Global Seducer Quickie Podcast



Sebastian Harris, the founder of and author of Rise of the Phoenix: How to Get the Hottest Girls in a World That Wants You to Fail shares his experience picking up girls in dozens of countries on five different continents. If you struggle with approach anxiety, fear of women, fear of rejection, and the popular what should I say next syndrome, Sebastians daily 5-20 minute rants about pickup and seduction will change your life. It doesnt matter if you want a girlfriend, friends with benefits relationships, or if you want to travel the world and seduce a new breathtaking young girl every weekend. You will learn how to develop unshakable confidence and the right mindset to meet and attract beautiful women. You will learn how to become more attractive, how to approach women, how to talk to women, how to touch women, how to read a womans mind, how to get a womans phone number, how to have amazing first, second, third (and instant) dates, how to connect with women emotionally, and of course, how to pick up girls during the day (daygame) and at night (nightgame). Heck, youll even learn how to make a woman fall in love with you and how to get a girlfriendand some naughty sex tips in between. If you enjoy listening to podcasts such as the Tom Torero Podcast, the Savage Lovecast, the Mountain Tip (Chick Whisperer) Podcast, the How to Talk to Girls Podcast by Tripp Advice, the Art of Charm Podcast (back when they were talking about getting laid), you will love the Global Seducer Quickie. I mean, I even have listeners who told me that they also listen to the Mike Cernovich Podcast and the Kingmaker Podcast with Roosh V. Just click the subscribe button and listen to my free podcast! Youll either hate it or love it. Well, what can I say? The path towards becoming a Global Seducer is only for a selected few


  • Reject Girls to Get Girls

    24/07/2018 Duración: 10min

    Chasing girls takes a lot of time. It's smarter to become a man who naturally attracts women. In my book, I teach you how to become such a man. But in today's episode, I want to teach you another way to make women addicted to you and chase you. It might sound weird but rejecting girls actually works...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Losers (Not Naturals) are the Best Seducers

    21/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    Are you a loser with women? Come on. Be honest. I was a loser for women and I've changed my life. So can you. And guess what? You can seduce even hotter girls and date even more amazing women than the so-called naturals. You have one advantage that no natural on earth has. You will be the better pickup artist if you realize this one fundamental truth...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Approaching Girls is Scary

    20/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    Is approaching girls really that scary? Is approach anxiety the scariest thing you can think of? Sometimes you have to put things into perspective. That's exactly what I want to do with this podcast episode. Let's talk about the Vietnam War, The Second World War, and my heart surgery. Let's put things into perspective. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • How to Make a Girl Feel Good in Bed

    18/07/2018 Duración: 12min

    Do you have what it takes to satisfy a woman in bed? Most guys don't know how to make a woman feel good in bed. And let's be honest. A lot of men couldn't care less. It's all about their pleasure. But that's a big mistake because it puts you in a place where you only have one-night stands because no woman wants to sleep with you a second time...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Creative Dating Ideas

    16/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    Do you want to know some creative dating ideas? We've all been there. You approach this incredibly beautiful girl you ask her out. She agrees to meet you and you can't wait to take her out. But you don't want your first date with her to be boring. Her ex-boyfriend took her to a restaurant and you don't want to be like this dude. You want her to think about you as the special guy who took her to a special place. Here's where you can take her...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Make the First Move!

    14/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    Life is so unfair! You have to make the first move when you want to meet a woman. Why don't girls just make the first move? Well, I wish it was different but you have to open your eyes and see the reality. Let me give you some pretty good reasons why you want to make the first move. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Why You Should Not Marry Her

    13/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    There are a couple of reasons why you should not marry her. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of it. I've coached many one-on-one coaching clients and some of them make the exact mistake I warned them about They think that the first girl who spreads her legs for you is the one, some magic unicorn they should marry. Think twice before you put a ring on her finger. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • How to Pick Up Girls at the Gym

    12/07/2018 Duración: 14min

    Do you want to know how to pick up girls at the gym? It sounds scary, right? I mean, you want nothing more than to approach all these sexy sporty girls in their tight Spandex and their hot sports bras. But you're afraid to use the wrong opener or to mess up your approach. Don't worry. I'll show you how to pick up women at the gym. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • You Don't Attract the Girls You Want

