Mike Murray from the Delta College Planetarium takes a look at what's up in the night sky. Things are happening all the time in the backyard universe, and many of them don't require a telescope to see and enjoy.
11/29/21 - The Eye of the Fish
02/12/2021 Duración: 02minAbout 90 minutes after sunset, look low in the south for a medium bright star called Fomalhaut. It should be relatively easy to spot because it’s in an area devoid of other bright stars.
11/22/21 - Seven Sisters Return
24/11/2021 Duración: 02minLook low the east after dark and you should see a pretty little cluster of stars. Its shape might remind you of a miniature little dipper, but it’s actually the famous Pleiades Star Cluster.
11/15/21 - Almost Total Lunar Eclipse
15/11/2021 Duración: 02minIn the predawn hours of Friday, November 19, expect to be treated to a nearly-total eclipse of the moon. In this case, we’re talking over 97 percent eclipsed, which means the Earth’s shadow will cover all but a tiny sliver of the full moon.
11/8/21 - Venus in the Southwest
10/11/2021 Duración: 02minThe planet Venus is so bright that it appears low in the southwest just 30 minutes after sunset, long before any of the brightest stars. This is what sometimes gives Venus its nickname of “The Evening Star.”
11/1/21 - Capella in the Northeast
01/11/2021 Duración: 02minAs we approach mid-autumn, there is a bright yellowish star rising out of the northeast after dusk. This is Capella, the brightest star in the constellation of Auriga the Charioteer.
10/25/21 - Our Sister Spiral Galaxy
25/10/2021 Duración: 02minThe autumn nights give us cooler, drier air which is ideal for observing the deep sky. Combine that with a moonless night, and it’s the best time of year to look for the Great Andromeda Galaxy.
10/18/21 - Great Square of Pegasus
18/10/2021 Duración: 02minEach season has that one notable constellation that can serve as a guidepost to that part of the sky. In summer it’s common to use the Summer Triangle, which is still visible high in the west, but in Autumn we have the Great Square of Pegasus.
10/11/21 - Observe The Moon Night
10/10/2021 Duración: 02minThis year's NASA-sponsored International Observe the Moon Night takes place on Saturday, October 16.
10/4/21 - The W of Cassiopeia
05/10/2021 Duración: 02minLook high in the northeast for a group of bright stars that resembles a big "W" sitting on its end. This is the constellation of Cassiopeia the Queen.
9/27/21 - The Aurora Borealis
26/09/2021 Duración: 02minAs we head into Fall, and with solar activity on the upswing, the chances of catching a display of Northern Lights increases.
9/20/21 - The Autumn Equinox
22/09/2021 Duración: 02minThis year, the September equinox arrives on the 22nd which marks the first day of Fall for the northern hemisphere. The term “equinox” means “equal day equal night” because the length of day and night are about the same on this date.
9/13/21 - Features of the Waxing Moon
14/09/2021 Duración: 02minWe begin the week of September 13 with the moon at First Quarter, which looks half illuminated in the south after sunset. That sets the stage for an excellent week of lunar observing.
9/6/21 - Aquila the Eagle
07/09/2021 Duración: 02minAbout halfway up the southern sky in September is the prominent white star, Altair, marking the eye of Aquila the Eagle.
8/30/21 - The Milky Way
30/08/2021 Duración: 02minLate summer is the best time to observe the Milky Way. Under a clear sky with no moon or light pollution, you should see it as a faint band of light that stretches overhead from roughly north to south.
8/23/21 - Venus and Arcturus
23/08/2021 Duración: 02minAfter more than a year, the planet Venus finally makes its way back into the evening skies, but you’ll have to look low in the west during dusk to see it.
8/16/21 - The Moon and Jupiter
17/08/2021 Duración: 02minWe say the Moon “waxes” this week because its oval shape grows to become Full on August 22. As it slips further eastward among the stars each night, watch for it to pass below the planet Saturn on August 20 and underneath the brighter Jupiter on the 21st.
8/9/21 - The Perseid Meteor Shower
09/08/2021 Duración: 02minThe famous annual Perseid Meteor shower reaches its maximum this week. While peak activity occurs on the evening of August 11 and morning of the 12th, the shower will remain active for the entire week.
8/2/21 - Saturn Close Approach
02/08/2021 Duración: 02minIf you look low in the southeast sky after dark, you’ll see a moderately bright star that doesn’t seem to twinkle very much. It’s the famous ringed planet Saturn, and it's currently at its closest approach to Earth.
7/26/21 - Cygnus the Swan
26/07/2021 Duración: 02minThe northernmost star in the Summer Triangle marks the tail of Cygnus the Swan, also known as the Northern Cross.
7/19/21 - Buck Moon Meets Giant Planets
19/07/2021 Duración: 02minThe waxing gibbous moon will end on Friday, July 23, when it becomes the Full Buck Moon. On that same night, you can see Saturn to its left. Look again on July 26 and the moon will be just below Jupiter.