Satsang With Mooji



Podcast by Mooji


  • Behind The Retina Itself

    27/12/2018 Duración: 11min

    "Recognise that the universe is not managed by human beings, but by the supreme Being. Just as nature is innocent, we return again to innocence. Never feel that the Self is far away, actually there is no distance." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Find That Which Is Beyond Time

    27/12/2018 Duración: 49min

    "Everything in life, everything that we can see with the senses, belongs to time. Is there anything that is not time? While you have time, try to find what is beyond time. You have to be true now. Don't plan to be true in the future because Truth does not know any future. When we drop all concepts of past and future, there is only now but this now is not in time, it is not even eternal, it is timeless." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded in St.Petersburg

  • Drown In Your Own Ocean

    27/12/2018 Duración: 28min

    We speak about a problem we're having, and we want to talk about how we can stop the problem, but the one who is having the problem and who is able to stop the problem is part of the problem. Many remedies are offered in the world because we want to keep this 'I' feeling – "Give me the remedy and let me keep my 'I'!" We're afraid because we think this path is about removing your 'I', but the fact is, you don't know what your 'I' is. That which can be removed and thrown out is the smallest part of you. "The world is only This — it's only This dancing. If you don't know this, you will believe the dance is separate by itself, and you are separate. Drown in your own ocean, and then all the beings you find in the ocean — you'll find are You. Until you drown, you think they are they, and you are you. When you drown in it, then they're all 'I'." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Outside Of The Box

    27/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    "It is not enough to just be in the mood of exercise and practice. Sometimes one has to be still and quiet and get accustomed to turn the attention inward, immersing the mind in heart energy and to know that difference. There is no doubt in the Self, there is not even conviction in the Self; it is so pure." A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal

  • RECOGNISING THE UNMISSABLE-Self is Revealed - Part 4: A Deeper Seeing

    27/12/2018 Duración: 01h27min

    During Mooji's recent appearance on the Never-Not-Here show with Richard Miller, one caller declared his deep wish to be in the presence of Mooji. "I will take the first train tomorrow, if Mooji allows," he said. Mooji, touched by his sense of urgency, openness and sincerity sent word to him to come immediately. Within a few days, the caller arrives. The conversation that occurred between the two is here being presented in the form of four podcasts. Listened to, sequentially, they reveal the marvellous destruction or de-construction of the agitated and deceptive mind under the scrutiny of self-inquiry. Partake in the insights, clarity, peace and joy as recognition of the Immutable Self unfolds. "The ego has self-interest, particular interest, qualitative interest in what is being perceived; they go together. But then, when that is recognized, a deeper seeing becomes evident. And, that deeper seeing is not personal; it houses the personal seer, and sees that that personal seer is itself a phenomenon." Spon

  • RECOGNISING THE UNMISSABLE-Self is Revealed - Part 3: The Joy of Satsang

    27/12/2018 Duración: 17min

    During Mooji's recent appearance on the Never-Not-Here show with Richard Miller, one caller declared his deep wish to be in the presence of Mooji. "I will take the first train tomorrow, if Mooji allows," he said. Mooji, touched by his sense of urgency, openness and sincerity sent word to him to come immediately. Within a few days, the caller arrives. The conversation that occurred between the two is here being presented in the form of four podcasts. Listened to, sequentially, they reveal the marvellous destruction or de-construction of the agitated and deceptive mind under the scrutiny of self-inquiry. Partake in the insights, clarity, peace and joy as recognition of the Immutable Self unfolds. "When you are in the identification and you are reacting, there is always fear and avoidance, suppression, shrinking. Now you see, 'But wait a minute, that was the old guy!' And we know this old guy is a ghost. He's not real." Spontaneous Satsang 3 of 4

  • RECOGNISING THE UNMISSABLE - Part 2: Out of the Unfathomable Awareness Being

    27/12/2018 Duración: 01h16min

    During Mooji's recent appearance on the Never-Not-Here show with Richard Miller, one caller declared his deep wish to be in the presence of Mooji. "I will take the first train tomorrow, if Mooji allows," he said. Mooji, touched by his sense of urgency, openness and sincerity sent word to him to come immediately. Within a few days, the caller arrives. The conversation that occurred between the two is here being presented in the form of four podcasts. Listened to, sequentially, they reveal the marvellous destruction or de-construction of the agitated and deceptive mind under the scrutiny of self-inquiry. Partake in the insights, clarity, peace and joy as recognition of the Immutable Self unfolds. "The 'I Am' itself is itself the earliest extension, and this is missed; it is extended out of the unfathomable awareness being. In the realm of knowing or perception, [the 'I Am'] is the earliest and purest reflection or expression of the absolute." Spontaneous Satsang 2 of 4

  • RECOGNISING THE UNMISSABLE-Self is Revealed - Part 1: Sit in the Chair of Your Own Being

    27/12/2018 Duración: 01h12min

    During Mooji's recent appearance on the Never-Not-Here show with Richard Miller, one caller declared his deep wish to be in the presence of Mooji. "I will take the first train tomorrow, if Mooji allows," he said. Mooji, touched by his sense of urgency, openness and sincerity sent word to him to come immediately. Within a few days, the caller arrives. The conversation that occurred between the two is here being presented in the form of four podcasts. Listened to, sequentially, they reveal the marvellous destruction or de-construction of the agitated and deceptive mind under the scrutiny of self-inquiry. Partake in the insights, clarity, peace and joy as recognition of the Immutable Self unfolds. "Keep sitting in the chair of your own being; don't get up and go forward. It's fine—all is good." Spontaneous Satsang 1 of 4

