School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 225:52:09
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Pure enthusiastic awesome sauce! In each episode youll hear Incredible life-changing stories, proven principles, and stunning strategies to transform your life for ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY in less time than you thought possible. And this isnt just one aspect of life. Its holistic. We aim for total transformation and refuse to settle for anything less. Your life will be what you make of it, so come learn how to make it awesome. Because AWESOME is ALWAYS an option!


  • #19 Cultivating the Courage to Pursue Your Goals and Dreams

    27/02/2019 Duración: 40min

    Encourage your dreams. If you can't change the world yet, what can you do to change your world? Courage is the only thing you need to reach your dream, to change your world. Is money stopping you? Then make a good business/money/savings goal! Is it your fear of travel? Try a small road trip or get on a plane the next time you have to go anymore.  When you reach for your dreams, there are those who will automatically want to bring you down. A lot of the time, its those who are closest to you. Sometimes you have to let it roll off your back, make your goals and get after them! With great reward, there is great risk. So how do we get the skill set to accomplish our goals?  Here is the Challenge: Do what scares you! When you do things that scare you, you become more courageous. You grow, you become powerful. You can become fearless. Sometimes its your lack of understanding that makes you scared, when looking into a fear makes it less scary. Either way, it needs to be conquered!  Final Challenge: Ma

  • #18 Your moral obligation to become your best self

    20/02/2019 Duración: 33min

     You never graduate from learning. Though, sometimes we feel childish when we get to start something new.  Very few adults learn new talents.   Why is it that when we get older we think that because we never had the chance when we are young, that we missed it?  We didn't miss it, we are afraid of the discomfort that will come from starting something new.  You are never to old to be a rookie!   We all need to develop the habit of becoming a voracious learner.  Even if we are in a comfortable spot, there seems to be something that keeps pushing us forward.  That something that says we should keep going to keep getting better.  When we settle into reality and give up on our dreams, when really we are just reaching the end of our skill set and our knowledge base.  Most people accept that as the end of learning for them, that there is no way to get past the fact that all throughout life you can be doing things that are new!  You have limited skills, but u

  • #17 So there I was—Crazy stories and important lessons

    16/02/2019 Duración: 23min

    Drove from Dallas, TX all the way to New York City.  When he found he couldn't get a job or even get into school, he called a buddy and that friend drove all the way up to get him!  They almost crashed on the way home, but neither were injured.  With another buddy, they were on a road trip out west and crossed the Colorado River.  They decided they were going to jump.  They were 100-150 feet in the air. Both Greg and his friend landed on a slant and ended up bruising all up and down their legs and arms.  While staying with a coach, Greg was home alone and had an allergic reaction.  His eyes swelled up and his throat started to close.  He was gasping for breath and called his sister for help.  They both rushed to the ER and she dragged him in.  To keep Greg alive they had to give hi multiple adrenaline shots and of course a ton of benadryl. Kept him alive! Life Lessons:  You cant control everything, you do your best and push through to get to your goals.

  • #16 Will You Be a Part of This Problem, Or Its Solution?!

    16/02/2019 Duración: 35min

    What group or people do we de-humanize?  Democrats? Republicans? Muslims? Black people? White people? The list goes on, why do we objectify people?  During WW2 the Germans strategically under social strategy got the general population to dehumanize many groups of people. People with brown hair, the elderly, the handicapped and mainly the Jews.  That society thought they were better and the slide started slowly.  First it was shunning them, then it was abusing them, then it was plundering and finally it was all out violence and genocide.  What are parallels in our society today? What prejudices do we hold against groups of people? It's not necessarily about loving a certain group of people to death, but respecting all persons.  No matter where they are from, what color their skin is or what religion they practice.  If they are a human being then you will find similarities! Don't pass judgement when you see people.  Realize that from your misunderstandings, you judge. &nb

  • #15 Choose your love and love your choice

    14/02/2019 Duración: 30min

    Greg and Rachel met in college, you could say Greg was struck at first sight.   Growing up Greg didn't have a lot examples of what a good marriage should look like, or if it was even possible.  In his late teens he was terrified of talking to girls, so in his early twenties he pushed himself to date a lot and meet a lot of people.  He had a list of qualities he wanted his spouse to have, he was dating deliberately.  Later to find they were both dating deliberately.  On their first date, Rachel didn't talk a lot.  Greg tried to keep the conversation going but she was so quiet! Later to find that she wanted him to do the talking so she could find out what type of guy he really was.  She wanted to know what was important to him and see what kind of things he wanted to know about her.   Each of them had their way of seeing what the other valued.  Choose your love, then love your choice. Love isn't something you just 'fall into' then 'fall out of.'  Love

  • #14 How to Feel Joyful and Happy Most of The Time

    13/02/2019 Duración: 25min

    Emotion is the driving force in our lives. So it's helpful to ask, "What emotion do you feel most of the time? Is that how you WANT to feel?"  The first thing to do that clears a lot of emotional space is to forgive! Let small things roll off your back. Work on letting the big things go, it will take time but having that freedom will all be worth it. Forgiveness is for you, no for the other person.  If emotion is a choice, choose the better option! Henry David Thoreau said, "Most men live in quiet desperation and go to graves with their song still in them." Having anger inside keeps much more than just that.  Forgiveness and peace is something we all want, sometimes we have to start with the hard things to get over. Challenge: Choose your emotions and let go of the negative ones! Clear space for you to get those positive emotions back into your life. Remember "Little things bother little people." Emotion is so important and having it be a positive driving force in our lives is key. Here are add

  • #13 Forgiveness is for you, not for them.

    08/02/2019 Duración: 25min

    When someones poor choice effects you, it's hard not to react in an outburst, or hold it against them.  People carry hate for people their entire lives. Maybe you are in the right, but how does keeping that chip on your shoulder help you?   A time comes where you have to move on, not to take that anger with you anymore.  It's not good to bottle emotions, its healthy to release them.  Sometimes You get so boiled up that you forget that you must forgive to move forward.  Carrying that emotional burden on your shoulders is heavy, takes up space and can even manifest itself physically. Forgive and set all your baggage down.  "Bitterness is a poison you swallow, hoping your enemy will die."  Let it out, then let it go.  What is your healthy outlet? Exercise? Music? There are many outlets that help you get rid of the negative emotions that are hurting you.  You cant change the past but you can change the way you see the past.  Where there is pain there is power. &nb

  • #12 Broken Bones, shootings, and obesity. Life lessons from strange stories.

    08/02/2019 Duración: 31min

    Caution! Awesome stories and reality checks lay ahead!  While playing football, Greg's hand got smashed between two helmets and broke four metacarpals.  When he saw that his back up wasn't doing too well, he headed back into the game. broke his leg.  What do we take for granted every day?! Movement of our fingers and legs? Mobility to do what we want? Reality checks are important to see how much we really have. At fourteen years old, he was with some friends and a fight broke out about racism.  A full blown brawl happened in the parking lot. Worst came to worst, someone pulled out a gun and started shooting.  Lots of people ended up in the hospital that night.  Do you de-humanize any group of people?  Every person has a story.  Who do we hate in our ignorance? Black people? White people? Muslims? Christians?  We are all people and should treat each other as such! Left with his older brother from his home as a mid teen.  They road the Greyhound bus from D

  • #11 You Have The Power To Choose How You Do Life

    05/02/2019 Duración: 22min

    Everyday you have the choice to between mediocrity and excellence.  When Greg was just twelve years old, he was out late in a bad part of town with some friends.   He ended up getting beat up pretty bad by some older teenagers.  In that moment, as a kid, he was the victim.  Then from the moment after that, he chose not to be the victim again.  He chose to learn some martial arts and workout.   He still travels world to all sorts of places! "We are cautious but I refuse to live in fear." We have opportunities to choose every single day.  Every moment we choose what we feel and how we react.  Now we don't play the victim, we have the blessed gift to choose and by playing the victim you are giving up your power to do that, to your life! To live the life we want to live we have to choose deliberately.  Don't let life lead you, you lead it.  The quality of your life comes down to the little choices you make every single day.  So make those choices count!

