Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

What is Your Neurological Profile? with Libby Kemkaran



Life Design is a field that I am incredibly passionate about. The ability to envision a future we want to create and then take intentional steps to get there is so POWERFUL.However, the path toward that future is a very individual one. Not everyone will face the same challenges, and we differ in the way we are motivated. Today, we're diving into a couple of frameworks that can help you understand yourself at a deeper level and make progress toward your biggest goals.Dr Libby Kemkaran was A lifelong student of Behavioral Psychology and Neuroassociative Conditioning she took the opportunity while at Cambridge to undertake a degree in Biological and Biomedical Science, with a major in behavior, specifically the neural mechanisms of behavior. Libby is a TEDx Speaker and Circle Host and delivers her 'TAME Your Brain' program of strategy and Neurocoaching to the corporate world leading change in Management, Communications, and Mindset for Success.Additional Resources:Blog post: Judgy McJudgersonEpisode