Mother The Mother



Discussions of the many facets of Motherhood, with a particular focus on the Postpartum journey. You've had the baby - now what?! As told from a Doulas perspective, helping women to empower themselves from fertility through to postpartum. Sharing ways for women to be supported in order to heal, thrive and kill the mom game.


  • 038 | Documentary Filmmaking, Running for Every Mother Counts + Midwifery | with Clancy McCarty

    11/12/2019 Duración: 01h20min

    Clancy McCarty began her career in maternal health by co-producing maternal health advocate Christy Turlington’s debut documentary film, ( about why the U.S. is the worst developed country to give birth in. Now she’s on a new adventure as a student nurse-midwife, learning new skills to continue her mission of addressing the systematic issues affecting women around the world, such as basic human rights for every person and reproductive justice. Clancy is an artist, an inspiration, and a beam of light who is here to make changes and make the world better, and I am so honored to share that light with all of you today! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Instagram: ( Watch CNN’s Documentary Series Giving Birth in America: ( Learn more at

  • 037 | Interview with my Dream Podcast Expander and Working Mom Inspiration | Elise Loehnen

    04/12/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Elise Loehnen is the Chief Content Officer at goop, co-host of The goop Podcast, and just a huge inspiration to me over the years. I am so grateful for all of the incredible interviews she’s shared with us and how she is always standing in her femininity, empowered and powerful. I also think she’s a fantastic role model for all of the working mothers out there who are committed to doing everything without sacrificing their relationship with their children or their passions. Elise is just one of many women who are bringing us together and connecting us in new ways via the internet, and I love that I can be even a small part of that movement and lineage as well. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( Listen: The goop Podcast (https:/

  • 036 | Birth Worker Genes + How Pregnancy Changes Everything | with Raegan Loston

    27/11/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Raegan Loston shares how pregnancy has shifted how she approaches being a Reiki practitioner, breathwork facilitator, and birth doula. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Breathwork: ( Doula: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 035 | My First Panchakarma Experience | Real Talk

    20/11/2019 Duración: 32min

    Panchakarma is like an Ayurvedic cleanse that resets the body, mind, and spirit through the use of medicinal ghee, an herbal purge, and a specific diet that slowly brings the body back into balance. I had heard a lot of varying experiences from other people, so I didn’t really know what to expect, but I am so grateful for this powerfully shifting and re-centering experience. Note: If you want to do Panchakarma, it is important that you work with an Ayurvedic practitioner that you trust and who will work with you as an individual. Ayurveda is a very specific medicine and science, and this wisdom has been honed over thousands of years. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( ( by Achary

  • 034 | Spirit Baby Readings + Conscious Motherhood | with Sufi Ertur

    13/11/2019 Duración: 01h36min

    Sufi Ertur is a dear friend, another OG doula in the LA community, and a medium who offers these incredible baby readings. Her work is vast and, appropriately, we talk about a LOT in this episode! From navigating joy to her work as both a birth and postpartum doula to soul cartography, this episode goes every which way and I am so happy to share this wild and wonderful woman with all of you. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 033 | An OG Doula + Spice Creatrix | with Nicole Rice

    06/11/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    About 15 years ago, Nicole Rice traded in her career as a fashion PR and marketing executive to pioneer a new path in the wellness world. She became a doula and Ayurvedic educator, one of the first in LA, helping to empower the mothers and the birth community before it was cool. Nicole also co-founded Countertop Foods ( , which draws upon Ayurvedic wisdom to create spice-powered honey, ghee, and seasoning blends that don’t compromise flavor or your health. Learn more at ( Resources: Check out Countertop Foods ( Instagram: ( ( by Oscar Serrallach Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 032 | Birth + The First 40 Days Experience | in Bed with Christen Delaney + Her 17-Day-Old Baby

    30/10/2019 Duración: 56min

    You might remember Christen Delaney from episode 22, in which we discussed Christen’s incredible jewelry business and plans for her upcoming pregnancy. Well, now the baby is out and Christen is honoring the sacred 40-day period by nesting in bed — so we recorded a conversation all about her birth and postpartum experiences, live from that very bed! I’m so passionate about sharing these stories in real-time because that’s when it’s most honest and real. So, I am honored + thankful that Christen inviting us into her space to enjoy this hour with her and learn from her journey. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( Facebook: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 031 | Finding the Light: Healing Motherhood Wounds Through the Lense of a Camera | with Nicki Sebastian

    23/10/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Nicki Sebastian is an incredible photographer who uses her camera to capture the beauty and chaos of motherhood, and if you haven’t seen her series of motherhood portraits yet you really need to check them out on Instagram: @motherhoodportraits ( .  Nicki is so gifted at finding and capturing the most beautiful moments of motherhood, using her photography as both a gift to others and a source of healing in her own motherhood journey. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: ( Instagram: @nickisebastian ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 030 | Decluttering Space and Mind + Learning New Words | Real Talk

    16/10/2019 Duración: 43min

    There’s just so much deep, deep stuff going on in the world right now, and it’s been forcing me to delve deep into my own psyche to look for answers — so, today, I invite you to join me on this journey. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 029 | Intentionally Bringing the Light to Motherhood + the Corporate World | with Trish Moreno

    08/10/2019 Duración: 52min

    I invite you all to get centered at the beginning of this week’s episode before you get inspired by the incredible Trish Moreno, President/CEO and Creative Director of Little Giraffe, a luxury baby brand I’m sure most parents are already familiar with. I’ve known Trish for over a decade now, and whether it’s as a mother, as a friend, or as a badass woman in the working world, I just vibe so hard with everything she does! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Check out ( Instagram: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 028 | Creating a Firm Foundation for Motherhood | with Perinatal Mental Health Therapist Abby Burd

