Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner



Host Nicole L. Turner is a multipotentialite. A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Multipotentialites have no one true calling the way specialists do. Nicole will discuss topics that range in subject from self-help, relationships, finances, health, the workplace, and random subjects not listed here.


  • The Dread of Obligation

    28/11/2021 Duración: 13min
  • Sometimes You Need to Sit with It

    14/11/2021 Duración: 10min

    True healing requires true feeling. Here are a  few tips to help you sit with your pain: First, you must acknowledge it Identify your feelings tied to it Don’t judge those feelings – silence your inner critic Ask yourself, what are these feelings telling me? Write it down - Writing your feelings down will help you better understand your feelings as well as confront those emotion Let it go. Once you’ve allowed yourself to feel and understand your emotions, give yourself permission to let them go. And if needed, seek help from a professional.

  • Make Peace Your Priority

    07/11/2021 Duración: 11min

    Ten ways to make peace a priority List three unrealistic expectations and let one of them go. Write down your top 3 greatest blessings in life. Give yourself permission to do nothing for a while. Place your hand over your heart and feel it beat. Be glad to be alive. Be grateful that you don’t always get what you want. Resolve to stop fixing other people. Decide to say no. Give yourself the freedom to admit when you’re wrong. Choose to live within your means. Focus on the present

  • I'm Betting on Myself

    04/04/2021 Duración: 09min

    “Prioritize your life, or someone else will.” -Greg McKeown Are you betting on yourself or against yourself? Every day we make decisions, and each decision, whether big or small, is forcing us to bet either on ourselves or against ourselves. Betting on yourself makes you see opportunities everywhere Betting on Yourself = Choosing Yourself Betting on Yourself = Believing in Yourself Betting on Yourself = Choosing What's Valuable to You Betting on Yourself = Creating the Life You Want Never be afraid of betting on yourself; it's the best risk you will ever take. Give yourself a chance to win big.

  • Give Yourself Grace

    27/03/2021 Duración: 08min

    I n the last year, I’ve been really focusing on self-care and self-love, and when I think about self-care and self-love, grace comes to mind.  We ask God for grace, we ask others to give us grace, but how often do we really give ourselves grace? Don’t you think it’s crazy that we are more apt to give grace to others than we are to ourselves.  When you are having a very human experience, give yourself grace. I once read something that said, One of the best ways to bring more wellness into your life is by easing up on yourself. Giving yourself grace is the ultimate gift. Be kind to yourself.

  • Be Fluid, Don't Float

    07/03/2021 Duración: 09min
  • You can't be both the arsonist and the firefighter

    15/02/2021 Duración: 08min

    I was watching something on TV and the guy said, “You can’t be both the arsonist and the firefighter.” I said to myself, oh that’s deep.  I began to ask myself, how do we try to take on that dual role in our lives.  How many times have your actions, even if you had good intentions, set some things in motion that you regretted, you wished you hadn’t, in hindsight, there may have been a better way or different way to go about doing things. You have created a “mess” and now you are trying to find a way to right a wrong.

  • Is it calling your name

    09/02/2021 Duración: 11min

    Ways to figure out your calling: Notice dreams and signs. Notice what captivates you. Journal on what your calling is. Use your values as a guide. Think about what you used to love. Notice what feels good. Pay attention to what keeps coming back.    

  • Timing

    07/02/2021 Duración: 06min

    Everything in life is a matter of timing, whether we recognize it or not. If you take a moment to review your life, you would probably find that the difference between some of your biggest successes and your biggest failures  has probably been timing.

  • Identifying and Managing Emotional Triggers

    01/02/2021 Duración: 12min

    I recently saw a quote that said, “Be thankful for your triggers for they show you where you are not free.”  Have you noticed how certain topics evoke in you a variety of emotions? On any given day, you probably experience a range of emotions —excitement, unease, frustration, joy, disappointment & these range of emotions are usually tied to a specific event.  An emotional trigger can be anything - memories, experiences, or events that sparks an intense emotional reaction, regardless of your current mood. Your response to these events can vary based on your frame of mind and the circumstances surrounding the situation. Emotional triggers are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Knowing what your emotional triggers are (and how to deal with them) is a key component of good emotional health. 

  • Are You Out of Alignment?

    26/01/2021 Duración: 06min
  • Good sex, Bad relationship

    29/12/2020 Duración: 08min
  • I'm going Skydiving

    25/12/2020 Duración: 06min
  • Stop the Manipulation

    22/12/2020 Duración: 14min
  • Stop Being Lukewarm

    09/12/2020 Duración: 11min
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