Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0335 | Questions to Build Self-Awareness



Many of us believe that we are self-aware, but when we actually assess people, only about 10-15% of people actually are. Shocking huh?!Self-awareness is a skill that sits at the center of so many psychological strength concepts, and that is what we're digging into today.Be forewarned! Today's episode is an episode that you DO, not an episode that you passively listen to. It's meant to deepen your awareness of yourself by asking you questions meant to uncover nuance, insight, and connection. This one is for you if you're ready to go DEEP.Grab a journal, grab a pen, go for a walk, and liberally use the pause button on this one. Carve out some time, and dedicate it to getting to know yourself on a deeper level.Additional Resources:Listen to my interview with Dr. Steven Hayes, founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: https://www.peakmindpsychology.com/blog/0143Want to cultivate a better relationship with yourself? Here's how: https://www.peakmindpsychology.com/blog/0315Want to go even fur