Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Weight Loss Tips From Socrates



Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." With January in the books, what did you learn about yourself?I set six daily goals and with January in the books, I was successful 50.4% of the time. We all have to start someplace.80 oz of water 67%7 Hours of Sleep 67%Scale Went Down 58%Took a Multivitamin 54%30M of Exercise 42%1900 Calories 17%I started the month at 235.3 (a new record high for me) and I ended the month at 234.03. As I wanted to be 231, I was off from my goal, but I did lose (so it could be worse)Leave Yourself Some MarginI had a hard drive crash. So many times when I went to do something I had to start from scratch. In the end I'm getting my files back (4 TB of data thanks to Backblaze) but the 9 days without the files I need to operate really put a new level of stress on me that had me taking more trips to the kitchen. When I opened my Healthy Wage app, it let me know in very clear words, "I'm behind my goal." OK, we get that. That is over. Let's put it b