Fuse 8 N' Kate

Episode 254 - Bear Snores On



While we acknowledge that the year 2023 has arrived, we could resist considering one last 2002 title. As you know, we've a cap on considering any book younger than 20 years old, and as of 2022 this Wilson/Chapman collab fit the bill. It's cold outside and a story of FOMO and snuggly bear caves seemed to fit the bill. We consider the book that launched a thousand other Bear books. Anyone who can rhyme "lair" with "bear" has earned our trust. Show Notes: If you'd like to read the interview with Karma Wilson that I reference, take a trip over to Read. Learn. Repeat: https://readlearnrepeat.blog/2018/04/22/interview-with-author-karma-wilson/ For the full Show Notes be sure to visit: https://afuse8production.slj.com/2023/01/03/fuse-8-n-kate-bear-snores-on-by-karma-wilson-ill-jane-chapman/