

On today’s show we interview Shelley Hackler, a home birthing expert -- listen to episode 29 when Shelley was mentioned as the object of Rick brother Rob’s affection in the Humans Being Human segment. Then it’s another Humans Being Human segment and the “I Got Crabs” story from Darcy. We wrap up with our Simply Human Tip of the Week which is -- your body is designed to burn fat for fuel, and we answer a listener question about transitioning from being a carb burner to a fat burner. We talk to Shelley about midwifery, Ironman vs. delivering a baby, eating for two, movement patterns during pregnancy, squatting, Yoga and pregnancy, incontinence, Kegel exercises, what to do when you’re trying, Shelley’s story, things that can stop the reproduction cycle, the balance between medicine and natural, birthing centers, and sleeping on your side. Before we talk to Shelley, Rick and I discuss some uncomfortable running tights, Rick’s car was recently mistaken for a pile of garbage, Mark valeting a minivan, Rick gets on t