  • #10 The Common Denominators Of Disaster

    02/02/2019 Duración: 26min

    The common thread of how people end up at rock bottom.  How do people's lives crumble and ultimately lead to the giant train wreck at the end of the tunnel?  The cause has been around since humans first began. Juvenal, a Roman poet, was alive for the downfall of Rome and wrote about the pitfalls in that society.  Translated from Latin his phrase is "bread and cheap circuses."    Roman leadership wanted the public to follow them blindly and began their quest to dull the public.  How was it done? Cheap bread and circuses.  They gave the population the basic needs of life and slowly led them to ignorance. Cheap bread and circuses can be explained as: "To generate public approval, not by excellence, public service or policy, but by diversion, distraction or satisfying the most immediate and base requirements of the populace."  See an similarities between then and now? Many. The media is huge, panic news is on 24/7 in stores and households, celebrities and their movies

  • #9 Creating Your Extraordinary Life Plan

    30/01/2019 Duración: 26min

    At the end of our life, most hope to say it was meaningful, filled with love and accomplished. Whatever your goal is, your passion to complete, you need more than ambition to get there! You need a game plan. You have to know where you are. You have to know where you are going. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Goals and plans in your life will lead you to places you never thought you would go, success you never knew you could have. If you have a well-structured plan, some grit and self-discipline, you are well on your way.  How to start a successful plan:  1. Ask yourself the right questions. Where do you stand on your goal? Is it a S.M.A.R.T goal? When do you plan on completing it and how does it help you grow? What will this goal bring you closer to? What area of your life will be positively affected by it? How will this help others around you?  2. Have the right answers. The right answers always align with your values and desired outcomes. Study the lives of great men and women. W

  • #8 Incredible Stories and Reality Checks That We All Need

    30/01/2019 Duración: 19min

    There are times in our life where we get so busy with one goal, that every other area in life gets thrown off balance.  Some people work so hard at their job that they neglect their health - on the other hand, others spend so much time on their health and working out that maybe they neglect their marriage or family time.  It's all about balance.   Once in a while,  to keep us balanced is reality checks.  They don't come often, but when they do, we gain a whole different perspective on life.  Maybe one day you have to rush to the ER because your child broke a bone or  you get to know someone who lives with a disability - the list goes on.  What do these experiences teach us?  The biggest thing is what we take for granted, and maybe our lives aren't all that hard after all.  Reality checks help us keep things in perspective.  So how do we become the master of perspective?  Have you ever had an experience that changed the way you saw things forever

  • #6 Life Lessons From Really Bad Decisions

    29/01/2019 Duración: 26min

     What are your dreams if you had no limits? What are those limits and how can you get them out of the way?  Then there is the hard question, how many of our obstacles are there because we put them there?  When we do stupid things we get the consequences.  We can choose our choices but not our consequences. The chief case of unhappiness in life is giving up what we really desire for what we want in the moment.  Keep your goals close always so you never lose sight of what you really desire.  Look at yourself in the mirror and say: "Self - you are better than that!! Don't eat junk food you want to be healthy.  Don't surround yourself with those kind of people who make you act like that.  Keep your thoughts positive your are capable of great things!" Don't let the stupid mistakes define you, let them refine you.  Need more help moving those obstacles?  How to Create the Life you WANT to Start Living How to Break Free from a Negative Cycle Challenges of Changing an

