Not Daily Podcast

Machine Learning and What do we do with people's comments?



We're back after this little summer break with a slightly different format! We've always thought of this podcast as a dialogue between us and you, so we're shooting for more interactivity! From now on, we're not recording in advance anymore, so that we can answer all the comments you leave us here, on twitter or at episode is mainly focused on addressing all the comments we've received from episode 1 to 6 so we can start this format from a clean slate!But before that, Yoann introduces us to the GPT2 machine learning algorithm that he trained on a corpus of his writings. You can find all the details in his blog post, and Vlad's reactions in this episode! Feel free to try it out, it's very easy!And please let us know what you think of this new format, because it cannot function without you :) If you're trying out GPT2 in particular, share your experiments and thoughts, we're super curious!