Rebranded Christianity

Adam's Boys and God's Sons: Souls of Conflicted Men



Our world, for centuries, has embraced universally beliefs about the nature of men. This belief system is best captured by the phrase: Traditional Masculine Philosophy. Traditional beliefs about manhood cross over national, religious, and generational boundaries because they affirm the rebellious nature humanity has inherited from our fallen father, Adam. This podcast is the foundational teaching for the Adam's Boys series where I discuss the deception that is traditional masculine philosophy by exposing the fact that this philosophy is viewed as Divine truth, when, in fact, there is nothing Divine about it. The purpose of this podcast and the Adam's Boys series overall is to present manhood as patterned after two very different natures: God's divine nature and Adam's fallen nature. The goal is for a man to see that traditional beliefs about manhood affirm him in the rebellious nature he inherited from Adam and to embrace manhood that reflects the image of God as God's son.