Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Did You Hear What You Ate?



Today I talk about a way to be honest with yourself along with a new protein drink I'm trying and my first steps with a new rowing machine. WEIGH-INIn the last episode, I was 235.7, and in this episode, I'm at 235.2. While I would appreciate a larger number, I am grateful to be going in the right direction.SAY YOUR MEALS OUTLOUDIn the past, I've been in some weird health-related situations. When I said, "OK, I'm in my 50's, I have a tightness in my chest, and I'm having a hard time taking a deep breath" hear those words out loud inspired me to go to the hospital. When you hear yourself say, "I could drink some Huel right now and it will tie me over until dinner, or I can catch some hamburgers in the dive-thru, it can make your choices a little more easy to see (hear) which one is the better choice. You may hear it in your head, but hearing the words come out of your mouth can be more powerful and inspire you to make a better choice. HUEL?Huel is "Human Fuel." It'