Spiritpreneur School: Spiritual Business For Entrepreneurs

Face Your Inner Bully Assignment



UNBLOCK YOUR MAGIC || Spiritpreneur Unblocked Energy Shift Day 10 of 14! Today is the Facing Your Inner Bully Challenge. This is actually a 2 day assignment as tomorrow it becomes Meeting Your Inner Wise Woman. Yes! - We all have an Inner Bully, some call it an Inner Critic or an Inner Mean Girl, an Inner Bitch or Inner Monster. Perhaps like mine, yours is compounded by anxiety or other challenges. It's that voice inside that says, who do you think you are, get off the stage, don't embarrass yourself, they're going to laugh at you. Your inner critic is keeping you safely in your comfort zone and afraid to take the risks that will catapult you to your greatness. - We have to face this voice if we ever want the peace, happiness, success, abundance and joy that is our. birthright. Otherwise you can have game, success, money and a stage and be miserable. This is why we see so many of our beloved celebs miserable and taking drugs to try to silence those inner demons and voices. - We begin today by literally making