Not Daily Podcast

Bioshock and Is a post-files world inevitable?



Going back over our last episode, we wonder if we spend too long talking about main characters, as opposed to background NPCs, and then ask the real question: what is the main storyline of the real world?We follow that up with Bioshock: it is a cult classic that we both didn’t try until fairly recently, and even though this genre of games doesn’t suit either of us, there’s still plenty to be said about the Bioshock universe and the philosopher that inspired it.Finally, we go back to our tech/productivity side, continuing in a way the discussion from episode 6. Seeing that operating systems have lately abstracted the storage away from the user, is it the death of the file system? It seems that retrieval within a huge blob is more suited for the human brain, and successes like smartphones or Gmail seem to lean that way. But is there no redeeming qualities to a structured file system? Are we doomed to let all our data sit in a huge mix of everything, or is there still hope for the file-sorting lovers?Join us on: