Women Seeking Wholeness



It is a sacred duty to express your sovereign soul and be yourself! Women learn through community; through the shared voices of other women. In this podcast, I bring in top experts, and we go deep. We offer bold, compassionate, to-the-point, and sometimes challenging conversations integrating the Sacred Feminine, emotional healing, mothering, authentic spirituality, natural health & fempreneur-ing for ladies with souls on fire to shine, heal & lead. These are interesting times for women. We are coming out of the longest Dark Ages in earth's history (the squelching and silencing of The Feminine). This is YOUR time, sister. Listen in!


  • 057: The New Science of Weight Loss for Women

    29/01/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    What is happening with this whole weight loss/weight gain ping-pong cycle inside our female bodies?  And why is nutrition NOT taught in medical schools as a healing agent – as actual medicine – for these bodies of ours? Mary Claire Haver, MD went from being a full-time OB/GYN physician to an entrepreneur and certified Culinary Medicine Specialist. Hormonal dysregulation, fatigue and weight loss resistance were issues she saw continuously with female patients in her practice.  My discussion with Mary Claire centers on effective, permanent, science AND holistic-backed weight loss. Link to this episode is in the comments below!  (SUBSCRIBE to Women Seeking Wholeness on iTunes, Spotify and all other podcast platforms) In this episode: Why you can’t just “wing” nutrition; why it requires structure What happens in our early 40’s, physiologically, that makes weight management more challenging A simple way of eating that releases weight quickly and permanently, as a lifestyle. “The data is strong and getting better

  • 056: Connecting to a Loved One Beyond the Veil

    22/01/2020 Duración: 01h25min

    Grief is a major soul-destabilizer, yet has the power to catapult a person’s spiritual development---IF the person can access the right supports. Have you lost a loved one and fear you’ll 'never get over it'?  This kills hope, yet is what the majority of the bereaved (particularly those who’ve lost a child) live with. Erin Chandler is a bereaved mother, bereavement coach and two-time bestselling author. She uses an unconventional yet effective method to help grieving humans move beyond the sorrow and learn to connect with their loved one, uncovering true peace amidst devastating loss. Link to this episode is in the comments below!  (SUBSCRIBE to Women Seeking Wholeness on iTunes, Spotify and all other podcast platforms) In this episode: How the loss of a loved one is only one facet of what the bereaved are grieving. How traditional societal expectations and ways of dealing with grief are dysfunctional and leave many drowning in grief for years. How connecting with Spirit is EVERYONE'S inborn gift and birthri

  • 055: Inviting & Embodying the Queen

    15/01/2020 Duración: 01h50s

    Ever wonder why you have a natural fascination with “The Crown”? We’re all secretly wanting to embody aspects of a higher, more benevolent, beautiful and authentically powerful way of being …but how is this embraced?  The Queen merely awaits our invitation! Sandra Rogers, M.A., LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist whose book “Inviting the Queen: An Emerging Archetype for Women at Midlife” helps women align with this archetypal energy to access their innate power and skills to enhance and deepen their lives.  Link to this episode is in the comments below!  (SUBSCRIBE to Women Seeking Wholeness on iTunes, Spotify and all other podcast platforms) In this episode: We live about 30 years longer than our foremothers at the turn of the 20th century.  Today, most women are still active and viable and can live many more years.  Therefore, a new archetype – The Queen – with its attendant energy, is needed for this new life stage. Through the years, women have developed many skills and abilities. They are now ready to m

  • 054: The Wound Every Woman Carries

    08/01/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    Dr. Valerie Rein has discovered Patriarchy Stress Disorder (PSD) and created the only science-backed system for helping women achieve their ultimate success, happiness, and fulfillment by healing the collective, INHERITED TRAUMA of OPPRESSION. She holds an EdM in Psychological Counseling from Columbia University and a PhD in Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. In this episode: Why and how she discovered PSD (Patriarchy Stress Disorder) How is PSD the invisible inner barrier to women's happiness and fulfillment? What are the symptoms of PSD? How does a woman know she experiences it? Can we heal from PSD? How do we do it? In light of her discovery of PSD, what is her message to men? Connect with Dr. Valerie: Go to www.DrValerie.com for her Patriarchy Stress Disorder book, as well as resources, speaking inquiries, newsletter, and to be notified of upcoming programs.  Be sure and register for Cherie’s January 30th STAND SPEAK SHINE SCHOOL!  www.standspeakshine.com   ABOUT: Cherie Burton i