    10/07/2018 Duración: 11min

    Sorry, but you won't attract the girls you want. That's not how it works. You will, however, attract the women you need. You need them to grow and to show you which level you have already reached. Enjoy today's weird and spiritual podcast that hopefully makes (at least some) sense. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • The Married Man Lie

    08/07/2018 Duración: 15min

    Today I want to tell you about the lies married men tell single men. Why do they tell these lies? Well, because they want to convince the poor single guys to make the exact same mistake. Did you really think your friends want you to get married because they are so happy? Think again! This podcast will help every man between the age of 28 and 35 who is sick and tired of hearing "when will you get married/ settle down?" Don’t forget to check out my book:  

  • What to Do When Girls Flake

    07/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    What do you do when girls flake? Here's what most guys do when a woman is flaking on them: They panic, they blame themselves, and they curse those evil bitches. Well, that's the wrong way. Believe it or not, it happens to the best. In fact, it happened to me today. That's why I decided to tell you what I do to prepare myself for it, to prevent it from happening, and what I do in the unfortunate (or fortunate) event when she flakes on the date. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • How to Pick Up Girls at the Club

    06/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    Do you want to know how to pick up girls at the club? Most guys try to buy her a drink or they try to be the life of the party. What if I told you that both of these techniques are not the way to do it? I mean, you can ask her if she wants to buy you a drink. That can work. But there are some things you absolutely have to do when you approach party girls in clubs...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • How to Pick Up Girls on the Dance Floor

    05/07/2018 Duración: 10min

    How do you pick up girls on the dance floor? Well, you do the opposite of what most guys are doing. When they try to approach girls on the dance floor, they rub their crotch against every ass that's standing on the dance floor. That's a terrible idea. Let me show you what I've learned by watching a movie with knights, kings and castles...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • What Attracts Women to Men

    04/07/2018 Duración: 11min

    What attracts women to men? Is it looks, money, and a position as a manager in a big corporation? Well, no. Gold diggers are attracted to money, but they are not attracted to the man who has this money. In order to become an attractive man, you need to have the qualities that women can't resist. Let me help you to develop these qualities. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Why Girls Reject You

    04/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    Do you know why you're getting rejected by women? You might think that it has to do with your face, your clothes or the way you dress. Well, there's a high chance that it has absolutely nothing to do with you. Women reject men for all kinds of different reasons and I hope I can help you to overcome your fear of rejection and to improve yourself and your approach in a way that makes girls more likely to give you their number and their time. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Black Women White Men Dating (BWWM)

    01/07/2018 Duración: 14min

    Do black girls like white men? There's something you have to know about interracial relationships and dating. It's a hard pill to swallow but a lot of black girls are into white guys. And a lot of white guys are attracted to black women. But both sides struggle. They don't admit it and some of them will allow the judgment and opinions of others to destroy something that has potential. Don't let others dictate who you can date and who you can't date. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Your Girlfriend Doesn't Want Sex

    30/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    What if your girlfriend doesn't want to have sex anymore? That hurts. In fact, this is one of the most painful problems a guy can have. One of my podcast listeners has this exact problem. Sometimes the truth hurts. Here's the advice I want to give him and any other guy who is in this might be one day. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Can Cheesy Pickup Lines Work?

    29/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    Can you make cheesy pickup lines work? I mean, you know what kind of openers I'm talking about...Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world? Did you fart? No? you totally blew me away...okay, I stop now. But you get what I mean. Approaching women with these ridiculous openers can't possibly work. Well...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • 7 Steps to Get Laid Tomorrow

    28/06/2018 Duración: 09min

    What would I do today if I wanted to get laid tomorrow? Well, there are a lot of things I could do. I can promise you one thing: If you do only one of the seven steps I recommend in this podcast episode, your chances to get phone numbers, dates, and sex within the next 48 hours will increase dramatically. All you have to do is to say "yes" to taking action. Take one step and continue your journey. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Pickup Artists Don't Age

    26/06/2018 Duración: 06min

    Pickup artists don't age. No seriously. You can be in your twenties and get hot twenty-year-old girls and you can be in your thirties or early forties. Age doesn't least to a certain point. This is a truth that a lot of guys who married young don't want to hear. But my female friends told me what's really going on...Don’t forget to check out the only product that teaches you how to attract and seduce hot girls half your age: 

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