Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • The Beauty of Self-Recognition

    04/01/2019 Duración: 23min

    "What is the question, 'Who am I?' driving at? If this question cannot give me what I am, then what is the purpose of this question?" It's not a mantra or a mental method. The purpose of this question is to find out what arises as 'I'. Everyone assumes 'I' to be the person, and this is where the confusion begins. Being in Satsang can stir up dormant energies which often arise as resistance or fear. Mooji reminds us that anything can arise; but, what is important is to recognize that you are the witness of whatever arises. "You cannot just solve a problem personally, because the person itself is illusory. Don't focus so much on the person; instead, keep bringing the attention back into your impersonal consciousness and that itself takes care of all the rest spontaneously, automatically. This is the beauty of Self-recognition." Mooji encourages us to keep turning the mind towards inquiry; it is totally possible for everyone to recognize what they are, consciously. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Ind

  • Fall Fully Apart

    04/01/2019 Duración: 04min

    "You have be struck by lightning and fall fully apart. You must have this much courage for freedom. Something much more then cleverness is required, something much more profound than intellectual understanding. There is no time to plan for this. You must be ready to offer yourself up for whatever it will be it will be a small price to pay for Self-Discovery." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 13 June 2013

  • Moving From Person to Presence

    04/01/2019 Duración: 36min

    One person reports to Mooji over a Skype phone call that through her inquiry, she has realized that many concepts and ideas she has believed in — including the idea of who she thought she was — are not true. She says that she does not really understand what is happening right now and sometimes feels lost, but that she wants to know the truth of what she is. Mooji responds by saying that actually, this is a common phase of the inquiry. Through the power that comes from real 'inner' looking, stale emotions and stale thinking are being burnt and there is a changing over from being a person to being presence; this feeling of being lost is just the feeling of being lost from your usual context of being. Mooji assures her not to worry, because, "A human being does not move into this deeper place without the call and support of Grace." The beingness is pulling the personality into itself, and it is a much more expansive state. Lastly, Mooji says to just let things happen, and to be the silent witness of them. It

  • Struck By Lightning

    04/01/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    "These words provoke and inspire something inside us that is primal and ancient - older than ancient - before ‘how-to-do’. This is not a how-to-do place. Sometimes if you’re lucky, life throws you something that you don’t know how to do. Is being empty something you can do? How do you shake off this old partner, the ego, who robs you at every turn, even while you’re sleeping? How do you give up going to this mind that gives you empty promises? How do you do it? Maybe for once, you get thrown to the sharks so-to-speak, and something gets produced out of that." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 2 May 2013

  • Without Awareness There Is Nothing At All

    04/01/2019 Duración: 01h45min

    Self-Enquiry cannot just be a mental, dry understanding. It has to have the fragrance of the Self and the energetic presence of the miraculous. Then it will do its work and set you free from the limitations of your imagined identity. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 9 February 2014

  • Your Real Life Is Not A Story

    04/01/2019 Duración: 55min

    Someone who seems to be heavily involved in family issues asks Mooji for guidance on how to remedy her present situation. The conversation begins with report after report of what is going wrong in her life and the lives around her, and of stories of trying to cope with daily life. Mooji points out that her present identity is shaping what she is experiencing and guides the attention back to awareness. Awareness is completely independent of the struggling mind and does not have a story. Can you go to the place where there is no story? By the end of the conversation, there is a recognition of this place of emptiness that does not belong to a person, and also a realization that greatest 'action' to take is to remain as the Self, not to waste any energy putting out fires. A Skype Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 22 September 2013

  • The First Kiss From God

    04/01/2019 Duración: 30min

    "Life is not about doing or not doing; it is about the quality of your being. The invitation is to be empty. There is nothing you are going to do on this planet that will bring you the profundity of that peace, of that love. When you are again your Self, you are unconquerable. Even death cannot touch you. Your real Self is always here. Remember that." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 13 December 2012

  • The Witness Remains Untouched

    04/01/2019 Duración: 34min

    Through this conversation Mooji leads us to a clear seeing of how personal conditioning and education strengthen the mistaken identification with the ego and the phenomenal world. He points to the power of observing with detachment and the joy of recognising the only truth: awareness is really what we are. He also speaks about the positive effects of strong experiences such as panic attacks, rejection and feeling lost. Finally, emphasising the simplicity of self-inquiry, he leads a seeker into clarity through the question "Can the perceiver be perceived"? A Skype Satsang 21 April 2010

  • Come To The Ultimate Place

    04/01/2019 Duración: 33min

    "Go to the birthplace of duality. This is your final place, the ultimate place. When you confirm yourself as the pure, unattached witness, nothing can trouble you, nothing can overwhelm you." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 8 August 2013