  • 053: Understanding the Divine Feminine

    01/01/2020 Duración: 42min

    Happy New Year, New Decade and New Era of the Feminine! I get asked all the time, “What exactly does Divine Feminine mean?”  Is it one being, several beings, an energy, a presence…what? In this episode, I explore the meaning, as I have come to understand it, and invite you to explore how She comes through for YOU. The link to my recording is in comments below! In this episode:   The “A.R.C.” of Creation and how it aligns with The Feminine   How females have been written out of pivotal historical events…and how “herstory” is massively being rewritten (we are embarking upon a new way/new era; history/ “herstory” in the making!) What the Greek terms “nous” and “anthropos” mean, and how they are relevant to Christ and Mary Magdalene’s teachings (thus, relevant to you, right now) Join our Facebook Group “Women Seeking Wholeness” for weekly live teachings and a wonderful community of deep-diving, like-minded souls!   Registration for my Stand Speak Shine School, launching Jan 30, 2020, is in full swing.

  • 052: Accessing & Activating Body Wisdom

    25/12/2019 Duración: 55min

    First of all, Merry Christmas!  I saved this episode for this special day because self-nourishment and self-care is the highest and holiest GIFT you give to God, Self and Others. What is inner body wisdom and what does it have to do with getting in touch with your innate needs?  How often do you ask yourself, “What do I want?” “What is it that I need?” “What do I like?” These are not selfish questions… they are actually VITAL to address and explore in order for you to be in your “knowing” and to feel alive in your body! This beautiful personal “Devotional Self Care” mentor of mine from Her Mystery School, Jasmine Patten, has a super real conversation with me about living a life of alignment, grace and ease vs. stress, exhaustion and burnout.  She is a sought-after “spirited business” and self-care coach for creative entrepreneurs and freedom-loving women. Her passion is supporting women to work less and live more through getting in touch with their own inner wisdom by creating systems for efficiency and rhyth

  • 051: The Lessons of Betrayal

    18/12/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    How would it feel if your husband of 16 years confessed he’d had an affair with another woman… and also fathered a child with her? For Valerie Nordquist, the sun stopped; it was a soul shock. This was 5 years ago – and with time, has now given her space to dive deep into how marital infidelity was the catalyst to open her heart and shift her perspective about herself and relationships.  Misery wasn’t working for her. Bitterness, blame and anger didn’t resonate, so she had to find a different way to be. She realized it was a beautiful opportunity to extend compassion and grace -- how all of it was happening FOR her rather than TO her.  It rendered her passionate about rediscovering her spirituality.  In this episode: What personal sovereignty and sovereignty in relationships means Where grace comes in: “We are not a collection of all of our sins.” Is it possible we each “call in” excruciating experiences our soul needs for its highest growth? How does delving deep within start to uncover your intuitive, “wild

  • 050: Developing a Phenomenal Relationship with Yourself

    11/12/2019 Duración: 59min

    How do you actually, truthfully, authentically LOVE you? Through choosing to prioritize self-honor. As women, we tend to compromise ourselves, censor ourselves and live a life of “shoulds.”  This was “dripped” to us from birth and it is absolutely a form of self-betrayal! It no longer serves us! Tracy Litt is a Mindset Coach - Best Selling Author of the book, WORTHY HUMAN and a sought-after Speaker. The most profound growth comes when we peel back the layers and really ask ourselves, “Where do I not feel satiated in my life? Where am I not showing up authentically?”  We give our generative self-honor reserves AWAY. “If I was more (or less) of _____, this wouldn’t have happened to me/this person wouldn’t have ______.” What do you actually want to feel and how can you create a daily life that allows you to feel more of it? If you are the obstacle, you are the answer. In this episode: How to “back up and believe your worth”! (the most important key to transformation) Feeling you have to earn your worth drives S

  • 049: The Bravery to Be Who You Are

    04/12/2019 Duración: 34min

    It’s been awhile since I’ve recorded a solo episode! If you’ve been tuning in to Women Seeking Wholeness, you’ll know that I’ve had some unique and diverse interviews with powerful women in recent weeks.  I’m flat-out inspired by people who show up unapologetically for THEMSELVES and then express with courage what they have come to know! In this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve come to KNOW on the topic of being YOURSELF.

  • 048: A Woman’s Body & the Healing Power of Mythological Archetypes

    27/11/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Did you know there are thousands of years of stories and patterns that exist in our psyches that literally affect responses within our bodies? These patterns are called archetypes. Cultures generate an image that capture these patterns, in the form of characters we deeply connect with. These “characters” can literally help to facilitate healing in our bodies. Dr. Jaffa Vernon Frank is an archetypal mythologist, licensed mental health counselor, author, and a woman with over 40 years of experience living with endometriosis. She holds a Ph.D. in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology and an M.A. in Counseling with an emphasis in Grief, Loss, and Trauma therapy. Jaffa teaches courses in the psychology of altruism, archetypes, and the evolution of consciousness at Southwestern College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her book is called Eyes of the Gorgon: Endometriosis, Mythic Embodiment, and Freedom. In this episode: Her near-death experience, after losing twin sons and suffering an aggressive battle with disease lo

