice bright blue skies. Because of the wind I didn't do the recording of the Audioboo was outside walking the dog as per usual and I have recorded in the studio or office. I could have done it this morning while I was at work, while it was quiet but instead I was learning some mental mathematics tricks. It is quite fun to learn these mental arithmetic tricks and interesting thing is that you work from the left to the right rather than a way that she was taught in school which was to go from the units on the right through the tens to hundreds etc. iPhone to Android I really do need a phone that would allow me to always have the ability for d

  • Working with video and wondering about friendship

    28/04/2013 Duración: 04min

    Working with video from a cheap camera and losing the sound as it is imported. Finding a work around with using video conversion software that is a bit tedious to set up. Another tutorial video posted on YouTube this time about the audio software Twisted Wave for Mac. Wondering if I can ever be friends with my ex in Ireland seems impossible, but I am going to try.

  • 2013-04-28-12:17:37

    28/04/2013 Duración: 04min
  • Working with iOS audio apps

    26/04/2013 Duración: 04min

    I bought two more applications from the app store today one was called Bossjock and the other one was audiobus and I'm even thinking I might buy another one called MultiTrack DAW although for the moment I could probably get away with using the garage band application instead. And then there another application which looked interesting called Loopy so as you can see I'm really getting deep into the audio applications and I like the idea of being out to create podcasts on the go using iOS.

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