  • Open Space of Being

    04/01/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    "This is looking in the mirror when you yourself have no face. What is the point of it? The end of suffering is the point of it. The end of delusions is the point of it. To be one with the experience of the highest truth and not to come out. To recognise that you are timeless, eternal, undying - that is the point of it. An end to the troubles that come out of duality and yet to see the divine in duality is the point of it. To have the experience of love, of sharing, of compassion, of wisdom, of experiencing without delusion, is the point of it." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 15 November 2012

  • Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit

    04/01/2019 Duración: 19min

    While the physical body is here and the vital force, some activity will be going on, some duality will be playing out. It is very important that these things come and take you out of your projected state. We still have a relationship with our mind, with our sense of identity, with how we want things to be and how we want to be perceived. The stain of identity is one of the last ones to be removed. In Satsang this stain is dissolving, like ice in a glass of warm water. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 6 December 2012

  • Fall Back Into the Lap Of God

    04/01/2019 Duración: 20min

    "In a way, even the gods are seasonal; there are gods that have been worshipped at a certain time and that have been replaced by other gods because even the gods belong to the realm of names and forms. But no one can grasp the Supreme for it is beyond time." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 24 May 2014

  • Eternally Home

    04/01/2019 Duración: 38min

    This talk begins with Mooji reading a touching letter from one devotee - a plea to help facilitate a recognition that will end separation and suffering forever - a burning desire to come home completely. Mooji looks side-by-side with the devotee at some statements in the letter in order to clarify - to reveal what is true and discard what is false. The devotee expresses that he hates existing because it is synonymous with pain, and also that he does not feel home. Mooji asks him some penetrating questions like, "Is existence only synonymous with pain? Is there pain in the objects that you see, or is there pain in the perceiving of them?" And also, "Why would the Self say, 'Not home'? The Self itself is home. The Self cannot show you home because Self is home. Self is where the perceiving is coming from. It's the birth of the perceiving itself; it's arising out of the Self." One-by-one, the apparent reality of his statements and the one who suffers them dissolves in the light of real looking. Mooji then

  • At His Feet

    04/01/2019 Duración: 20min

    When your mind and your reasoning doesn't belong to you anymore, you don't become dead. You are dead of ego but fully alive as what Is. The ultimate expression of love is when you can’t find the other - even the most loved one. Behind and beyond the finding - you are there. In this love you take away death from me because if this death happens then I am in you, so I am living - as you. This is probably how you save the whole world. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 28 May 2013

  • Don't Know Anything At All

    04/01/2019 Duración: 44min

    "Don't be afraid of not knowing. It is only the idea of knowing nothing that brings fear. We carry and hold on to a lot of concepts, a lot of mental garbage. We want to be free but we want to be free with our garbage. We want to preserve our identity at all cost because we believe identity to be what we are. And we are afraid that to find the Truth means to lose our existence, to lose consciousness. But you are only going to lose your non-existence, your un-truth. This is the most auspicious and most beautiful discovery. When you understand your true nature then this entire dream is undone." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 17 June 2013

  • The Sky of Your Own Being

    04/01/2019 Duración: 19min

    All experiences are emerging from within the Joy of Being. Even anxiousness, tiredness, pain - everything becomes bearable because it is arising and seen from this place. Like all clouds are a movement against the background of the vast sky, all experiences arise on the sky of your own being. Everything is passing and has a beginning and an end, only the sky is unmoving, endless and untouched. A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 11 June 2013

  • Today Is a Good Day to Realise the Self

    03/01/2019 Duración: 40min

    "Never feel that today is not a good enough day to awaken to the Truth. If you make plans for realising the Self in the next 6 months it will take you at least 6 months. What you are is always here, it can never not be here. The experience may be that you are growing into emptiness, growing from something into nothingness, into emptiness. And this illusion of growth takes you to where you have always been. We don't value emptiness until we perceive from there - then it is priceless. Throw everything into this emptiness. Not to get anything in return - just do it. Give your heart and your mind to the Self and don't worry about anything." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja 4 May 2013

  • Truth Is Beyond Notions

    03/01/2019 Duración: 28min

    "For the wise one, everything that happens has a thank you message in it. In the beginning, you might only be able to be grateful in retrospection but one day you will find yourself saying thank you even while it is hurting. This is using life wisely." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in London 7 November 2013

  • Lose Your Mind In God

    03/01/2019 Duración: 07min

    "In true seeing, life becomes empty but full in the sense that nothing is missing. It is like being a mustard seed. Inside the mustard seed, everything is complete. It is not doing anything. The energy inside it is existence itself. What a wonderful privilege to have the freedom to surrender everything. Nothing stops you." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 19 October 2012

  • Solve It As Consciousness

    03/01/2019 Duración: 38min

    "You can use Satsang for your relationship but I advise you to use your relationship for Satsang." If you solve your challenges as consciousness you are out of the trap, if you solve them as a person it will last only until the next problem. For a while the mind is everybody's guru but at some point you must discern what is authentic. You must use your power! A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal 27 June 2012

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