  • 047: Leveraging Fear into Bravery

    20/11/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    It is impossible NOT to feel fear; its powerful charge works potently in and around us. It is what you DO with arising fear – how you manage it this potency – which makes or breaks your level of happiness and fulfillment.  You own the fear, or it owns you! Heather Vickery is an award-winning entrepreneur, business owner and success coach. Her books, “The Brave Files” Podcast Show and transformational coaching approach help clients leverage fear and turn it into intentional bravery. After a major life transformation and divorce, her world was turned upside down. Suddenly the mother of four had the freedom to be her most authentic self, which empowered her with the confidence she needed to repair, rebuild, and relearn who she was.  “When you look for the blessings, there are more blessings to find.”  The link to our super interesting episode is in the comments!   In this episode: Is “feel the fear and do it anyway” good advice? The life-changing power of a GRATITUDE practice (literally changes your brain and a

  • 046: How Angels Work with Us

    13/11/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    We’ve all heard of angels.  But have you ever wondered just how “present” and engaged angels are in your everyday existence?  Soulful business strategist, mom, speaker, writer, healer, and intuitive Ashlee Miller has had an interesting journey learning about – and experiencing - the angelic realm.  She felt called to get up early in the morning, years ago, to embark on an intensive study…which has led to amazing assignments and beautiful synchronicities. The take-home message for me:  THEY ARE AWAITING OUR ASSIGNMENTS! They await our invitation. The link to our super interesting episode is in the comments!   In this episode: Accessibility of angels for all of us – beyond protection and comfort Accessing Angels  Intentions with Angels Purpose of Angels and how they work Angel experiences Angel Lists   Drum roll…I just announced my Stand Speak Shine School for 2020 and spots are filling up.

  • 045: My Family's Story: Breaking Patterns of Mental Illness (A Discussion with My Sisters) Pt 1

    06/11/2019 Duración: 51min

    [Revisit one of the first episodes of the Women Seeking Wholeness Podcast. If you are interested in checking out the Part II of this episode, click here!] Mental health, depression, and abuse are real issues and those who are suffering desperately need our help. Today I am joined by my two surviving sisters, Robin and Taunia, to dive into our own family history with suicide, abuse and the struggle for mental health and clarity. We are opening up about losing our sister Shawna, our shared and individual childhood traumas, and why we are passionate about stopping the family pattern. This is an intense episode about getting real and helping those in need. We identify patterns in our familial lineage, explaining the navigating factors of domestic abuse, and reliving the moment we knew Shawna was gone. While a difficult and emotional topic, these issues are necessary to bring to the surface to help others who are experiencing something similar. If you are looking for insights to help you get onto the path to hea

  • 044: The Depth & Beauty of Life Transitions

    30/10/2019 Duración: 01h51min

    Are you struggling with a painful transition in your life - grieving or suffering around a major decision - and are truly concerned with how it will be perceived by others? What if…this is exactly what your soul is trying to bring to you: RELEASING the voices of others? (Allowing you to fully hear the voice of God, in whatever way, shape or form you define this). My soul friend Leah Young believes that we are cradled by a Universe that conspires in our favor, bringing circumstances and relationships to stretch our souls, which are yearning for our growth. Having an unexpected, life-altering transition has helped Leah to slow down and become more attuned to this way of being, thinking and feeling. She bravely stepped out of “hustling for worthiness” in religion (trying to become more, do more, be more, serve more, more, more, more) and into authentic spirituality (realizing that the “more” she was striving for has always been within her; she just needed to tune in, slow down and rediscover it.) Leah is now a T

  • 043: The Art of Magnetic Feminine Presence

    23/10/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    “How do we reconcile our fear of truly being seen?” “How do we dissolve self-consciousness so it doesn’t stop us from what our heart is calling us to do?” This inspiring conversation with Rachael Jayne Groover shares surprising discoveries that arose at the intersection of her studies and teachings in psychology, spirituality, and somatics. She presents ways to elevate your ability to communicate in a magnetic way, to live with a consistent inner peace and quiet mind. Rachael Jayne is the creator of the Art of Feminine Presence® and The Awakening trainings. She is the author of the best-selling books Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention You Want and Divine Breadcrumbs: A Search for True Love and Enlightenment.  LISTEN to our interview and/or SUBSCRIBE here: https://cherieburton.com/category/womenseekingwholeness/ In this episode: Fear of being seen and how to dissolve that fear for good The importance of EMBODIMENT in the spiritual awakening journey The 4 L

