Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0338 | Discover What You Truly Desire in Life



My dad passed away from cancer when I was 11 years old. That one experience impacted me in all the ways you'd expect: grief, uncertainty, struggle. But, it was an unexpected lesson I learned decades after his death that was the true impact.I learned the importance of living life by design and not by default. Of living life in a way that is aligned to who I truly am, rather than living to fulfill other people's desires and expectations. I learned how precious this 1 shot at life is, and that I need to be responsible for crafting the road ahead.Today we're diving into the Life Design process and focusing on the first couple steps in the process. The Stanford Life Design Lab calls this process crafting your Odyssey.In today's episode, I'll talk about my personal journey to discovering the importance and power of life design. I'll give you a high-level overview of the whole process, then we'll dive deep into the first couple of stages.As a bonus, I've created a free activity for yo