  • #5 This Selfish Habit Destroys Your Relationships

    29/01/2019 Duración: 17min

    [0:38] We need to cherish our relationships and the people that mean so much to us. [0:49] Do we sometimes take them for granted? Get too comfortable? [1:16] Bad memory of an act of selfishness. [3:57] Now he has the understanding and vision of being more respectful and honor his brother and his dreams and wishes. [4:08] What would your relationships be like if your capacity to love was more than it is right now and you showed it? [4:48] Our life is all about relationships. [5:18] We can’t wait around waiting for other people to change, we have to do what we can do. We can’t change other people, but we can change ourselves. [5:40] Jot down things that you can do with each of your important relationships to improve those relationships. [6:33] Prove your love with your actions. [7:47] Let’s create relationships that we can celebrate and be grateful for. [8:13] We have to start with loving ourselves first, healthy self-love, it will make it easier for people to love us. [8:47] Then we can build special relations

  • #4 Turning on your energy

    25/01/2019 Duración: 25min

     There is nothing holding you back but you. Give yourself permission and do it!  Maybe one of the reasons that is keeping you is your energy levels.  It's hard to keep going sometimes, life gets busy.   Every thought, every emotion and every action comes with an energy consequence.  Like in The Power of Full Engagement, there are energy bursts that are possible to access all the time but, you have to keep them healthy.   They are: Mental - Keep setting goals, have self restraint to keep yourself healthy.  Physical- You have to exercise often! Keep your body in shape, find a good workout outlet.  Emotional - Forgive.  When you have emotional baggage, it can suck the energy out of everyday.  Sometimes you have to let go. Spiritual - Align your actions with your values.   Challenge: What is something you can do in each category to keep yourself healthy in order to have good energy? Write down your goals.  More Motivation:  Pushing

  • #3 A terrible car accident that changed our lives forever

    24/01/2019 Duración: 21min

    The Terrible night of Miracles. It's easier to be grateful when you just go through a reality check.  With such a bad car crash you can learn to just be grateful everyone is alive.  Hopefully everyone doesn't have to go through such life altering tragedy but what you intellectually and emotionally take away from those experiences changes your life forever.   We need to love our loved ones. When bothered by the little things, imagine if one day you lost them.  Life perspective. Challenge: Go forward with gratitude and perspective.  Takeaways from Tragedies:  Life Lessons from Guatemala Connection with homeless man in Morocco Pausing to enjoy the wonders of life

  • #2 Creating Epic Experiences And Memories

    24/01/2019 Duración: 20min

    Life all blends together when things are the same every single day.  Then when we look back, the few things we remember were the oddities to the norm -good or bad.  Our memories are something that no other human being can take away from you.  At the end of your life, when all your 'stuff' is gone what kinds of memories and thoughts are you left with?   So how can we live intentionally? To make good memories and moments? The key is to train your brain not to think 'Oh, I cant do that' to 'how can I do this?' No doubt, there are mundane moments. Think outside the box, how can you make something mundane meaningful? Is it absolutely necessary to the way of life you want to live?  Be proactive, be your own creator.  Don't be a passive passenger when you are the one driving the train, this is your life!  What do you want to do? Whose permission are you waiting for to change?  How to get started? How to find out what the best direction for your life is The difference betw

  • #1 Our Journey Begins

    24/01/2019 Duración: 22min

     The goal is to share my story to help inspire you, everyone, to get out and live!  This story starts off in a broken home and eventually out of the house at sixteen.  The turning point was on the cold, dark night of Christmas Eve.  When out alone, with no one to turn to, the love of God was found. From that moment he decided that he would never be in this situation again.  He would change and life would be whatever he decided to make it.  No more blaming, no more excuses.   When you blame and make excuses, you hand in your own power.  You say you are feeling or doing something because someone else is making you.   The choice is yours, if you don't like something, change it, your life is your responsibility.  Things to get out of the mediocrity:  1) Do hard things 2) Face your fears 3)Work on weaknesses Challenge: From here on out, take control of your own life and don't blame others or make excuses. Life will be what you make it.   Re

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