Video Games 2 The Max

Crisis Core FF 7 Reunion Impressions, The God of War TV Show Seems EPIC - VG2M # 333



Originally Recorded on 12/21/22. This is just a straight up goof. Sean thought he had posted the audio version and turns out he did not. Unfortunately, due to further personal issues for Sean, we haven’t been able to keep a set schedule, but at least we do have another episode of Video Games 2 the MAX for ya. Although the Game Awards have passed, there’s been quite a bit of fallout from it that isn’t just the announcements and awards, (although the guys are going to discuss some of their favorite things from it and about the show in general), such as the show doing incredibly well in viewership numbers, more information on some of the announcements, criticism towards Xbox for basically no showing the event, especially when their rivals did have announcements at the Game Awards, and more.Microsoft is seemingly making more strides in concessions to help the Activision-Blizzard deal go through, including offering Call of Duty on PS Plus and offering that 10-year deal as well. Then, there’s the other side of it w