The Simply Human Podcast -- Simple Fitness, Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, Fitness and Fat loss adv...

#187 Dr. Lynn Marie Morski Interview & Summer Love Talk



On today's show it's Dr Lynn Marie Morski -- physician, attorney, speaker, author, and...lifelong quitter. As the Founder of Quitting By Design, Lynn Marie is on a mission to help people carve out a successful life through strategic quitting to inform their life’s true purpose and path. Her new book, ‘Quitting by Design’, released in September 2018. They talk to Lynn Marie about an incredible Aerosmith story, video editing, sports medicine, Rob Gronkowski, the Arizona Diamondbacks, difference between quitting and giving up, things you can do to help you quit, the sunk cost fallacy of quitting, is massage masking your bigger problem?, and lots more!  Before they talk to Lynn Marie -- Mark and Rick discuss a mutual summer love experience. Thanks for listening! STUFF THEY TALK ABOUT: Quitting by Design (Amazon link) Quitopia (facebook) Youtube quitting by design Quit Happens Podcast The Simply Human Kids page The Simply Human MOMS page The Simply Human YouTu