  • 042: Feminine Reinvention After the Dark Night of the Soul

    16/10/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    What is the Dark Night of the Soul? I’ve been speaking pretty openly about my sojourn through this, and I think this interview with LiYana Silver lays it out beautifully.  LiYana’s developed programs that help women transform self-doubt and stop self-criticism & second-guessing, so that they feel comfortable in their skin, clear about their worth, at home in their lives, and naturally trust themselves (even when other people might think they’re nuts).  She is the author of FEMININE GENIUS: The Provocative Path to Waking Up and Turning On the Wisdom of Being a Woman.  Our discussion centers around moving through painful “initiations” into our purpose and power…mining through the dark parts of ourselves and the distortion around us, to fully allow our true selves to shine forth. LISTEN to our interview and/or SUBSCRIBE here: https://cherieburton.com/category/womenseekingwholeness/ In this episode: What we need to be aware of when we want to reinvent ourselves and our lives — especially after a transition,

  • 041: So, You Just Found Out You’re a Healer…Now What?

    09/10/2019 Duración: 01h06s

    I’ve been saying for years that most people are afraid of healing and that’s why, as a collective, we aren’t healing. Many special women are awakening to certain gifts and wonder, “Is this legit?”  “Am I being deceived by the ‘dark side’?” “If this is real and from God, what do I do with it?” My healer friend, fellow woman of faith, and author Marlo Andersen, grappled with these kinds of questions to herself, and to God, as did I.  Like probably many of you, we are mothers who’ve felt a continual stirring inside, fueled by a deep desire to connect to our Creator and serve humanity through our innate – and developing – spiritual gifts. Once you wake up to this – and to your true mission – you cannot fall back to sleep.  The world needs you, and the Universe is calling you to The Work.   LISTEN to our interview and/or SUBSCRIBE here: https://cherieburton.com/category/womenseekingwholeness/ In this episode: There is a treasure trove inside you that isn't yet uncovered, and it is a revealing, uncovering, expans

  • 040: Giving YOURSELF Permission

    02/10/2019 Duración: 45min

    What are you waiting for, to step into your divine purpose and the life of your dreams?  Hear from author of A Little Book of Permission, Susie Sourwine, all the way from beautiful SCOTLAND. In the last year, Susie has completely reorganized her life to prioritize having conversations about the way learning to give ourselves permission will change our lives… and when we as coaches, teachers, parents and leaders teach it and centralize our work around it, we change our influence.  And we change the world. She calls this “rewilding your life.” LISTEN to our interview and/or SUBSCRIBE here: https://cherieburton.com/category/womenseekingwholeness/ In this episode: What actually is this thing “PERMISSION” we are supposed to give ourselves to take action and create the change we want in our lives?   Why giving ourselves permission is so difficult for women and how can we develop that muscle in ourselves and others.   How it is just as important to declutter our thoughts and beliefs about our obligations as it is

  • 039: The Sourcing of Deep Feminine Sovereignty

    25/09/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    Jumana Sophia’s work articulates the soul road of womanhood and the nobility, the eternal rightness and the incorruptible beauty of female sexuality and sacred femininity.  She writes, “This is a time of remembrance, and my work will foster an intimacy with yourself that is True. That feels like Home.” Jumana and I went deep in our discussion about what it really means to be an authentic woman; to let it emerge and to express as it naturally longs to.  We talk of how women steward the “womb of the world” and underestimate their power in just BEING.     In this episode: What is the healthiest, highest-vibe definition of “worthiness”? How do periods of transition in our lives become initiations into the unfolding of our true natures? What is the fulness of womanhood? (Hint: it has much to do with our natural creative force, a generative power which seeks to express through us) How does self-nourishment and SELF-THRIVING produce the highest kind of service to others? How the Feminine hides and veils herself fro

  • 038: THE COURAGE TO LEAVE: The Story of Warren Jeff’s 65th Wife

    18/09/2019 Duración: 01h29min

    Where are you trapped in your life and what is keeping you from breaking free?  Briell Decker Blanchart will inspire you with her FASCINATING survival story, featured in CNN, The Guardian, and Inside Edition. She escaped from a polygamous cult, literally breaking herself out of a locked-up room in a “Repentance House.” The cult’s prophet was Warren Jeffs, to whom she was “given to” as a teenager.  Warren had over 70 wives and concubines before his arrest and incarceration. Briell was groomed, programmed, even tortured to stay obedient from the time she was a young girl. Eventually she allowed herself to question, use her voice and wake up.  Now, she is writing a book, speaking out, and is involved in 4 non profits involved in cult recovery and complex trauma solutions. Polygamy has been a charged topic for me since my childhood.  Briell and I will be working together in the future to empower and support women in these communities who are awakening and transitioning. LISTEN to our interview and/or SUBSCRIBE he

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