Rebranded Christianity

The Sad Souls of Slain Civil Rights Leaders: The Un-justification of Black Discrimination, Racism, and Hatred



Is racism, discrimination, and hatred ever justified? As a Christian are you ever justified to repay evil with evil? The answer to both of these question is no; however, I have observed over the years many Black American Christians who believe that they are justified to carry racism, anger, offense, and even hatred towards white people because of what has happened in the United States. In this podcast, I discuss what I believe caused this and the problems it has created in Black American communities, and I review scriptures that show God's stance on discrimination and dealing with injustices as well as the Devil's plan in luring people into the trap of offense with the hope that my Black American brothers and sister in Christ will see that by emptying our hearts of racism, discrimination and resentment and allowing God's love to flow through us, we can be the change that is so desperately needed in Black American communities.