    02/10/2019 Duración: 01h17min

    We start today’s episode with a short breathing exercise that will help you take a moment to recenter — because it’s so powerful what we can do, even with just three breaths, when we put intention behind our actions! Then we move into an incredible interview with Perinatal Mental Health Therapist Abby Burd, who has spent nearly two decades helping clients overcome anxiety, depression, substance abuse, issues with self-esteem, and more. But Abby is a proud mama first, and she integrates her passion for motherhood with her profession to support other pregnant and postpartum women.  I just met her two days before our episode, but she is a person who uses her voice to lift up and empower pregnant and postpartum women — and that is a person whose voice I want to share! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Prevent Postpartum Depression online course: pre

  • 027 | Ayurvedic Healing for All Stages of Womanhood + Motherhood | with Julie Bernier

    25/09/2019 Duración: 56min

    Julie Bernier is an Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher who I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with to develop my own Ayurvedic practice. I love who approachable, warm, and welcoming she is — holding all of this ancient knowledge for us but, at the same time, just talking to you like one of the girls. So, she’s been a transformative person on my journey as a mother and a healer, and I am so excited for you all to meet her! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 026 | Art of Motherhood: Pregnancy Sculptures + Intentionally Creating Your Family Values | with Christina Justiz Roush

    18/09/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Christina Justiz Roush isn’t a birth worker in the traditional sense — but, in her own unique and incredible way, she does oh so very much for mothers! Because Christina is a visual artist whose work is grounded in the feminine. After graduating college, she worked for the acclaimed sculpture artist Carole Feuerman and learned the difficult and delicate art of live casting and sculpture finishing. Today, she uses that technique to create these remarkable live-cast pregnancy sculptures! Words really don’t do it justice. You have to check out her Instagram account ( @c_justiz_r ( ) and see the process of making these things. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( (

  • 025 | Sacred Stone Adornment | with Savannah King

    11/09/2019 Duración: 58min

    Savannah King is a goldsmith, a stone sorceress, a healer, a strong Scoprio Sister, and a dear friend. Today, I am so excited to share her insight and her story, and I am so happy I could bring her on as my first guest in the new space—already, I can tell the energy here is better for it! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: ( Facebook: ( ( by Jacqueline Freeman Mother the Mother is a production of (

  • 024 | Navigating Change + Attachment / Detachment | Real Talk

    04/09/2019 Duración: 34min

    This is the first episode I’ve recorded in the new house... and it feels pretty surreal. It’s a truly interesting moment of time in my journey, so I’m glad that I can take a few minutes to sit in the moment and share that with all of you. : ) I also want to take this opportunity to start a conversation about some of the things that are bubbling up in our communities. Because I know that if I’m feeling something coming up, and so many of my close friends are, then many of you are as well. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 023 | Eclipse Season + Manifestation + Expansion | Real Talk

    21/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Today, I want to check in and reflect on the last couple of months. We went through two eclipses and Mercury in retrograde... and it’s been intense, to say the least! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 022 | Making Jewelry & Babies | with Christen Delaney of CAM Jewelry

    14/08/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Christen Delaney is an LA-based jewelry designer, tea goddess, and soon-to-be mother of two – and I have the wonderful opportunity to be her Postpartum Doula this September! She’s an awesome woman, a fantastic mom, and I am so inspired by her work + the creativity that she shares with the world every day. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: Facebook: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 021 | In Business for Mothers | with Erin Erenberg

    07/08/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    Erin Erenberg is the founder of Totum Women, a company created to serve women as they enter motherhood, whether for the first or fourteenth time. They offer lactation cookies for new mothers, but Totum is so much more than that – it is a community that new mothers can come to for the support and resources they need in the postpartum period. We all deserve to love our postpartum, and I love that that is part of the intention behind Totum. Erin is an incredible businessperson who all birth workers can learn a little from, a wonderful mother, and a new friend that I am so happy to share with all of you today : ) Other things shared in this episode: Postpartum guilt + shame Bringing a business mind into this industry Finding your sense of purpose in motherhood Masculine Vs. Feminine polarity Feeling a lack of confidence as a mother Birth workers being overworked and burnt out is so last year Limiting beliefs around being a mother + starting a business Why Erin started with cookies Erin’s birth experiences Creatin

  • 020 | Yoga Nidra for Peace & Health within Motherhood + Family Expansion | with Jana Roemer

    31/07/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    After 20 years of traveling and studying with respected teachers and nearly a decade in the role of teacher, Jana Roemer settled down in CA to share what she learned about yoga, astrology, and birth with the lovely people of Venice. She is a Midwife of Awakening, guiding people to find answers through their inner voice – ironically, by falling asleep (sorta). One of the practices that Jana teaches is called Yoga Nidra, which is the practice of Yogic Sleep. This ancient practice has you laying down in Savasana, eventually learning to not just fall asleep but enter an altered state of awareness where you learn more about yourself. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: Get a FREE of Astro Nidras session: Jana on Insight Timer: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 019 | Expanding the Family + Postpartum Healing in Hindsight + Setting Yourself Up To Thrive | with The Mother Loving Future

    24/07/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    I had the honor of sitting down with Amber L'Estrange and Jenna Pennrose the dynamic duo behind The Mother Loving Future, an incredible podcast about life at the intersection of conscious living and parenting. We talk all about the journey from one kid to two, the realities of life as a mother just trying to find any semblance of balance, creating conscious partnerships, and reflect on our postpartum shifts and what we might do differently in the future – plus, they reveal some EXCITING news about The Mother Loving Future! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Listen: The Mother Loving Future Show Instagram: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

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