  • Concentration Means 'Not Touching Any Thought'

    20/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    When one devotee presents the question, "Am I concentrating, or in the direct experience of my Self?" Mooji explains to him the purpose of concentration: That the one who is concentrating merges into what is being concentrated on. Furthermore, concentration is actually an aspect of self-inquiry — it means to not touch any thought. Mooji leads the devotee in an exercise of concentration and at a certain point, presents the question, "If you are not touching any thought or any object, then what are you concentrating on?" At this point of looking, Mooji says that not many questions should be left; the key is turning in the lock and the mystery has to fall. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London

  • The Most Powerful Option

    20/12/2018 Duración: 18min

    "Don't plan any goodness, just be true in the moment. Whatever you feel you should or you want to do in this world, first find that space inside you which is still and unaffected. We always have an option and the most powerful option is to remain quiet and be nothing. Drop inside yourself and remember that you are not moving this world." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Guided Meditation with Russian Translation

    20/12/2018 Duración: 48min

    Recorded in Tiruvannamalai, India

  • Cleaning The House

    20/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    In this dialogue we are brought into the understanding of how the restless, agitated, activity-oriented mind can, through self inquiry, be transformed into a mind of spaciousness, natural quietude and peace. Mooji also shares some of his earlier experiences as his own understanding was unfolding and how it flourished in the presence of Papaji. A spontaneous Satsang recorded in London

  • All Of This Is In The Eyes Of The Beloved

    20/12/2018 Duración: 01h19min

    "By being in this bliss of love and experiencing your own formless Self, it is like a sword is being removed, a thorn is taken out. Because now, you only see the eyes of the beloved one, nothing else you see." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Who Wants To Be Enlightened?

    20/12/2018 Duración: 29min

    "Enquiry is the most auspicious use of your mental intelligence. Look deeply. Who wants to be enlightened? What is this thing that you are looking for? There is something that already is, something that you already are, without having to learn anything, something inside that is so completely natural, it does not know anything about Enlightenment, Parabrahman or Self. When there is no ego, no sense of an individual me, then only the universe is there, acting through that body, borrowing the perfume of that body and expressing through that body. No words can really describe what is there when the ego is absent." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja

  • Everything Is Fine

    20/12/2018 Duración: 45min

    "It does not matter what is going to happen, just know inside and trust that everything is fine. You don't need to know how to, you only have to trust. Be and follow the advice you are given." A Spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Velho

  • All Is The Creation Of My Father

    20/12/2018 Duración: 16min

    "Why are thing as they are? I can only say that there seems to be a profound wisdom, a great beauty, a wisdom that no human being can transcend. I am nothing at all. I am delightfully nothing, timelessly nothing, joyfully nothing, exquisitely nothing and yet none of 'this' can be without me." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • The Living Movie

    20/12/2018 Duración: 35min

    The roles in daily life are constantly changing depending on who we relate to, but something is here that is beyond any role or concept. There is an awareness which is not the body which is there always - like space. This world is a movie-making of the Absolute. It is a living movie played in 3-D, and all that can be experienced is on the screen of consciousness. The perceiver of this screen is also included in that play. "It's like God is growing and maturing inside God's own dreaming - dreaming within the perfection a dream of imperfection, and a kind of return to perfection - the dance for all sentient beings. What an amazing thing!" A spontaneous Satsang recorded in Portugal

  • Beyond The Phenomenal World Is God Space

    20/12/2018 Duración: 18min

    After watching a movie in which the main character of the movie was given the ability to use the full capacity of his brain, a contemplation is inspired and Sri Mooji begins to speak about phenomenality and nominality. In this particular movie, all of the energy is directed towards gaining things and experiences in which the ego imagines to be valuable — all phenomenal. Sri Mooji says that why it can seem to be difficult to recognise the nominal, which is our Self, is because so much of our energy throughout life is directed towards the mind and senses and what is perceived or experienced through them. Through contemplation and reflection, gradually a space opens up and the nominal can be recognised. "The most direct way to find out who you are is to look in a mirror — but you have to look in the right mirror. If you look in a mirror and you don't understand how to interpret, you don't understand what you are seeing, because you don't understand who you are — the one who is looking in the mirror. Then, wh

  • The Bite of the Satsang Lion

    20/12/2018 Duración: 58min

    "Being dropkicked by God, you don't know anything at all. You are just a mess. It is the best that's going to happen to you because you cannot contain yourself and at the same time be free. Don't curse God for this burning; thank God for this burning, because what it takes from you it will replace with something immeasurable. It's your good fortune. Everything you accomplish as a human being is momentary, perishable. You come in this world with nothing, you leave with nothing. You can peruse many things and die without knowing who you are but if you know who you are you can never die." A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal

  • Guided Meditation - Nothing Here But You

    20/12/2018 Duración: 19min

    This guided meditation is part of an Audio CD called "A Guided Meditation with Mooji: Nothing Here But You". It is featured on YouTube in a two-part series: Guided Meditation Part 1 and Guided Meditation Part 2. Recorded in Port Chester, NY, September 2009

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